
Chapter .17.

Do not be ashamed

of the wars you soul has fought,

to save itself.

-isra al-thibeh


The wolf walks beside me. I let my hand stay upon his back, idly trailing it up the grove of his spine- taking in the course roughness of the fur- before I run it back down.

He did not mind.

We walk for several hours. I don't tell the male that my side hurts from the effort it takes when climbing up the slopes of the mountain. It would serve no purpose to our trip. And I never had been one to express my pain.

He seems to know where to go.

His steps are sure and steady as he follows an unseen path, slowly making his way forward and deeper into the mountains.

I shiver against the cold.

I at least had the good sense to take the jacket that had been hanging in the hallway. The scent had told me it belonged to the male.

I smile as I take it in. I liked having his scent on me.