

The next day.

After the morning periods and lunchbreak had ended, Lilith and Nayari quickly made their way outside toward the town located inside the capital.

The reason why they didn't go through the town when they went to school is because the school is actually located at one of the doors into capital, and serves as a gate in the process.

It's much easier to go through that gate, but there are other gates located inside the capital too.

They quickly walked through the busy market road, looking for the place where they sell medicinal plants.

Because when he went into the capital to help treating his patients, he didn't run out of anything so he hadn't visited this place until now.

They were walking with a quite slow speed, due to the fact that Lilith's condition has turned for worse due to her neglection, thinking that she could overcome the pain if she tried hard enough.

After a few minutes of looking around, he found it.

The stall looked to be somewhat high grade, and the seller was a middle-aged man.

"Excuse me, I want to buy..."

While Nayari was discussing with the seller, Lilith started wandering around the market.

"Before going anywhere, take this. In case you want to buy anything. Let's meet up back at our room."

He threw at Lilith a pouch, which she opened up to see lots of coins.

"Roger that!"

She giggled like a child, before walking off into the crowd, leaving Nayari alone to continue his discussion with the seller boy, which somehow has become more heated.

As she walked around, she met up with the girl she saw before.

The green-haired girl who seemed to be acquainted with Nayari, Hildagea.



"I heard that you arrived at this school along with Nayari, right? Are you acquainted with him?"

"Ah. No no no, we just met at the school gate. I should be asking you the same question."

"So you've heard our conversation...I've not introduced myself. My name is Hildagea, and I'm Nayari's childhood friend."



Both of them sat on a nearby bench and started talking.

"What happened back then, between the two of you? Why is it that when I asked him about it, he looked really sad and got angry?"

Because Lilith only managed to catch up with Nayari after Hildagea and Nayari had almost finished talking, she wasn't able to hear anything of their conversation.

"...If you want to know, you must ask Nayari to tell you himself. I don't have the right to tell you, besides, telling some strangers his life story without him knowing would make him very upset, don't you think?"

"Make sense."


The sound came from Lilith's stomach.

Her face turned bright red.

"...Sorry. We'd just had lunch, too..."

"Don't be. Let's get something to eat." Hilda chuckled, before standing up alongside Lilith, disappearing into the food stalls.


"Hah...Finally it'd ended."

Nayari had been having a fierce debate over the plants's prices.

They were almost twice the price of the one they sold outside normally.

Because he used to be poor, he had learned how to spent money economically.

Finally he managed to bring the price to two third of the original price, albeit it was still a bit higher than it supposed to.

As he walked his way back to the dorm, he spotted Hildagea walking alone.

"Good afternoon."

He said to her and quickly left.

Hildagea's eyes saddened, but knew she couldn't do anything about it.


"I'm back."

"A-Ah! W-Welcome back!"

Upon seeing Nayari, Lilith's face suddenly turned red.

"Hmm? Are you okay? Have your condition turned for worse again?"

"N-No! I'm fine! It's just that...do we look like a couple?"

Nayari, who was in the middle of drinking at that time, choked at her question.

"*cough* *cough* *cough* What nonsense are you spouting, Lilith? Did the illness affect your brain too or something?'

"No! I mean...there's somehow a rumor of us being a couple out there. Hildagea just told me."


They spent the rest of the day making medicine and treating Lilith's wounds, awaiting the next day.

Short chapter because I'm tired

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