
An Apocalypse Survival Story

I, Apex, an unassuming college student, unwittingly became a survivor. My once-mundane life transformed in the blink of an eye as zombies suddenly appeared around the globe. During an ordinary lecture, I witnessed fellow students turning into flesh-hungry monsters, igniting a chaos that seemed relentless. Stressed and with no one to rely, I found myself thrust into this nightmarish world, struggling to survive alongside a small group of survivors. Together, we faced the relentless hordes of the undead, scavenged for supplies, and sought refuge in a world that had crumbled around us. My journey, as an ordinary person thrust into extraordinary circumstances, became a test of resilience, resourcefulness, and the unbreakable bond of humanity amidst chaos. The question remained: Could we navigate this new world, find safety, and perhaps uncover the secrets behind the zombie apocalypse? SINCE NO ONE'S READING IT, I'M GONNA STOP WRITING NOW!!

drunken_undrunk · realistisch
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26 Chs

The Battle Continues

Our hearts raced as we continued our relentless battle against the large horde of zombies. The evolved zombie I had just taken down appeared to be the only anomaly in the college. However, more and more of the slower ones closed in on us, driven by their insatiable hunger for flesh.

Soul, now wielding a shovel, held his own, but sweat beads glistened on his forehead. Jazmen's movements remained precise and deadly, but even she showed signs of fatigue. Kat and Emma fought valiantly, their earlier fear transformed into determination. Zolo, on the other hand, still struggled, her nerves impeding her effectiveness.

Kane, the disloyal German Shepherd, remained a constant presence at our side, snarling and snapping at any zombie that ventured too close. His attacks provided us with precious moments of respite amidst the chaos.

As the battle raged on, injuries became inevitable. Kat had a shallow scratch on her arm from an overeager zombie. Emma had a gash on her leg where a zombie had clawed at her. Jazmen had a nasty scratch across her forearm and another on her calf, narrowly avoiding a bite.

"Keep moving, keep fighting!" I yelled, trying to rally the group as we pushed through the horde.

Soul, out of nails and with his shovel dented from multiple swings, resorted to smashing skulls, determined to make every hit count.

Zolo had tears streaming down her face, but she didn't give up. She swung her weapon with newfound determination, managing to fend off zombies, albeit clumsily.

The situation grew more desperate with each passing moment. We all bore cuts, bruises, and scrapes, narrowly and clumsily avoiding bites.

We couldn't afford to stop or hesitate. Our survival depended on pressing forward.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we began to see a glimmer of hope. The number of zombies dwindled, and our relentless assault paid off. The gate leading out of the college campus was in sight.

"Almost there, everyone!" I shouted, urging them on.

With one final, collective effort, we cleared a path to the gate. We could see the relative safety of the outside world just beyond it.

We rushed through the gate, slamming it shut behind us. Our breathing was heavy, and our bodies ached, but we were alive. We had escaped the college and, for now, were safe from the relentless horde of zombies.

As we caught our breath, we surveyed our surroundings. We were on the main road, and to our surprise, it was littered with abandoned vehicles and bikes. Keys dangled from ignitions, as if their owners had fled in a hurry or were bitten off while trying to start their vehicle.

The college's parking area was just around the corner, but some mischievous individuals had parked their vehicles in front of the gate, which worked in our favor.

The road, not typically a bustling place, now seemed deserted, likely because many survivors had fallen victim to the zombies before they could escape, leaving their vehicles behind.

"Looks like our lucky break," I muttered, eyeing the potential modes of transportation.

Soul grinned through his exhaustion. "I call shotgun on a car!"

Jazmen smirked and said, "I want bikes for faster maneuvering."

As we stood among the abandoned vehicles, the decision of which one to choose weighed heavily on our minds. The group debated the merits of each option, ultimately deciding on a large SUV. It offered a higher vantage point, more space for supplies, and the advantage of plowing through a zombie horde if necessary.

With our choice made, we began to pile into the SUV. Before I could get in, I noticed Kane, the unruly German Shepherd, acting strangely, fixated on Jazmen with disturbing intent.

"Hey, buddy, I understand that adrenaline and bloodlust are hard to control in situations like this, but your gaze is inappropriate," I said, alarmed by Kane's behavior.

He retorted, "Oh really? Now that I've faced these creatures myself, I don't think you're as special as you seem to be. I can handle them too. I want her, and I'll stare at her all I want. You have no right to interfere in..."

I stopped his rant by walking up to him and hitting him with my stained crowbar on the head.

"Arghhh... What the heck, why did you do that? It's bleeding, it's bleeding so much," Kane cried out, holding his head where a deep wound had appeared from my blow.

"You foolishly underestimated me. I won't tolerate your inappropriate behavior. Consider this a lesson," I said, anger fueling my actions.

Zolo rushed toward us, reprimanding me for my actions. "Why did you do that? He was just staring. You didn't have to hurt him."

Seizing the opportunity, Kane quickly tried to lunge at me. I pushed Zolo aside and stopped him by grabbing his neck, our slight height difference working in my favor.

"You still don't understand. You can't beat me, not then, not now. Let this be a lesson in humility," I stated, breaking his knee with my crowbar as he screamed in agony. Kane continued to spew curses at me, realizing he wouldn't be joining us.

"You...you used him and tossed him aside. You're heartless," Zolo cried, sitting a bit away from Kane, unable to bear his condition.

I didn't respond and returned to the SUV, where Kat, Emma, and Soul looked at me with a mix of shock and fear. Jazmen, who appeared only slightly taken aback by my actions, followed me into the vehicle.

Once inside, Soul couldn't resist asking, "Wasn't that too much? He helped us get here. He didn't deserve that."

I remained silent in the passenger seat as Kat, with her engineering expertise, took control of the SUV. Her confidence in her driving skills was unwavering.

Zolo at last looked at the incoming zombies and then gave Kane a what seemed like the last apologizing gaze.

Then getting up she just turned her back to Kane who laid there weeping and cursing.

Zolo came and joined on the back seat of the 7-seater SUV.

Soul, the monk-mode peacemaker, stepped forward to console Zolo as she sobbed uncontrollably. It was a painful moment, but I couldn't let sentimentality cloud my judgment.

Kat, in the driver's seat, started the SUV, and we sped away from the college, leaving behind a world of chaos and danger. Our massive vehicle plowed through the nearby zombie horde as if they were mere obstacles on the road.

Our escape was far from assured, but at least we were no longer trapped.

As we sped down the road, we knew that new challenges awaited us, but for now, the rush of the wind against our faces and the promise of freedom fueled our determination.

Ahead, the city stretched out, and we could see more zombies roaming the streets. But we also saw potential supplies, shelter, and the possibility of finding other survivors.

The battle had been fierce, and the scars on our bodies were a testament to our survival. But we were alive, and we were determined to keep it that way, no matter what the world had become.

The highway stretched ahead, an open path to an uncertain future. We had faced challenges and made tough decisions, and there were sure to be more ahead. But we were determined to keep moving, to find safety, and to hold onto the hope that somewhere out there, we might find other survivors.

As we sped down the highway, the wind whistling through the open windows, I couldn't help but wonder if I had made the right choice. Kane had been a good help in the fight and now he was left to be eaten by the zombies. But my determination to protect Jazmen and our group had outweighed any sentimentality.

Only time would tell if that decision would come back to haunt us.


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