

Meanwhile, in the other arena...

When Lilith arrived at the arena, whispering started to be heard.

Because of Lilith's condition that she was unable to train, people started to spread a rumor that she actually scared of losing to other so she faked being sick to avoid fighting.

Lilith, despite knowing this, said nothing to Nayari, who was completely in the dark.

But since Lilith had played a large part in defeating the beast, people had started to change her view on her, but only very few.

When the students saw Lilith picking up the sword, one of the students with purple hair said,

"So, you've decided to train this time, I see. Not going to pretend to be sick and sit on the side again?"


Lilith decided not to answer his question and walked past him.

Being a noble herself, she had heard this kind of provocation before, and she found that not answering them was the most effective way to not get into trouble.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" He was angered by her action.

"Get lost."

"You...! I bet you actually don't have any actual fighting skills and was just lucky to be born with high aptitude!"

She ignored him and continued walking.

"Hmph! That Nayari kid probably isn't that good given that he's his friend."

This time, Lilith was angered by his words.

"Don't you dare talk crap about him! What do you know about him?!" She grabbed his collar and lifted him up from the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" The teacher came running at them.

Realizing what she just did, she quickly released him, making him fell flat on the floor.

"H-He suddenly picked me up and tried to hurt me! I haven't done anything to him!" He pointed at Lilith.


The teacher looked at both of them, before approaching the student.

Instead of helping him get up, she instead chopped him on the head.

"Ouch! Why did you do that?! I was the one who got harmed."

"There can't be smoke without fire. Don't think I don't know what happened between you and Lilith. Go apologize to him now."

"But it's true, though! With him standing in the sideline for such a long time, it's clearly because he's afraid of having to fight."

"...Wanna try?" Lilith raised her voice, her face darkened.

"I'd like to see you try."

"Lilith, I don't think that would be a good idea. You'd just recovered and all..." Hildagea who approached from afar said.

"No, I'm completely fine. Teacher, permit me to have a sword spar with him. I'd like to have a few words."

"Hah. Seriously? Remember that I'm the second strongest swordsman here."

"We'll see about that after our duel."

"If you want to, then I've no reason to decline. Fighting one another is also a way to learn new things as well. I and everyone here will be the witness. What do you want the rule to be?"

"The one that gets hit first loss."

"Sounds good to me."


"Then, the sparing duel between student Lilith and student Jimanga, begin now!"

Both of them held a wooden sword in hand.

"Hah. This will be a piece of ca-"

Hadn't finished his sentence, his sword had already been knocked out of his hand and the wooden sword was at his neck by the time he realized what happened.

"Student Lilith wins!"


Everyone was shocked by her display of skill.

As soon as the signal was set, she disappeared immediately and appeared in front of Jimanga in an instant.

The wooden sword which was knocked out of his hand landed onto the ground, being sliced in half cleanly despite the swords had no edge.

Jimanga couldn't understand what'd just happened.

"I-I wasn't ready yet! He clearly cheated!"

"Say all you want. You lost." Lilith said.

Then she turned to look at the other students, "Anyone here wants to cause trouble for me too?"

There was no answer.

After that, she went to a corner and continued training alone, leaving everyone in shock, including Hildagea.

"I never knew he had such power...I will definitely lose if I ever fight him." She thought to herself.

In the crowd of students, one of them was having a time of his life.

He smiled like there was no tomorrow, being happy that he was born just in time to witness Lilith's sword skills.

The single strike she just displayed back then had completely mesmerized him.

One who had orange hair, named Hiiro Aurantia.

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