
Alpha Alessandro

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I leaned down toward her ear and whispered, "did you think I did not hear your heart racing this entire dinner?" She was surprised, but she did not let it show on her face. "And do you think I do not hear your labored breathing right now?" I let out a low growl and gripped her waist tighter and pushing her body up against mine, "that is because I am trying not to rip this dress off your body and fuck you on that table right now." **** After living in the big city the humans call, 'New York', Vivian decides to return to her hometown, to her pack. A feeling deep inside her urged her to return, something awaited her there, something bigger than both her and her wolf.

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Chapter 1One


You know, I never really enjoyed riding on planes. Being hundreds of feet up in the air, in a tight place with random people, not my thing. But as I lean my head up against the oval shaped glass and stared below me at the clean, white clouds I rethought my opinion.

Half way through my sightseeing the plane shakes, knocking my head up against the glass.

Nah, never mind.

"Shit," I whispered and rubbed my forehead that was definitely red at this point, was that my warning to go back to New York? I groaned and checked my hand to make sure the wound wasn't bleeding and, of course it wasn't. By now it was probably already halfway healed.

I forget I come from a long line of werewolves that can heal rather quickly. Idiot. Being around so many humans has changed me for the worst. Although that isn't my exact reasoning for wanting to return to Greenmore, hopefully I would reap benefit from it.

Mama and papa had been bugging me about coming home to visit for months. Telling me the pack missed me and it hadn't been the same without me since I left to live in New York.

I left seven years ago, when I was fifteen to live in a rigorous, but elegant, private school. My father insisted that was the school I attend, it was only fit for the Beta's only daughter. And oh boy, did it alter my life. I surrounded myself with the wrong humans, to say the least. Mean girls, if you will. They had money, they had fun, they had expensive things and that was all I needed to be persuaded.

The girls allowed me into their personal circle and taught me their rich girls ways. How to walk, talk and act around boys. I was a natural. Human boys were easy to flirt with, I didn't have to worry about if they had a mate or not, they were free for use.

Even the ones that were bound to others by marriage.

Of course I didn't sleep with them, majority of them I just flirted with, got a few fancy things and moved on. For others, I fooled around with a little, never actually taking that final leap. I vowed not to sleep with any human men, I know how they act. They acted like children and didn't know how to appreciate a exquisite she-wolf such as myself.

That 'personal' group that I mentioned before, screwed me over as soon as I began to form a personality of my own, one that didn't revolve around them. I grew up with them, learned from them and they left me because of jealousy. Their own protégé.

The only true friend I had left was Akira, a dark skinned, curly headed, 5'9 goddess. She inspired me to act the way I do, she's like an older sister to me. I was upset that she couldn't tag along on this trip but, this was just a personal family thing and humans were typically frowned upon in Greenmore anyways.

Akira understood that she couldn't come, and said these exact words, "Viv. You haven't seen your family since like— three christmas' ago, don't be a shallow bitch. Go see them."

I let out a subtle laugh in memory of her words and pushed myself out of deep thought, tapping on the iPad-looking screen attached to the back of the seat ahead of me, looking to see how much longer I had left on this death plane.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw 'one hour and five minutes remaining' typed out on the screen along with a tiny map, showing our progress so far.

Although I had only been on it for twenty minutes, it felt like days. I shrunk back in my seat and allowed my eyes to rest for my remaining hour.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

60 more painstakingly long minutes passed and I was finally off that cramped plane. I'll have to make sure to get first class on my ride back.

I didn't know how long I was staying in Vermont, just until I get fed up with the trees and nature shit or until I miss Akira too much. I gripped my luggage tight and scanned the room looking for my mother, people bustled pass me as if there was an emergency, a couple occasionally tripping over my luggage. It took all of me to not growl.

I pulled out my phone and quickly called her, she answered with haste and judging by the loud noise in the background I knew that she was here also, my heart raced in excitement to see her once again, I didn't realize how long it actually had been.

"Ana?" She shouted through the phone, loud enough to break my ear drums, I winced and pulled the phone back from my ear, "mama, where are you? I can't find you."

"I am by the—" i wait as the call cuts out for a few seconds which made me roll my eyes. I've told her a thousand times to get a new phone but she insists on keeping her old IPhone SE, it brings her happiness, I guess.

"Mama?" I shouted to the phone, the room got louder as people began to fill in once again.

I was about ready to catch the next flight to literally anywhere except for here. I stood on my toes and peered over the people before finally setting eyes on her. Short brown hair with strands of gray embedded in it, she stood at a jaw-dropping 5'4 height, which was considered pretty short in Greenmore. She was tapping furiously on the phone while talking to it, it was beyond me how the poor thing still worked.

I shook my head and laughed as I made my way over to her. She eventually mumbled a curse and looked up, her eyes finding me, her face immediately lit up and she walked over to me as quick as she could, embracing me in a tight hug. "La mia bellezza!" She tightened her grip on me as tears filled her eyes.

My beauty. The nickname she gave me after I was born. My father and her had troubles with pregnancy and multiple miscarriages before they got pregnant with me. I was their miracle baby. Their only baby.

"Mama, I missed you," I held back tears of my own as we embraced each other. She pulled back from me, her face wet with tears of joy and her cheeks beat red, I wiped the tears from her face and kissed her cheek.

"I've missed you more, my beauty," she stepped back and analyzed me, I'm sure she was checking to see if I was in good health and not injured in any way, which I playfully rolled my eyes at. Once she realized I was perfectly fine, she smiled motioned for me to follow her and I gripped my luggage in my hand as we began to exit the now quieter airport.

I took a deep breath as we walked outside, the sky was a dark blueish color signifying that the sun had set, today flew by quick. The wind blew against my hair which I usually would fuss at, but I couldn't help but feel grateful for the refreshment it gave me. New York air could never smell this good.

She looked back at me with a skeptical look, "have you been eating well in New York, Viviana?"

My shoulders dropped and suddenly the air no longer held my attention, "yes, mama, I—"

"Because I know! I know that the food in America is unhealthy, but, the food in New York!" She scoffed and shook her head, "it is made to kill people!" Her Italian accent faded since the last time I saw her, but you could still hear it, just faintly.

"Drama queen,"  I spoke and let out a laugh, "I am healthy and happy."

We approached a black car with a buff man standing in front of it, he stood at six feet with dark blonde locks and deep brown eyes. I couldn't help but check him out, the closer we got, the more I stared and he returned the favor. His eyes swiftly ran across my body in a second, so quick that one wouldn't be able to notice.

I smiled at this and reminded myself; you are not here to flirt with men, Viviana! You are here to reconnect with your pack and your family! So get it together!

The man dropped his head slightly in respect, "lady Viviana," he returned his gaze to mine, I had forgotten about the royal titles here. He glanced over to my mother, "lady Ginevra." My mother gave him a grin before he returned his gaze to me, "I am Luca, I'll be your personal driver and assistant for your time here in Greenmore."

What good have I ever done to deserve such an attractive assistant?

I kept my back straight and responded, "it is nice to meet you, Luca. I'm sure our time together will be.. delightful." I smiled at him which he returned along with a slight nod.

He took no time in grabbing my luggage and placing it in the trunk while my mother and I hopped into the back seat. The ride to Greenmore was at least eight minutes which gave us more than enough time to have the mother-daughter small talk the she yearned for.

Mama asked what I was perusing, in which I replied that I was still working my way through the fashion designing career. Not many had the luck of being able to peruse it, especially not in New York.

Luckily, I am not many.

"I think it is so lovely that you can finally do what you've always wanted since you were a little girl, I'm so proud of how far you've come, my beauty." Tears brimmed at the corners of my mother's eyes once again and I held her hand.

"Do not cry mama... you will make me ruin my mascara before we even arrive at Greenmore!"

We both laughed and she leaned the side of her head up against mine, taking a deep breath with my hand molded in hers, "I truly am glad that you are back home with us, Ana."

I sigh and relax against her touch, "I am too."

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

The ride to the castle took longer than expected. I gazed up at the magnificent palace.

This is where I belong. In a big ass castle lounging in the private pool with attractive assistants at my sides at all times. Luca halts the car as soon as we passed the gates and made it to the large medieval looking doors.

I'll admit, it could use a little remodeling here and there but for a castle built a thousand years ago, it looks quite nice.

"I miss this place." I admire the castle once I step out of the vehicle. Luca grabs my luggage for me and hauls it towards the doors, as soon as we got close, the doors opened and revealed the sparkling castle. Draped in red, black and gold, butlers, maids and chefs shuffled around the castle, as busy as the New Yorkers. I'll fit right in.

Stepping into the castle immediately brought memories back to me. Running through the castle playing hide and seek with the other pups, I always won, courtesy of actually living in the castle, unlike them.

The only person who ever won against me was Matteo, the youngest son of King Alpha John. Matteo was practically my best friend growing up, we related to each other the most in terms of age, status, and emotionally. I couldn't wait to see him.

"We will be attending a dinner in an hour or so with your father and the rest of the royal family. Dress nice, dear." My mother told me, I nodded to her slowly, still in awe by the castle.

"Luca, if you will, please escort my daughter to the room she will be staying in." My mother spoke softly and Luca nodded, shifting to me, "follow me."

I trailed Luca around the castle until we reached the north wing. It was the wing where the higher classed pack members stayed, for example, generals, warriors, my parents and some elders. The south wing belonged to those who worked in the castle, the east wing belonged to the royal family and the entire west winged was reserved for the King Alpha and his mate, if they so chose to sleep there.

I had always wondered what the west wing looked like. We were all forbidden from going there after Matteo got caught hiding in his parent's wardrobe. I laughed to myself which caused Luca to look back towards me, with a slight smile.

"Well, here we are. Your room, my lady." He handed me a single key, "here is your key, if you so please to lock your door," he paused for a second and blinked, "but, because the Alpha is not pleased with locked doors, I wouldn't recommend it."

I scoffed and inserted the key into the door, "what is he going to do? Break my door down?" I chuckled a little and unlocked the door, stepping in. Immediately my jaw dropped. The walls were painted with a creamy beige color, and the bed was coated with white sheets and comforter that I could die for. Directly in front of my was a two large glass doors the led out to a personal balcony. I gasped at the golden chandelier that hung in the middle of the room, on the other side of the room there was a two doors, one that led into a walk in closet, and the other that showcased a overly-large bathroom. Plants decorated the room all around and I was astonished.

"Oh my.."

Luca let out a husky chuckle, "your mother spent days harassing the maids about this room until she deemed it good enough for you."

I sigh and gulp. "Remind me to tell her how much I love her," I closed my eyes and allow my body to fall on the soft bed, digging my face into the soft pillows. I could sleep for decades on this bed.

"Yes, of course, my lady. If that will be all, I'll just be on my way. If you are in need of me, just mind link me." He said. I mumbled out an 'okay' that I'm pretty sure he probably didn't completely comprehend, but he left, so I'm sure understood.

After embracing the bed I sat up and stretched my body. I was looking forward to relaxing in the hot tub after this dinner is over. Rolling my shoulders back, I jumped off the bed and walked toward the walk in closet, no closet needed to be this big, but I wasn't complaining.

There were clothes already filled in, not many that were my style which I doubt I'll wear, but I appreciate whoever put effort into this. I walked over to the area where the dresses were hung and scanned through them until I found one perfect for the occasion.

I set it on my bed and stripped myself of clothes, jumping into the shower as quick as I possibly could. The heat and the pressure was perfect. Is this my sign to stay here forever?

After my fingers began to get pruny I got out of the shower and dried myself off, wiping the fog off the mirror I stared at myself.

I am beautiful. I smile in the mirror and proceed to wash my face, apply lotion and fix up my curly hair as much as I possibly could. I stepped out of the bathroom and glared down at the dress. The final piece to finish off this perfect night.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Now I'll admit, I was in the shower for longer than I had to be. And maybe, just maybe, I laid in the bed for a few more minutes then I had to but, I was tired and sweaty, so I had to deal with that first. Who cares if im a little late to this dinner, right?

Well, obviously, I do care as I'm dashing across the north wing in heels trying to get to the dining hall so I can at least not be the last one to arrive.

I got lost about twice before I smelt a sweet aroma. It had to have been coming from the kitchen, which I know for a fact is near the dining hall. Whatever food that was emitting that delicious smell, I was going to devour as soon as I get my hands on it.

By now my hair was probably a hot mess, I was most certainly sweating, hopefully not too bad, and my feet were absolutely killing me. That hot tub soak was definitely a must. It was all worth it as I reached the main entrance to the dining hall. The aroma was damn near knocking me off my feet, I craved it, I need it, whatever it was it was going to be mine.

I open the doors and make a silent prayer to the moon goddess that I wasn't too late.

The moon goddess did not answer my prayers.

As soon as I opened those doors multiple eyes were on me. My mother seemed to be fuming at my tardiness, while my father, Alpha King John, and Matteo were smiling, and laughing together.

I locked eye contact with a familiar face, one who I hadn't seen in years. Alessandro, Matteo's eldest brother. He had tan skin, light brown hair that was obviously swiped back with his hand multiple times before I arrived, and dark green eyes adorned his face, Goddess could he be any more attractive than he already is? The smell was coming directly from him. He was eye-fucking me so hard I swear I felt it in my stomach. Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel like I want to jump his bones? Snap out of it, Viv. I break eye contact with him and walk towards the table.

"Sorry I'm late."

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