
Alpha’s Fire

BOOK 1 of the ALPHA SERIES Rhys Dalton, Alpha oh the Blood Rose pack has been given a timeline to either search for his fated mate or take a chosen mate by his 29th birthday. He has an impossible task for two reasons. He never wanted a Luna to rule by his side and he’s already taken 2 chosen mates. Hidden from the world and the Alpha King because of the laws in place. Once the timeline comes and goes, Alpha Kano, the Alpha king has decided to see to it that Alpha Rhys takes a shewolf as his Luna in the next few days. Forced to mark, mate and announce her as his Luna, he now has the most impossible task of allowing her to rule his pack by his side. However only one day after the forced mating ceremony, he then meets his fated mate, a shewolf from a neighboring pack. Will he continue his hidden bond with his 2 chosen mates? Will he continue the bond he has with his forced Luna? Or will he choose his fated mate? Could it all work out? Or could it be Fire on Fire?

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31 Chs

Chapter 23 - More Punishment

Kaori POV

Alpha Rhys and Luna Madison..

A match made in perfection. Honestly, how can two people be so nasty? They clearly wanted a reaction from me just now, but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction!

I really dodge a bullet with my mate bond. The more time goes on, the happier I get about my rejecting him. He would have been a nightmare to spend the rest of my life with.

A few minutes passed before Alpha Rhys and Luna Madison came back into my room. I already brushed my hair back into a bun, brushed my teeth and washed my face again. I was wearing an all black t shirt with black leggings and my black and white tennis shoes. So per Alpha Rhys instructions, his breeder was ready to continue her punishment.

Luna Madison tossed an apron to me, the same one that Emilee and Heather wore. She also tossed a wash cloth and cleaning spray my way. I ended up catching the wash cloth, but the cleaning spray hit me in the face. Of course she and Rhys shared a laugh about that, evil bastards.

I simply tied my apron around my waist, grabbed the spray bottle off the floor and followed them downstairs. We walked into the kitchen, I seen Emilee and Heather already there cleaning everything.

"This is where you'll start breeder. I want you on your hands and knees cleaning the floors and I hope for your sake, the wood shines when we return. We will be having guests over tonight, so we need our house spotless. Do I make myself clear?" Luna Madison explained, with that snarky attitude of hers. I nod to her, completely understanding the futile job she just gave me.

My leggings will definitely be ruined after this..

I watched the happy couple leave out the packhouse before turning to look at my girls. I started mimicking Madison's ridiculousness and Rhys cockiness, we all shared a good laugh about that.

"I hate the Luna so much! That position is rightfully yours Kay." Emilee sneered, looking towards the livingroom.

"What do you mean?" Heather asked, I forgot that she didn't actually know the truth about my relationship with Rhys.

"Alpha Rhys was my mate." I said, rolling my eyes. Heather gasped, then looked confused.

"Wait, what do you mean, he was your mate?"

"I rejected him, but Alpha Kano said he was still within his legal right to bring me back here to his pack. So here I am."

"Well that's awful and to think he said such horrible things about you… oh my gosh and then he called you his breeder! I am so sorry about last night Kay. This whole situation is just awful for you."

"I hope whenever you and Emilee find your mates, they cherish every inch of you and never, ever mistreat you. I hope both of your bond flourish and are filled with nothing but love and happiness and a whole bunch of pups!" I squealed, excitedly jumping and down. Emilee and Heather joined in my silliness before thanking me. We all shared a hug then got back to our tasks.

After a few hours, I didn't know how much a floor could get, but I did a darn good job! Luna Madison could eat off this floor if she wanted to!

I was rinsing my cloth off for like the millionth time when I heard the front door open. I looked at the girls as we heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Not long after that, his dang scent hit me and I rolled my eyes.

"Well this floor looks good enough to eat off!" Landon, Rhys father exclaimed.

"It sure does! Beautiful job waxing honey." Leila, his mother said, grabbing Madison's hand.

"Thank you Leila. We wanted to this ourselves. It took a lot of work, but with Rhys help, we pulled it all together." Madison smiled at Leila. I physically felt sick.

I gave the girls a look that they completely understood, we all shared a smile then started to make dinner. Already knowing what was being served, Emilee got the steak out the fridge that had been thawing out, Heather grabbing the vegetables and I grabbed the seasonings, pots and pans we would need.

"Son, why is your breeder helping with dinner preparations?" Landon asked, I wanted to turn around so bad and just tell him off, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Father, my breeder is to treated as one of the staff. Madison has been through her first heat, so there's a very good chance that she's pregnant. If for any reason, Madison does not pregnant after her second heat, that's when Kaori will need to fulfill her responsibilities, but until then, she remains as a staff member and everyone is to treat her as such. No better. Understood?"

Facing the counter, I listened to everyone behind me agree to treating me like a member of their staff. Only the Goddess knows how they treat omegas here. Based on their rudeness back in my pack, I was sure they wouldn't be treating me nicely.

Emilee, Heather and I continued to prepare dinner. I actually really loved cooking back in my pack and I absolutely loved our pack barbecues, so making dinner for everyone tonight didn't seem like much of a chore.

The aromas filled the whole kitchen and I'm sure it went all way through to the dining room. I was actually enjoying myself as we started making plates for everyone, I noticed our plates were missing though.

"Umm Emilee, I think we forgot our plates."

"No, we don't eat when everyone else does, after we serve dinner, we are to standby until needed. Then when dinner is over, we clear the table, clean the kitchen and then we are allowed to eat. Everything must be done by 10pm though. Alpha's orders."

What is with this man and everything being done at 10pm? That was the time he wanted to begin our "mating" and now he likes his house cleaned by then as well and after a dinner with guests? That just seems impossible!

I just shook my head at Emilee, nothing against her, all my frustration was towards that pig headed Alpha. All of the plates were almost done being put together when I heard a knock at the front door. I looked at the girls for guidance. I wasn't sure how any of this went, so I was glad I had them to show me.

Following Emilee and Heather out to the dining room, we all stood in the corner of the room waiting for our instructions. I heard footsteps and people chattering before I seen who the guests were.

"Alpha Frederick, Alpha Jeff, Luna Paige, Beta Carter thank you all for joining us this evening." Rhys said, with the most nicest tone I've ever heard from him.

That's when I heard Heather gasp next to me, then someone else growled across the room. My eyes shot between her and whoever she was looking at.

"Mate." The man introduced as Alpha Frederick growled. I stepped aside, bumping into Emilee as we scurried to get out of the way. Heather was rooted to the same spot as she watched Alpha Frederick stalk towards her.

Once Alpha Frederick reached her, he cupped her face and took no time in between grabbing her and kissing her.

A stupid smile crept onto my face then. Heather, an Omega, born and raised in a terrible pack with an Alpha who looks down on wolves with her status, is mated to an Alpha! She would never be mistreated again, never have to scrub floors and be forced to cook dinners and serve others and bow to her jerk of an Alpha. Nope, she would now be a Luna. Someone who demands respect in every way and with her Alpha by her side, she won't fail.

Alpha Frederick was the first one to break their kiss as he stared down at his new mate.

"What's your name?" He asked, my poor friend stayed quiet. I think she was in shock.

"Her name is Heather." I spoke up, completely out of turn. I knew I would be getting yelled at for that.

"Omega, mind your manners!" Alpha Rhys spit at me. Really? Now he's gone as low as to call me an omega?

"Please Alpha Rhys, I'm not upset about it. What's your name little one?" Alpha Frederick asks me, I hesitate in answering before looking back at Rhys. His jaw was clenched but he nods to let me know I can answer the question.

"My name is Kaori."

"Really? You know, I know someone with that name. Well I've never actually met her, but my men trained alongside her a few months back in the Red Stone pack. Tough little shewolf, my Beta said she took out 3 of my men on her own."

I couldn't stop my smile from growing bigger at Alpha Frederick's compliment, but my happiness was short lived when Rhys spoke.

"Omegas, tend to your duties." He growled, sending Emilee and i towards the kitchen. I seen that Heather tried to follow, but Alpha Frederick stopped her.

"Oh no, my little mate, you no longer will be serving, but being served now."

"But I'm an Omega." She said.

"So? You're my mate, did you really think I would care about your rank? Even with it, you'll be a Luna soon. Now please come sit with me."

I looked over at Emilee and we both gushed for our friend. She deserved to be happy!

Emilee and I grabbed the plates two at a time bringing them into the dining room for everyone. I remembered Rhys words back in my pack about him not being served last, so the first plate I set down was his, giving the next to Alpha Frederick. Emilee handed hers to Alpha Jeff and Luna Madison. I rushed back into the kitchen, bringing plates out to Luna Paige and Landon, then I went back in to grab Mateo and Jett's plates. Emilee brought her plates out to Leila and one of Rhys brothers, Maverick, then going back in to grab Preston's, with me bringing out the very last plates for Heather, then Rhys youngest brother, Liam. Remembering Rhys words about pups eating last.

I hated it, but what choice did I have? Legally, I belonged to him and I'm starting to see that he was going to do whatever he wanted to make me as miserable as possible.

Emilee and I took our places in the corner of the room, watching everyone enjoy their dinner. Their conversations and laughter filled the room. Well everyone except Preston, Mateo and Jett. They kept looking at me and Emilee with pity all over their faces. I couldn't help stealing glances at Heather and Alpha Frederick. He was being so sweet with her, holding her hand, kissing the back of it. Sometimes moving her hair out of her face, placing little kisses on her forehead. It was the cutest when he would feed her!

"Omega." Alpha Rhys voice pulled me from my happiness for my friend. I looked at him.

"Yes Alpha Rhys." Both Emilee and I said, but he shook his head, then pointed at me.

"Only you. Come over here." I walked over to him as fast as I could, without tripping over my own feet.

"Yes Alpha."

"Get my Luna some water. She looks dehydrated." He said, reaching over to stroke Madison's cheek. She giggled and Kora pressed forward with me. My wolf was still so upset about Rhys treating us this way. I wondered what Magnus would have to say about this.

I walked away to get Madison her glass of water, bringing it back to the table and setting it in front of her.

"You forgot my ice Omega." She glared at me.

"How many cubes would you like Luna?"

"Start with one, then we will work from there." Rhys says. I grab her glass, going to put one dang ice cube in it and brought it back to her.

"I think she's changed her mind. Let's try two cubes this time omega." Rhys says again smiling at me.

We repeat the dang process over and over until Madison and Rhys decide that 8 ice cubes were the perfect amount. I smiled at them, then turned to make my way back to Emilee.

"Omega, I didn't say you could walk away. Come sit here." Rhys says, gesturing next to him. I look at him before looking for another chair. I'm guessing he figured out what I was trying to find when he spoke up again.

"I never said to sit in a chair omega. Come sit here, next to my chair on the floor."

"Yes Alpha." Without hesitation, I did what he said. Once I sat on the floor next to his chair, he patted my head then proceeded to feed Madison from his plate. I tried my best to contain my frustration, but I could feel how heartbroken Kora was. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I stared at the floor. I had finally given Rhys what he wanted from me this whole time. A reaction!

"Alpha Rhys, you don't need to treat your omegas so cruelly." I heard Alpha Frederick speak.

"No offense, Alpha Frederick but what I do with my omegas is my business and what you do with yours is your business." I knew he was talking about Heather without even looking up.

"You know an Alpha is only as strong as his pack and omegas make up majority of all packs. You should treat them with respect, you may lose them all one day and your pack will suffer because of it." Alpha Jeff said.

"Yes agreed darling." Luna Paige said.

"And again, what I do with my omegas is my business. I don't interfere with the way you run your packs, please do not interfere with the way I run mine."

He's such a jerk. At least Heather would be apart of a pack that treated their omegas kindly.