
Alpha Demon: The New Demon King

Black, a young demonwolf boy. He dreams of becoming the most powerful demon in the demon realm. He wants to be the Demon King, a title thats only hold by the most powerful demon there is. In order for him to be the Demon King he must face challenges in his life, like betrayal, heartbreak and death. Black must protect his family and friends from the dangers that follow him.

Emndeni_Emndeni · Aktion
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26 Chs

Chapter 008: Joining up the guild

Inside the Demon Slayer Guild room's.

"Don't worry I have already apologised on his behalf. They were quite understanding, they label him insane," Black stating. Ladros frowned hearing Black words. He didn't appreciate that Black apologized for him, knowing he'll never apologize to anyone. It was almost like he was being disrespect at when Black apologize on his place, even him knowing he was in the wrong, but his pride and arrogant as a member of the Abraxas kept him from apologizing. He was taught from a young age that he shouldn't beneath himself towards anyone, and always be prideful towards any person.

Sonia nodded her head towards, "Thank you, Black. Ladros can you please stop trying to ruin our fun before it starts," She said looking at Ladros, Ladros widened his eyes looking at Black.

"What the hell is wrong with you bro, why did you apologize for me!? Do you know what you have done? Why did you have too bro..," Ladros held his head irritated saying, "I never will have apologise to them, you know I do not do that bro, I won't ever beneath myself."

"Even if your in the wrong, that's some pride," Black said with a hard tone.

"It is his fault for waking me up from my slumber. I should have finished him off then, why did you have to interfere?!" Ladros said grabbing Black by his collar. Black also grabbed Ladros collar, an intense aura filled the whole room. Black coldly glared towards Ladros, he then removed his hands off his collar.

"Don't ever dare touch my collar again or,"

Black sneered looking aside.

"Or what!? What were you trying to say, continue?"

"Put your hand on me again and you'll see?" Black closed the space between him and Ladros staring him down, but Sonia quickly got between them , she placed both of her hands in the chests pushing them away from each other. intervie

"Heyhey, wait you two, we're not here to fight among each other now, please stop this now," said Sonia.

Black and Ladros gave each other serious glances. Black was bother in his mind by, since they first landed in the mortal realm Ladros has been acting out more than usual. His rude and arrogant was crossing the line, even trying to kill someone, it wasn't forgettable, he and Sonia have their conflicts but it never turn bitter. Ladros has always acted and spoke like a jock for a long time. He was also who suggested the trip for them why does he now doesn't seem too be excited? The thought left Black thinking, what happened?

"What's your problem Ladros!? Are you doing this on purpose, do you want to ruin this trip for us. I don't understand if so because you were the one who suggested I should come to this trip." Black said raising his tone, "I didn't apologise for you I did it for us, you might have a problem being here, but we want to be here, since we've arrived in the mortal realm you've been course issue with everyone we meet before I over looked them thinking that it was just a mood swing you had, but now you're starting to annoy me I don't expect a thank you from you at all. But you should learn some manners of addressing your elders, the guildmster is our elder so please respect him as such."

The fiction between their dispute woke up the others, waking up Riley, Derek and Asrael. They were confused by the intense force filling the room. Ladros then walked off leaving the room, slamming the door behind him. Sonia pulled her hand forward trying to stop him from leaving.

"Black stop him, this is not for you guys to act like this," Sonia grabbed Black hand pulling him to apologize. She request Black to going and apologize in order for them to have a peaceful trip.

Black sneered looks aside, "Why should I, is it going be better if we let him start a fight with the guildmaster. He'll cool off soon, dont try call to him back, we shouldn't congrat him from doing such things. I don't care if you'll let him off easy but I letting him off so easy."

"He almost killed some, I hope it wasn't the guildmaster please, please tell me it wasn't him," Sonia naively said, looking at Black firm facial expression.

"Don't worry, the person wasn't part of the guild. It was a nobody, Paul was his name." Black said pointing out Paul and his lackeys could have been no match for him. He also explained that Ladros almost killed Ramos, one of the lackeys of a guy named Paul.

"Paul," Sonia started to lower her brows

"It's fine if you've solved everything out, thanks," Sonia nodded her showing gratitude towards Black.


"I'm impressed that someone has the guts to attack a guild. We have to be happy that Ladros and the guildmaster didn't clash with each other cause I'm sure that they would have found us out. Thank you again Black, if wasn't for you we all be running from the the mortal realm. This is the second time Ladros and the guildmaster almost clashing with each other, what does that mean..?" Sonia

"What are you trying to imply by that?" Black asked.

"I'm just saying one is a consistent, two is starting to be worry me, if it happens the third it could be destiny their clash to happen."

"Before that happens I'll give him a serious punch knocking some sense in his head. He'll then think twice doing that," Black said making funny expressions of how he'll punch Ladros when he misbehave again. Sonia tried to keep a straight face not trying to laugh.

"Oh okay, but you've already punched him. E all know that you can't beat Ladros in a real fight. Ladros is the strongest in our generation." Black frowned his face.

"Please help me unpack my stuffs." Her and Black began unpacking their luggage making a home in the guild.

"Why do you always pack your things like your move away? This is trip is for a couple !

with a firmwe have to settle our first mission as adventurers now. We all, have to be prepare, all..."

Shock and excitement filled Sonia eyes, "Oh damn, I forgot that. Why are you saying all like that?"

"We all have to be there, even Ladros has to come also."

"Yeah, my father told me something when I left," Sonia said with excited tone.

"What..what did he say?"

A few moments later.

Casually walking down the stairs of the guild. Black smirked seeing the other adventurers drinking, dancing, some were testing each other strength by fist fighting,.a feeling of joy and laugher filled the guild's halls.

Black casually sat down towards the counter, Vera faintly smiled slidjng a drink towards his hands. He liked down and up towards her he ignores her attempt. He began scanning his gaze across the guild hall for Ladros.

"Hey Vera, when do we start going on missions?" Black asked.

Vera frowned her brows asking, "Why do you ask that? Don't tell me you guys want to start going on missions so soon after you have arrived to the guild."

"Yeah." Black nodded.

"Hey, but why? You guys should take some time checking out the city or guild if you want," said Vera.

"I've already checked all thar out, I didn't expect this lace to be so large. How did you grow the space of this place to be so large?" Sonia stated coming behinds Black sitting down next to him.

"You already went through every rooms!?" Vera asked stunned.

"Yeah sure," Sonia said with a dull face.

"Oh, you have noticed that the place is larger on the inside."

"Yeah, but it does appear very small on the outside but large on the inside, how is that possible?"

"Yeah, I saw that also, why is that so?"

"It the resort of spacial magic being used to extend the building from the inside. That's why the building quite large," Vera pointing out that spacial magic of a specific person I the guild was used to shape the guild structural design making it almost infinite room inside the guild.

"What's magic?" Black asked with a confused look.

"Hah funny what do you mean by what's magic. Magic is magic, theres no other things that's called magic, it makes our lives easier."

"No, I don't know it..." Sonia quickly places her hands on Black mouth.

"Don't listen to him," Sonia said, placing her hand on Black mouth.

Magic did not exist in the demon realm so Black wouldn't know about it, in the demon realm each of the four demon races have a unique powers that were given at birth. secret power they willed, but it wasn't powerful as the demons power, only a couple of demon know about magic only if the demon has adventure into the mortal realm.

"What's wrong with you, it like you're from another world?" Vera expression turned confused.

"Yeah I don't..." Before Black could complete his words Sonia stops stops him, placing her hand on his mouth.

"Hey, dont mind him. Wow, you used magic to do it?" Sonia glanced around.

Vera weirdly glared towards them both, Black and Sonia, "Okay..One of our mages can use spacial magic so that's how this was in-larged from the inside." She share that they were four mages that were considered strong in the Demon Slayer Guild's. The four mages had powers and skills that rivaled the guildmaster, they were highly respected by the other adventurers.

"Oh that's why, nice!" said Sonia glaring.

Vera leaves the two continuing the conversation.

"Black, we have to chose the most dangerous missions, if we want us to be establish ourselves as being seen as great warriors we have to take on the most hardest missions to gain the favor of the people, maybe we might even be heroes or one day we might end up running this guild of there's." Black snorted frowning his brows. He can see straight towards her, he sees her plan of wanting to take on dangerous missions, it was not for the safety of the people of the mortal real or the she had any feelings towards anyone beloved to her in the mortal realm. Sonia plan did not seem evil or it was good but she only cared of being number one every time, like back in the demon realm she use to act like she did not care about the people showing her the respect and loyalty of being the Demon King daughter. She always felt like she was in the spotlight everything she says or does has to be great by her father standards.

Black rolled back his eyes. He did not care if they go on less dangerous missions, a mission is a mission to him, him going on dangerous missions would be such a drag to keep him out pushing himself. He had to focus on training his hell techniques. Sonia sort popularity and he did care but it.

"Black, think about it we might in the future end up getting recognized for our work and we might call upon to save the world, haah," Sonia smiled. Black did not seeing anything good from her saying of her words, knowing for sure that Sonia is doing this for popularity and fame, there were no selfish reasons or any wrong by what she was saying, an adventurer life filled with alot of danger, only the strongest can survive the trauma and pain that comes along.

Looking at the firm expression on Sonia face, Black was the leader of trip but Sonia was the one calling the shots. Seeing the expression on her Black knew he was being pushing a corner if he denies, hes deny of it would be ignored and shell just do it, the better thing for him is to agree with her completely. Sonia sort popular and fame, so things like having shame did not cross her head. Everyone in the Demon King Institution in demon realm treated Sonia like a goddes. Sonia was one of the goddesses that were in the Demon King Institution.

"No, it's way too soon for us to start going on missions now."

"What do you mean, Black?"

"Its going to very consuming to keep on dragging ourselves, I'll rather decide the missions we're taking because I'm the leader here, alright," Black firmly said looking at Sonia. He began starting stretch his arms and neck, "Also I've been training too much of my hellfire technique I need mostly a couple of days to recover my hellfire tech usage, right now I can only mustered up three attacks of hellfire techniques, I'm not yet ready for battles, I'll have to wait for a few day, then we can go on missions."

"Why worry your precious hellfire. We don't need your hellfire technique to finish missions we're all capable of taking care of ourselves. You know you not even a match for Ladros or me even my sister can take you on. Hah, your strength might greater than some mortals but don't forget everyone we have are strong in their own right." Sonia pointed out that even with his hellfire technique, Black was still weaker than her and the others, she did not spare at him pointing the usage of having hellfire technique might have made him strong but he wasn't at the level of her or the others, who were equally greater then his usage of hellfire technique.

"It will draw too much attention if a couple of powerful stranges coming from nowhere, there are mysterious super powerful. They'll actually find out we're demons, I'm sure it won't take them long to puzzled it out, if we end completing every single mission we take, we'll grow suspicion on us, and they might come after us first, after all were foreigners. If we rise up quick through the ranks there sure the find out about us, let's first keep ourselves on the low then when time pass we'll then start to rise up the ranks okay!"

Sonia sarcastically rolls back her eyes. She agree with Black because he way maked more reasons, but she didnt want to admit it to him. She nodded her head out of frustration. "Okay, your right, why are you so right sometimes!"

Black smirked and wicked his eye at Sonia, "WhT can I say it's part of my charm. You said I was the weakest link, so I make it up by using my brain."