
Am I a gamer?

What will happen if a semi-crazy teenager gets transported to the MCU? How will he react? Will he want to live like a normal person, or grasp his chance at power? Will he let the power corrupt him and become a dictator, or become a selfless hero? What will happen when he finds out that going back to his original family is not so easy? Will he go insane, or will he accept his new life? What happens as he slowly but surely breaks. Breaks and does whatever he wants/ Watch as Ben Reilly marks his name into the MCU

stay_at_home_pig · Filme
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26 Chs

Chapter 6: Stark Tech

Chapter 6: Stark Tech

It has been 1 month since I have begun my new cycle of 'helping' people and working on myself.

I have not gotten another Limit Breaker Potion, it seems like they were pretty rare to get with doing 'simple tasks/ missions.'

I did not trigger a mission every time I listened to the radio. I haven't really figured out how/when the missions are triggered exactly.

I have gotten some rewards, such as ipod with all the songs on Earth.

Honestly, it is a really good reward for a person like me, who wants to live in denail.

I always just plug in earpiece and let the music do its work.

The only thing I would complain about is that there are some artists which I listen to that don't exist in this world.

I opened up my status page after my workout to see if there were any changes to it. I have to say, I progressed a lot for 1 months worth of work.

[Name: Ben Reilly

Job: -None-

Strength: F

Agility: F

Sense: F-

Vitality: E-

Intelligence: F

Skills: None]

[Quests: Currently none. Quests are generated based on situations]

[Rewards: 8]

[Notifications: 99+]

I did not claim some of the rewards so they would stay in the system space, I did not have an inventory after all.

My Strength and Agility stat went up by 1, Vitality went up by 2. My sense and Intelligence did not change.

I still do not know how accurate these readings are for higher levels.

If normal humans at their peak are F+ rank, were to people like Thor or Dr.Strange rank in strength. Are they A-Rank, or higher?

I am sure it takes way longer for stats to go up at higher levels, what if I never reach the strength to go back to my...

Right as my thoughts were drifting my alarm rang. I kept 1 for everytime I had to move to a different part of my cycle.

This one was telling me that I had to go to school.

I got ready for school, put some clothes I had bought before hand and started to go towards the enterance of my appartment to take the school bus.

It was then I got a notification on my phone.

[The Head Of Stark Technologies, Tony Stark Vanishes]

I had a smile on my face as I called a specific number on my phone.

As soon as the other person picked the phone up, I said to him," Mr. Ben. I would appreciate it if you bought Stark Tchnologies stock in 24 more hours. Yes with all 500,000 dollars."


As I entered the bus, the first thing I did was stand tall.

I have never been to an American school before and I am not going to lie, I was pampered to the extreme compared to some of these kids in my past life.

Drugs? While I knew some people who did them, I never interacted with them. Having divorced parents? I couldn't imagine coming from an Asian country where people usually just stick it out till the end.

In America, some of these kids barely have a stable home, so some of them had to show their dominance at school to make themselves feel better.

While I don't say that it is a good excuse to have to behave like a sack of shit, it also doesn't justify them getting scolded for not being taught properly.

However, my first priority was myself. While I won't go around bullying people, I won't just let someone try to beat me for no reason.

I was one of the first person to be picked up on the bus and thus I decided to sit right in the middle, alone.

While I usually go for the back row, or the seats right before it, I know that those are for the group of friends which hang out togther. Right now, I am not going to school to make friends, I am going there due to the higher access of knowledge I can have there.

That and...I have a person to go over and simp over there, but that is definitely not the main reason.

For now, I just have to chill...for 4 years, I just have to endure immature nonsense for 4 years before I can start simping for our lord and savior Ned.

The unfortunate thing was I didn't know if I would be graduating from highschool early or not. Even if I wasn't by the time Ned made it here I would leave.

It's fine. I will meet my lord through Peter.

Anyways, as I sat on the bus and read a couple of news articles regarding Stark Technologies predicted fall I could not help but smile creepily.

I then saw a string of threads on Social Media, all coming with Phantom as a part of their usernames.

[PhantomEgg: Stark industries is a failure, I would pull out of their stock is possible]

[PhantomCheese: I agree, without Tony Stark, they are basically dead.]

And there were content repeats of lines similar to that.

The phantoms, I had spent a good chunk of my 'relaxing time' in creating anonymous emails to do this.

I planned it out decently well.

Since I have been gaming anyway, I decided to game at Gaming Cafe's. With this, I can also do,' anonymous stuff without getting tracked.'

Who am I kidding, it might not work, but the world has entire Stark Technology companies that have bigger fish to fry then trying to find some small group just greedily trying to bring the stock price down a little.

With that, the price of Stark Tech fell a little more.

But seeing the plan working, some larger companies started to hop onto my plan and imitated what I did, bringing the price of Stark tech down by a little more.

With this, I would earn more money later.

Soon I snapped out of my thoughts as the bus got filled with people.

We eventually did reach school, and I had my taste for the first day of high school in America.

I also found 1 more coping mechanism for me for sure.
