
Exorcist of the American Nightmares

"Father Yorks, may I ask what is meant by scientific exorcism?" A large group of priests in divine robes at the bottom stared at the man on top of the high platform, their eyes fiery as they asked. Listening to the task released in his ears, the corners of Yorks' mouth rose slightly, and "What do you mean by scientific exorcism? My answer is that we have to utilize the characteristics of modern technology in conjunction with our traditional exorcism methods to exorcise demons ......" "We all know that the evil spirit hates our recitation of the Bible, so we can record our recitation and play it out through audio, tormenting it every day and making it physically ill ......" "The evil spirit hates holy water and holy water will cause it as much damage as fire, if it doesn't come out and does its little tricks to disgust people every day, then we can ask the homeowner's permission to use the showerhead to sweep through the house and irritate it every day, of course this will require a lot of holy water, so roll it up ...... " "If an evil spirit or demonic being descends, we'll just blast it to death with a gun, if the gun doesn't work, then a cannon, if the cannon doesn't work, then a nuke, if the nuke doesn't work, then just wait for it to die ......" "......" Perverts, witches, magic, vampires, werewolves, demons, killers, the main one is a scientific [physical] exorcism ...... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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245 Chs

Chapter 116: Projection (Edited)


The fifth explosion roared.

Different from the previous explosions.

The sound was louder, the shockwave stronger, and it even included a blinding light effect.

This was the real Holy Hand Grenade.

Under Silly's puzzled gaze, the shockwave was even capable of throwing debris from one side to the right wall.

From the aftermath alone, he felt that the grenade the priest had thrown earlier was somewhat overpowered, too fierce.

Before he could figure it out, the priest had already taken the lead out of the stairwell.


Hearing this, Silly instinctively stepped aside, turning his gaze towards the novice nun, whose demeanor seemed to have changed.

Eileen nodded, grasped the cross in front of her chest, and stepped forward to take the lead, replacing the priest.

Seeing this, Silly knew what was happening and also carried his SHAK-12 rifle out.

However, the priest suddenly turned to him and said.

"Silly, you go back first and get the helicopter ready."

Silly instinctively looked towards the expressionless priest, but didn't overthink it. He knew the priest must have his reasons, especially since he didn't bring his weapon and didn't want to be a burden.

"Ok! I'll wait outside for you guys."

York handed Silly the grenade belt with four grenades left, then followed Eileen, who had already walked a few meters ahead.

"Go back, and be careful."

"I will, Father." Silly felt no burden at all.


Eileen instinctively stopped and looked back, only to see the priest alone while Silly, who had been lagging behind, was nowhere to be seen.

"It's fine, he went back first."

York casually took off the grenade belt slung over Eileen's shoulder. Thankfully, they had brought forty grenades; otherwise, they would have run out by now.

"Let's keep going."


Eileen relaxed and continued forward in the direction she remembered.

York followed behind.


With Eileen leading, the two navigated through the complex underground passageways.

Before long.

When they reached a familiar and corresponding passage, Eileen suddenly stopped upon seeing the junction ahead.

"What's wrong?" York stopped and asked.

"This is where I encountered the ghost nun." Eileen's face showed nervousness.

"Right across the junction."

York squinted his eyes, also staring at the junction ahead, and patted Eileen on the shoulder, offering a word of comfort.

"I'm here."

Eileen took a deep breath, suppressed her nervousness, and continued leading the way.

York silently followed, ready for any surprises, and took out a Holy Hand Grenade from the belt.

One step, two steps, three steps.

As Eileen reached the junction, a powerful gust of wind suddenly exploded from the left underground passage, blowing away her tightly secured nun's hood.

Startled, Eileen instinctively looked towards the opposite side of the left junction, but a majestic figure blocked her view and the blowing wind.

York faced the junction ahead, staring at the slowly opening wooden door at the end.

In his eyes, enhanced by his magic, the not yet fully opened wooden door had a phrase written on it in a red color similar to his magic.

"God stops here."

Watching the door open, revealing the figure of the ghost nun against the dark background, York's eyes revealed a hint of mockery.

Pretending to be so mighty, if God really came, you'd be scared witless without Him even lifting a finger.

Seeing the door nearly fully open, York unscrewed the grenade pin and threw it towards the ghost nun, now almost fully visible.


Hearing the priest's command, Eileen bit her lip, suppressed the invisible fear in her heart, and ran forward.

York, after throwing, didn't even look at the result but also moved to follow Eileen.

Boom! The explosion roared.

Accompanied by an angry roar.

York smirked, took out another Holy Hand Grenade, and threw it behind him based on feeling, without looking back.

Boom! The sudden explosion's shockwave hit York's back but couldn't shake his towering figure.

Footsteps sounded from behind.

Estimating the ghost nun's distance to be more than twenty meters away, York still didn't look back, instead taking out another Holy Hand Grenade while checking his status on the virtual window that always appeared before his eyes.

As time passed, his stats, except for slightly more consumed magic, were almost fully replenished.


York revealed a hint of fighting spirit and continued to throw grenades backward.

Boom! The shockwave, twenty meters away, hit his back again, illuminating the entire underground passage with holy light.

The angry and painful roar followed, then silence.

York glanced at his health.

Merely using his physical strength to withstand several shockwaves, his health only dropped by 0.5 points, which instantly replenished the next second.

"We're almost there! Father!"

At this moment, Eileen's voice came from ahead as she turned into another passage.

York followed suit, glancing at the left passage he had just passed.

The hideous ghost nun was floating in the air, rapidly approaching, now less than ten meters away, as if the previous grenades hadn't harmed Her, contrary to his judgment.

"Is this the real body? Or just a projection? In theory, the sealing array should at least prevent the demon's true body from descending."

The wall blocked his view, York took out another Holy Hand Grenade, his magic flowing within him, spreading.

"30 points of magic used." Instantly enchanted, York, unhurriedly, unscrewed the pin of the grenade, now with a total of 55 points of magic enhancement, and threw it towards the junction as he followed Eileen.

Boom! This explosion was more powerful than the previous Holy Hand Grenades, shaking the already solid underground passage with its depth, illuminating everything with holy light.

Roar! The ghost nun's roar became more painful and prolonged, then silence followed.

York had walked more than ten meters away, looked back, and saw no sign of the ghost nun at the junction.

He confirmed one thing: this was Valak's projection, and the Hell's Gate sealing array was still effective.

"Here! Father!"

Eileen, focusing solely on running, called out again, pushing open a wooden door on the left side of the wall.

However, the door remained still, her efforts seemingly swallowed by the sea.

Eileen tried to push again, but to no avail.

"Let me."

York approached and kicked the door.

Without holding back, the door instantly shattered, splinters flying everywhere, revealing the stone chamber inside.

Brutally simple.

Before Eileen could react, York was the first to enter.

A quick scan revealed nothing in the stone chamber except a statue of the Virgin Mary, with no treasure chest that could unlock anything.

"Are you sure it's here?"

York looked back at Eileen, who had entered, and asked.


Eileen recalled everything she had seen through spirit communication, looking at the familiar statue of the Virgin Mary.

"The headmaster last pointed at the Virgin Mary."

"Is that so."

York immediately looked over, finding the statue of the Virgin Mary ordinary, only its pose different from those in churches, with its left hand touching its chest and right hand stretched forward.

York squinted, analyzing simply, and was drawn to the hand the statue was extending.

If everything along the way was destined, then it all could be straightforward. The simpler, the better.

Following the direction the statue faced, York looked at the wall made of giant stones.

Since there was nothing else, then it must be on the wall.

Upon closer observation, a lock-shaped cross hole appeared right where the statue's finger pointed.

"How coincidental."

York silently took out the key he had obtained from the headmaster's body, its shape matching perfectly, his eyes revealing displeasure.


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