
Deal With A Devil [Pt 1]

"No one knows, you know?"

As those words danced in the air, Justin struggled to comprehend their meaning.

Perhaps this was because his heart was beating too fast, and the loud pounding in his head just wouldn't stop. He found himself barely clinging onto Ater's words.

This felt like a haze… a dream.

No, not a dream.

This had to be a nightmare.

He was helpless—paralyzed in sheer hopelessness—as he listened to Ater's words as the latter circled around him, like a shark swirling around the wounded prey in bloodied waters.

"Rey, Belle… all of them don't know about you yet. Not to the extent that I do, Justin Blake."

Saliva was stuck in Justin's throat, but he was too frightened to swallow.

"Now, if you do not wish to be exposed, then you will listen to me well and do as I say. Is that understood?" As Ater asked this, Justin made no response.

He simply froze there, blankly staring at the man.