
Alpha Alessandro

I leaned down toward her ear and whispered, "did you think I did not hear your heart racing this entire dinner?" She was surprised, but she did not let it show on her face. "And do you think I do not hear your labored breathing right now?" I let out a low growl and gripped her waist tighter and pushing her body up against mine, "that is because I am trying not to rip this dress off your body and fuck you on that table right now." **** After living in the big city the humans call, 'New York', Vivian decides to return to her hometown, to her pack. A feeling deep inside her urged her to return, something awaited her there, something bigger than both her and her wolf.

happynotvxbss · Fantasie
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2 Chs



It had been two painstakingly long years since my father passed down leadership of Greenmore, making me the official Alpha King. I had been trained for this my entire life, and I was damn good at it. I kept the rogues in check, provided solutions for all of my pack's problems and still had time to train the warriors whilst doing everything else.

But something felt off. And I knew what it was. It was her, my mate, my Luna who was supposed to be at my side by now, ruling Greenmore beside me. Every night I returned home from my duties I came back to an empty cold bedroom. No pups, no mate, nobody.

I was alone.

Until she showed up. Viviana Costa. Daughter of my father's beta, Adrian Costa and his mate, Ginevra Costa. Growing up she always annoyed me, messing around with my little brother, always playing games and not knowing when to be mature but even so, when she left I wasn't happy to see her go, and I didn't realize why until now, when she walked in those doors.

She had brown golden skin plump lips, all of which she got from her father, big dark brown eyes that skeptically looked around the room, gazing at who all was here. Her loose curls fell out of the high bun she had originally put them but nonetheless it only enhanced her beauty. I allowed myself to break eye contact with her face just so I could gaze down at the rest of her, she wore a dark red dress that molded around her curves perfectly and stopped just below her knees. Her legs were long, slender and absolutely beautiful. I gulped and met her eyes once again, which were now settled on me. Only one word came to mind.

Mate. This explains why my wolf has been restless. Because he knew our mate was lingering around this castle the whole time without us knowing.

The urge to run over to her just to get a whiff of her mouth watering scent was strong. I had to keep composure, I am no longer a prince, I am a king. I am alpha. And after this dinner is over, I will rightfully mark and claim my mate. A small growl erupted in my chest, luckily, no one heard it.

"Sorry I'm late." Her voice echoed throughout the room with confidence. She strides to the table as her father stands up and embraces her in a hug. I couldn't help but wish I was in his position.

"Vivi! My sweet! You have returned and you are looking better than ever!" The man praised her. A slight blush formed on her cheeks and she smiled at him, "thank you papa, New York has been treating me well so far," she sweetly says.

I want her.

On this table, on my bed, in the shower, shit, even on the balcony where all of Greenmore can hear her sweet voice moaning my name. I feel my pants begin to get tight and I straighten my back, my eyes never leaving hers as she has small talk with her father and mother.

"Come come, sit," Adrian pulls a chair out and allows her to sit in it before pushing it back in. Viviana attempts to avoid eye contact with me, but she fails, her eyes met mine again and she uncomfortably shifts in her chair, making her chest bounce.

Ah, fuuck. I might have to end this dinner before it even begins.

The rest of the table began to immerse themselves back into small-talk. I couldn't bother to listen to them when I was hyper focused on her, securing a mental image of how perfect she was in my brain for me to return to and appreciate every day.

The food eventually arrived and it smelt heavenly, but not as good as my mate. Waves of a lilac scent rolled off her, mixing in with whatever perfume she decided to wear. Half way through the meal I felt tired of eating, I wanted someone else to snack on. The room goes silent aside for a few coughs and the scratches of forks hitting the plates.

Viviana looks ahead at Matteo and smiles. What was she smiling for? Why was she smiling at him? I am her mate, not him.

"So Matteo, tell me what you've been up to these days." She asked, a hint of mischief in her tone.

Matteo finished chewing steak and replied, "oh you know, just prince things," he shrugged, "and I've been perfecting my hide and seek skills just so I can prove to you who really is the best."

My mother scoffed from the other side of the table, drawing attention from us all, "dear, from what I can remember, Viviana won majority of those matches, the only times you won were when you were hiding in private quarters," she scolded him and laughs erupted from the table.

Viviana pushed her tongue against the inside of her mouth, stared at him with confidence burning in her eyes and slightly leaned up against the table, "oh trust me Matteo, no matter how many hiding spots you discover, I would still be able to wipe the floors with you in hide and seek."

Her boldness came off her in waves, she was much more different from the last time I saw her. She had confidence and took pride in what she had which was a lot.

Viviana was fifteen at the time she left for New York and I was twenty. If I would have know she was mine I wouldn't have let her leave at all. Mates usually have the ability to sniff out their mates by the age of eighteen. All we needed were three more years. Three more years and I would have known. But because of her odd obsession with the human lifestyle, we lost four whole years of being together. But rest assured, she will not want to leave Greenmore again by the time I was done with her.

New York changed her. She used to be an annoyingly shy and awkward little girl with a insane amount of energy but was transformed into a beautiful young woman.

I suppressed a groan and clenched my fists together.

My mate. Mine.

Only for me.

Matteo let out a menacing laugh at what she said and set his hands on the table, if you want to challenge the king of hide and seek, you can try, but you'll only leave this castle with tears and shame in your eyes."

Leave? She wasn't going anywhere. I let out a low growl, silencing the table and muttered, "enough talking. Finish your food so we can end this dinner."

The table fell silent at my command and Matteo huffed before digging into his food once again.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

I looked around the table and saw that most of everyone's plates were emptied. Left only with bones and a few vegetables.

My father set his hands and smiled over at my mother, "shall we call in the dessert?"

She began to speak before I interrupted her. "It has been a long night. We will end this dinner here."

I had waited long enough in this room, pretending to not be affected by my mate that sat only a few feet from my grasp. It was torture to not be able to touch her soft skin.

A sigh of disappointment left my mother's mouth, nonetheless she got up and made her way out, not saying goodnight to anyone. My father soon followed her, along with Matteo. I continued to sit, watching my mate interact with her parents and Matteo. I gave her the time to speak and when they said their goodbyes she waved and stood silently, watching as they left with her back turned toward me.

Finally we were alone.

I stood up from the head chair of the table and slowly stalked my way to her. She felt my presence and took a deep inhale and clenched her hands into tiny fists.

When she turnt around, her doe eyes were fixated on me, curiosity and lust swirled within them.

"Alessandro." She greeted me with a small smirk. Nervousness erupted throughout my whole body. Fuck, I haven't been this anxious since my coronation.

The room was dead silent. It took all of me to not claim her here.

I gripped her closed fist in my hand, pleasant shocks radiated through my hand, and her's too based on the tiny gasp she released.

I brought her hand up to my mouth and placed my lips firmly on the back of her hand, maintaining eye contact with her the whole time. Her skin was soft on my lips. I wanted nothing more but to have mine on hers, in the most sinful way possible.

"Mate," I addressed her back and pulled my lips from her hand but continued to hold her hand in mine. Her touch against mine felt so right.

"Wha- mate? I don't know what you're—" she began and I suppressed an eyeroll.

"Do not lie to me Viviana, I know you feel this," I maneuvered my free hand to her waist in one swift motion and gave it a squeeze, her eyes widened and she gulped, I leaned down toward her ear and whispered, "did you think I did not hear your heart racing this entire dinner?"

She was surprised, but she did not let it show on her face. "And do you think I do not hear your labored breathing right now?"

I let out a low growl and gripped her waist tighter and pushing her body up against mine, "that is because I am trying not to rip this dress off your body and fuck you on that table right now."

Viviana had no response to that. She stared at me with her lips parted slightly, only making me want to kiss her even more.

Breaking eye contact with me, she cleared her throat and placed her hand on mine, pulling it from her waist and carefully taking a step back. I growled as she backed away from me, her cheeks heating up.

"Viviana..." I warned her with another growl.

"I can't- I can't do this right now." Was all she said before dashing out the doors. I began to follow her up the north wing stairs when someone called out, "Alessandro!"

I can't deal with this right now.

"I am busy. Go away." I replied with a scowl on my face and continued going up the steps, quickly losing sight of my mate.

The person pressed, "it's important!"

I gripped on the rails that connected to the stairs and tried to use whatever common sense I had left in me.

Surely it won't take long, I will find her after I'm finished and mark and claim her then. I've waited my whole life for my mate and she is going no where.

A growl erupted from me and I turned around on my heel. Standing behind me was my beta, William.

"What is it William?"

He took a deep breath and approached me, "five pack members were reported as kidnapped, all in the span of an hour, while you were attending dinner."

I closed my eyes and ran my hands over my face, stressed. "Why wasn't I alerted of this earlier?"

"I didn't want to hassle you with bad news while you were with your family, Sandro." He gave me a knowing look and I nodded.

"What all do we know about the kidnappings?" I asked. My beta ran his hand through his hair, stressed and shrugged, "honestly? Not much. The first three of them were teenagers, which we assumed they were all just sneaking away, doing dumb kid stuff, right?"

I nodded and crossed my arms.

"Well the next two reported were two adults, mated." He paused and key out another sigh, awaiting my response.

Taking a deep breath I asked, "is it possible that the two adults were just buying the teenagers liquor for an event?"

William looked uneasy and shrugged, "I mean- it's possible but-"

"We will go off on that assumption until we know more about their disappearances. I have a more important matter to attend to," I began to walk away before he stopped me,

"The council and I are concerned about the safety of the royal family, are you sure everyone was present for the dinner?" He shouted to me as I walked up the stairs to my mate.

I growled and spoke, "yes, William, we were all-"

I paused.

"Sasha. Shit!" I ran up the steps as fast as I could, goosebumps spread up my body. Once I made it to the east wing I ran to room and jiggled the doorknob.

Locked. This is why I don't allow locked doors in the palace.

"Fuck! Sasha open this door!" I shouted from behind it. I placed my ear in the door. I couldn't hear her.

I placed my hand on the doorknob, easily snapping it and shoving the door open. I stormed in and scanned the room. The bed was empty, she wasn't at the balcony she—

"What the hell?!" A familiar voice spoke, coming out from the bathroom.

I let out a sigh of relief and glared at her. My sister was safe.

"Why the fuck did you break my doorknob?" She glared back at me then walked toward the entrance, William stood there, and gave her a apologetic smile.

I growled, "the real question is, why is your damn door locked?"

She rolled her eyes and sat down on her couch, "because I'm a grown woman who deserves privacy and respect in this castle."

"Your safety is more important than your privacy, Sasha." William stated with a head nod and a smile.

She returned the smile, a middle finger along with it.

"I'll have Ryder guard your room tonight. Do not leave until the sun rises, do you understand?"

From the corner of my eye I saw William stiffen and clench his fists. I can't be bothered.

She gave another eye roll, "you know you're my older brother, not my dad, right?" I shook my head at her, annoyed and turnt toward William, "call Ryder down here. Make sure he knows she is not to leave tonight and place two guards in front of all the rooms in the east wing."

He nodded with a straight face, "yes, of course. And what of Viviana? Should I call a guard for her too?"

Just hearing her name out loud made me quiver in my skin. Soon, she would be screaming mine.

"No need. I will be with Viviana."