
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasie
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30 Chs

The Twelve Gemini Twins (1)...

Deep in their hearts, the seed of worship that had been sown, germinated once more at this sight. It could be said that at this moment they were fully and finally at peace with this Enigma of a big brother and a master.

After Kean had sat the next in line was Kyrios, after he had sat the children came in. But they also had an order. 

According to common sense, they should have been that same age, but they were not.

They were all removed from their mother's womb at the same time, but like as if they were making up for the time they had lost, they all grew at different rates. And they were not born as a set of twelve children, no, they were born in pairs of two and it was very apparent by their nature, physical appearance and the way they interacted with each other.

It seemed that there was an order they should have been born to, and it was only after they grew that the order become apparent. 

The oldest of them appeared to be a pair of two boys. they looked to be twelve or thirteen years old. They had an uncanny resemblance to each other, one would be able to tell that they were twins just by looking at them. In fact one would not have been able to tell them apart if not for their different features.

They were both tall for children of their age. Just by their height they appeared to be fifteen years old, and it could be seen that they would be taller than Kyrios who was almost 7.8 feet tall.

They had the same lean build, and same handsome features, if not for the present state of frailness of their bodies they would have been stunning boys. they had the same skin color as Kyrios and even the resemblance was there. This would make one aware that they were family.

Everything down to the dot was the same, from the shape of features like the mouth, nose and fingers. But that is where their similarities ended, and the differences begun. Their hair and eyes were different.

They were seated on opposite sides of Kean on the tale.

The one on left hand side of Kean had a head filled with gem-black hair with chaotic streaks of blinding silver throughout his hair. He had an ever-present smirk on his lips, tempting whoever saw him, to want to beat him up.

The one on the right had gem-white hair with similar chaotic streaks of blinding silver throughout the hair. Unlike his brother, he had an ever-present warm smile at his lips, it seemed to invite in whoever saw him.

Both their eyes where quite an attractive sight to behold. One eye was completely black even to its sclera, with no pupils or irises only spots of blinding silver that shined like silver stars. Or like silver diamonds on a black sandy beach.

The other's eyes were completely white sparkling with blinding silver spots looking like silver stars in a white sky. One would almost miss them if they did not look properly.

They shared the same eyes, but the placement was different for each, the boy with black hair had the black eye in his right and the white eye in his left. As for the boy with white hair, his black eye was in his left and the white eye in his right.

Just their appearance alone was thought provoking. And it seemed that from there their similarities continued, to no end. Their gait, disposition, mannerism, manner of speech, even their voices were the same. They were like the depth of space and the vastness of the void. They were magnetic even for their age.

Their resemblance in everything could drive their observers mad.

The next set was a set of girls. Who looked to be ten or eleven years old, looking only slightly younger than their brothers.

Justn like their brother's, their resemblance was uncanny. But different from their brother's confident disposition, these girls were quite reserved. Almost a little bit too reserved.

In fact, among all their siblings, they spoke less but whenever they spoke, it spooked out the others. They always spoke things that they could not understand or things that scared them to no end.

Their hands were always hidden deep within their fur robes, almost like as if they were afraid to show the world their hands.

The girl who sat on the right had hair that was a mixture between bone white and milky grey, but you would miss the pale streaks of different colors in it. This made her hair seem almost ethereal and yet ghostly at the same time.

She had eyes that looked just like her hair, no pupils or irises. But unlike her hair, you could actually see the swirls of different colors. They were like innumerable colored threads swimming in a chaotic tide of a ghostly grey-white river. 

Other than her hair, she had varying degrees of expressions on her face, they changed like the direction of the wind. It was a chaotic jump between expressions, she could be joyous, she could be sad, she could angry, she could be in sorrow.

The changes in her expression had no control, and when they tried to ask her about it she just said she did not know.

The girl on the left had a head of purple-gold and blue-black hair looking like dreaming clouds. The way it floated with no wind was a thing of wonders. Her eyes, like her hair, had a chaotic flux of purple-gold and blue-black clouds. No pupils nor irises were present in her eyes just like her sister and brothers.

Unlike her sister, her face was impassive and uncaring. She was like one who had seen it all, nothing could phase her reality was just a passing in her life. And this was quite terrifying to see on the face of a girl her age. But hidden behind that impassiveness one could see a hint of maddening playfulness.

The girls could be seen that in their maturity they would be sensual beauties and whether they knew it or not, no one could really tell, or their hungry eyes were on the feast to come.

Hidden beneath their eyes, a faint black mark rested. It lay there hidden from the sight of others.

These were first and eldest of the Twelve Gemini Twins. To even have them exist in reality was a phenomenon worth the legends that would written by them.