
Chapter .18.

If a dancer met a lover and stopped dancing, you'd question his/her choice.

If you brought a flower inside

and it stopped growing,

you'd give it back to the sun.

So tell me, if you're unhappy,

why are you standing still?

-Erin Van Vuren


The male watches me from the side, taking in my exercise.

"My rib is fine."

He only shrugs, but I can tell it is what he is thinking about.

I continue.

My side does hurt. I know it is slowing me down. But I let the pain focus me.

I fall beside him, letting my head rest back as I take in the sky.

A week had passed. It was almost time to return.

"Are you ready male?"

A long sigh leaves his mouth as he nods. I close my eyes and smile, letting the sunlight hit my skin.

I don't open them as I feel his hand slowly trace my face.