
Alpha Demon: The New Demon King

Black, a young demonwolf boy. He dreams of becoming the most powerful demon in the demon realm. He wants to be the Demon King, a title thats only hold by the most powerful demon there is. In order for him to be the Demon King he must face challenges in his life, like betrayal, heartbreak and death. Black must protect his family and friends from the dangers that follow him.

Emndeni_Emndeni · Action
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35 Chs

Chapter 007: The Definition Of Strength.

"Who dared to wake me up!" Ladros said with a furious look.

"Who's he?"

"I don't know, but he's bad new."

The Paul and his lackeys were confused and also shocked. They felt the immense aura that was put off by Ladros. Ladros took one step forward his present of aura would blow towards everyone like a tornado was inside the room. Everyone stood steel without moving while the aura before them was intensely, making it hard to move, it wasn't simular to the guildmaster aura that had the same intense pressure but his wasn't dark as this one.

Ladros swept his gaze across the room, "Hey, I said, who woke me up?!!" He yelled outloud a sounds of his aura, making everyone close their ears, "If no one tells me right now I'll have to kill everyone in this room right now!!" He shouted out lood, he voice created sound waves in the air. His present and aura was felt throughout the whole room, living the four horsemen and the guild members shocked out of their minds, how is this boy strong? A size of a person aura is a size of a person power or strength ability. Ladros aura felt as equally as the guildmaster.

Ramos not minding the immense aura coming towards Ladros, he puffed his chest up, "It was me, so what?" He said firmly gazing at Ladros.

Thomas murmured towards Ramos, "Ramos, what are you saying? This guy is bad new for really I think we should mess with him. This guy aura seems to be darker than the others."

Ramos laughed, walking towards Ladros. He then stood in front of him, casually staring him down, saying, "Thomas you think I'll lose to this guy. He's a small weakling like the rest. Look how shorter he I'd too me, hahaha, for really man you think I'm could be defeated by this guys." Ramos had a taller stature than Ladros, he stood almost like a tall mountain standing in front of him.

"Ramos, I have a really strange feeling about him, he is a lot different than the others we've fought before. Look at his eyes the are filled with murderous intense." Thomas spoke with a hesitant expression. He could feel his whole body trembling from the pressure Ladros was realising.

Ramos casually ignores Thomas words, he said looking at Ladros, " You think Ill be afraid of this weakling in front of me." He raised his left hand tried to place it on Ladros shoulder, but before he could di so Ladros casually moves aside.

"Ramos! His aura is intense!!" Thomas yelled out loud at Ramos.

"Oh, it's you," Ladros said, with a hollowed face. He clenched his fists sounds of his bones could be heard. He took a few steps forward landing a fast punch, that left Ramos with a large hole in his chest.

"What just happened?"

"Huh?" Ramos calmly looks down towards the hole in his chest. After seeing it he started to cough out blood from his mouth, then fell towards the floor.


Paul, Thomas and Kisame yelled out calling Ramos. They were in shock seeing him lying on the floor.

"What happened, Ramos has a hole in his chest," Paul said shocked.

Ladros turned back walking back towards the Ramos on the floor. He stood in front of Ramos bleeding body saying, "Let me get you out of your misery now," He said staring down, raising his left leg up, getting ready to purge his full foot in Ramos head, he pushed it back down with a large force, but the guildmaster court his foot in mid-air.

"Here, we don't kill people," The guildmaster said with a serious look at Ladros.

Meanwhile in the other side of the guild. In the six room, the room was quite large, having 6 double beds, Sonia was pending her clothes inside her bag, with the trios of Asrael, Riley and Derek asleep. Black entered the room with worried expression. He didn't know how to tell the others that the guildmaster knew what he was, what if he kills all of them, because the guild was called Demon Slayer Guild.

Sonia saw he expression casually and asked, "Hey, where have you been Black?" Black didn't replied her. He was lost in his own thoughts.

"Earth to Black, hey there!" Sonia yelled.

Black widened his eyes looking at Sonia, "Uhh, What! Oh I was training outside."

"What, you were training with that expression on. If that was truth, where does this noise come from then?"

"Some people are attacking the guild, it isn't something we should bother ourselves with. That old man and also that girl called, what's her name again, Ver or Wera...."

"She's called Vera!"

"Yeah her, She and the old man went to solve it out."

"If that's so, why do you look so gloomy by the way?"

"What are you talking about? Everything is fine."

"All right if you say so then," Sonia said with a suspicious look, "Okay, tell me this, who are the fools in their right minds could start a fight with this guild."

"I'm sure those people there really idiots."

"Hey Sonia, where's Ladros," asked Black.

Sonia casually said, "Oh him, that fool woke up, and went outside."

"He woke up, Ladros waking up so early in the morning," Black had a confused expression on his face, from hearing his that. To him Ladros had never wake up early for anything even school.

"Yeah, it's surprising how this trip is starting change him. You saw yesterday when he didn't fight with the guildmaster, that's growth," Sonia said excitedly smiling.

"Yeah for sure, but Ladros changing," Suddenly a realization finally hit Black. "What! Never Ladros! That's impossible!"

"Hey, what's wrong?" Sonia asked looking at Black.

"I've never heard of Ladros waking up early ever, tell me, how did he look when getting up?" Black didn't believe that Ladros just wake up early in the morning for training, or just waking up early! Ladros couldn't wake up when training with his father, how could he wake up, miracles exist but Ladros waking up is something that's never happening.

"He did have a furious expression, but he's always look like that...Uhh!! I forgot!" Sonia said realizing the truth. Without any further talking, Black ran out of the room heading towards the guild hall.

Back towards the guild hall, the guildmaster was gripping Ladros foot, stopping him from crushing Ramos head. Ladros coldly glared down at the guildmaster. "You should take your hand off me, old me, or you will lose it that hand."

The guildmaster gave Ladros a hard look. He said with a casually tone, "You're a funny one boy, have your parents never teach you how to respect your elders, or any manners."

"Thats none of your business. I did learn one thing from them, like only respect the strong not the weak."

"I can't see from yourself, that your parents must be insane."

Ladros face turned red, enrage by the guildmaster comment against his parents. When his mother (Lily Abraxas)is such a sweet and kind person. She had a big heart that thought about other people lives except her own life. She always took care of him when he was sick or injured, not like his father (Aries Abraxas,) who only cared about his growth of power. His mother was like a lotus flower, that could ease a person soul giving light to one's life. How could someone who doesn't know her says such things about her.

Ladros threw a punch towards the guildmaster, it was stopped by Black, who stopped it using one hand.

"What do you think you're doing Ladros?" Black said with a hard tone. He stared at Ladros with a serious gaze.

"Why are you stopping me Black?" Ladros murmured.

"Because you're a idiot. Why do you want to kill this guy?"

"He brought it on himself. He woke me up so he must kill him to teach him a lesson."

"We don't kill people Ladros you know that don't act like you don't know that."

"I think we need to change that now," Ladros pulls his leg out of Black hands, he then pulled it back again getting ready to crush Ramos head. Black said, "If you do this Sonia will hate you forever!"

Hearing that Ladros stopped in mid-air. He turned around and walked back towards to their room. Black gave the bleed Ramos a blue pill, that could enhance one healing. The pill were created by science lad for battles.

"Master, those two are really strong you see," Vera murmured towards the guildmaster.

"Yes they are," The guildmaster replied nodding his head.

Black picks up Ramos from the floor, he walked with him, giving his body to Paul. Paul, Thomas and Kisame ran away with him Paul carrying Ramos body.

Looking at them Vera says, "Those four are trouble, they have become this powerful in a such a short time. If only they used their power for protecting people. I'm impressed with them."

"Something tell me this isn't the end of this, there are more trouble days to come." said the guildmaster.

"Maybe you're right there master. But I think our new recruits can definitely handle them." said Vera.

"Okay it's done now, I'm going to take a nap."

"But it's morning."

"But those four woke me up early. I have to take a nap to be in full power," The guildmaster yawn. He quickly ran upstairs. Vera smiled shook her head.

"Black, thanks, you saved our reputation, so thank you," She bowed her head showing gratitude towards Black. Black nodded his head in respond.

"Wow, Ladros is very strong for been so young, look at him, he has the guts to stand up to the guildmaster. I felt a chill in towards my back when he showed up. It almost felt like demonic aura that he was putting off.

"You must be mistaken, he is not a demon."

"I didn't say he was one..I just said his aura felt like that in that time."

"I'm sure you're mistaken it, he's just an ordinarily people like everyone else here," Black said with his voice shifting.

"Hey, who do you think you're fooling, I've know Ladros has power equal to the guildmaster, but that's fine, we need strong fighter here. So what about you..?" Vera asked looking at Black.

"Whoh me..I'm not that strong at all," said Black.

"Hey, don't try to make me stupid, I'm not...I can see that the both of you are very strong, but it's nothing you should hide from us, we also have other strong people here. But they don't usually stay here," Vera said looking at Black.

"I think you should get check your eyes I'm not that strong.." said Black.

"Okay then, if you're saying so dude," Vera faintly smiled. Black turned his back walking away from Her. He then paused when she called him back. "Hey wait there. I am still saying something."

"What do you want now?" Black replied with a annoyed expression.

"What's wrong, you don't want to talk to me now. I just want to say blocking such a extreme and powerful blow wasn't some kind of easy fit that anyone could have done."

"I think I should leave now," Black rushed towards the upstairs. He casually entered the room he walked passed the others towards in front of Ladros. He dropped down a serious punches shaking the entire room.

"What the hell was that Black?" Ladros spoke holding his leftside of his face. While Black looked at him with rage.

"Black, what happened..?" Sonia asked shocked.

"What happened..?"

Everyone else were also shocked by the scene, they wanted to know what could make Black react like that. Black wasn't the type to be enrage very quick. All of them looked towards Ladros, they all realise that Ladros has done something wrong to anger Black. What could it be?

"Tell us what happened Black? What did he do this time?" Sonia gave Ladros a hard stare. Black slightly laughed out loud, living everybody else confused. His face suddenly became serious saying, "Oh, you should ask him, what he was about to do?"

"What are you saying Black, we need you to tell us that," Sonia said looking at Black.

"He tried again to fight the guildmaster, and also he almost killed someone in cold blood, by blowing a hole in the chest."

"What! What's wrong with you Ladros, to tryna ruin our vacation!" Sonia yelled saying at Ladros.

"Hey, I didn't know humans were this weak," Ladros said casually looking aside.