
Alpha’s Fire

BOOK 1 of the ALPHA SERIES Rhys Dalton, Alpha oh the Blood Rose pack has been given a timeline to either search for his fated mate or take a chosen mate by his 29th birthday. He has an impossible task for two reasons. He never wanted a Luna to rule by his side and he’s already taken 2 chosen mates. Hidden from the world and the Alpha King because of the laws in place. Once the timeline comes and goes, Alpha Kano, the Alpha king has decided to see to it that Alpha Rhys takes a shewolf as his Luna in the next few days. Forced to mark, mate and announce her as his Luna, he now has the most impossible task of allowing her to rule his pack by his side. However only one day after the forced mating ceremony, he then meets his fated mate, a shewolf from a neighboring pack. Will he continue his hidden bond with his 2 chosen mates? Will he continue the bond he has with his forced Luna? Or will he choose his fated mate? Could it all work out? Or could it be Fire on Fire?

Daughsh · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter 20 - Innocence

Alpha Rhys POV

(Warning-Sexual content)

The last week had been interesting to say the least. As much as I didn't want it to, my bond with Madison had gotten stronger. My bond with Mateo and Jett had grown as well. All of my mates were happy, so I was happy.

Kaori on the other hand, made sure she was no longer my mate. I felt the tether snap her way, I hadn't accepted her rejection so I still felt a pull to her. I couldn't let that get to me, even though the past week it has been beyond fucking difficult to stay away from her.

I ended up assigning two of my Omega staff, Emilee and Heather to take care of her. I wanted her to suffer those first 3 days because I knew she would still be able to feel me through the bond. I made sure to have sex with Madison every night, as loud as we could be. Mateo and Jett said it wasn't necessary but I felt it was. Kaori needed to learn how to submit to me and I already told everyone that she would be broken by the end of this, emotionally was the best way for her and I knew it was working.

Those first 3 days, she felt like a mess. Magnus said her wolf was damn near non existent, stricken with pain and anger. Magnus hasn't spoken to me after that 3rd day though. He's pissed that I'm treating our mate this way. He would get over it eventually.

On the 4th day, I allowed food and something to drink to be brought up to her. I was sure by then, she was starving and would beg for forgiveness, but much to my annoyance, Mateo and Jett reported that she would just take the bread off the tray at the door and then close it. I knew Emilee and Heather were preparing her huge meals 3 times a day, but Madison felt like she should have the bare minimum. I agreed to it only because it made sense. Starve a wolf and they will come begging to their Alpha for help.

Unfortunately Madison's little plan didn't work. So we were back to square one with my stubborn little mate. I hadn't been to her room in a full week by this point, so I spoke to Madison about it and she suggested I have sex with her. She said that intimacy to shewolves make them clingy, they crave it and once they got it, they're like putty in the our hands. So that's exactly what I planned to do and it made complete sense with what Alpha Kano told me. It's not exactly how I pictured our first time together but it would do if it meant hearing my little mate beg for forgiveness.

I gave all my mates sedatives this morning knowing what I wanted to do tonight. I didn't need them hearing or feeling anything that happened between Kaori and I.

Of course Mateo and Jett tried to talk me out of it, calling me abusive and insensitive but this had to be done. It was the last thing I could think of before letting her out of her room and giving Madison free reign. I wanted her to bend to me before that and if this got the job done, then so be it.

It's just sex, I'm sure with that body, my little mate has done this plenty of times. It should be no big deal. It's not like I'm stealing her damn virginity. I would wine and dine her, seal my name in her, then hold her after and be real sweet. Make her fall for me then leave. After our night together, she would be ready to beg for forgiveness just to stay on my good side.

I told Emilee and Heather exactly what I wanted tonight, everything down to the atmosphere, what Kaori should wear, how I want her hair, her nails and toes were to be done and her makeup was to be done exactly how I wanted.

Giving them until 10pm to get everything done. Once my timeline had come, I made my way to Kaori's bedroom, which by the way, was the smallest room in the house. I couldn't make her totally comfortable.

Walking into her room, I nod to make it clear that I wanted privacy. Emilee and Heather got the point, leaving the room quickly. I scanned the room, making sure everything was just the way I wanted it to be. Rose petals on the floor and the bed, long stem red roses on the desk, bed and night stands. Candles strategically placed throughout the room. The gifts I brought Kaori sat in their bags on the desk, as well as the chocolates I brought.

Everything was in perfect order as my eyes met my littles mate for the first time in a week. She looked absolutely ravishing in her new lingerie, her hair perfectly curled, nails and toes painted, makeup done just as I remembered it the first day I laid eyes on her. I could see that Emilee and Heather placed her on the edge of the bed, her legs crossed, waiting for me. The strongest scent of cinnamon filled the room. I wasn't sure if it was her or the oil I asked my omegas to put on her, but the room smelled just as delicious as she looked.

"Kaori." Her name rolled off my tongue with such ease. I seen her swallow the lump in her throat, heard her heart pounding, her fear filling the room now.

She was right to fear me. Finally. Her common sense kicked in. It shouldn't be long before she's asking for my forgiveness and then I could easily hand her over to Madison, only by then, I would make sure that Madison wasn't too hard on the girl. For her sake, she better behave tonight.

"Alpha Rhys." She greeted me, bowing her head in submission. There we go little mate.

"Can we please just get this over with." She asked, that same attitude I wanted to break out of her, came out. Well so much for submission and having a good night. Now I have to be a little rougher than I intended. All foreplay is now off limits.

"Take your robe off and lay down on your back Kaori. Now."

She nodded then moved to do what I said. Once she was laid on her back, I walked over to the bed. Climbing on next to her, I grabbed her panties and pulled them down her legs, nothing sensual about my actions. I tried to be nice, but she just had to let that attitude come back out. Once her panties were off, I grabbed her legs, pushing them towards her until her knees were bent, heels flat on the bed. She would be keeping those on. I pulled my sweats off, then climbed between her legs.

"Undo your bra and throw it on the floor. Do it quickly."

I watched as Kaori closed her eyes following my instructions, she now laid in front of me, completely naked. Her body glistening in the candlelight. Condoms wouldn't matter tonight, I needed to try to get her pregnant.

That was Alpha Kano's compromise to Madison and I keeping Kaori and punishing her for her disrespect. He actually wanted to take her for himself because now that she willingly rejected me, she would be granted a second chance mate by the Moon Goddess and Alpha Kano wanted her before she found whoever her second chance mate was.

Of course I refused but him being my Alpha, he could easily command me to accept her rejection. So the only compromise was that if I got her pregnant in the next 3 months, before he made his pack rounds again, I would be able to keep her. So here we are.

Madison's plan combined with the compromise I made with Kano. Kaori has to either get pregnant in the next 3 months or he will take her for himself and command me to accept her rejection. Something I was not ok with.

I leaned down to kiss my little mate after taking her in, my lips meeting hers for the first time. I felt everything I should from our bond, it pissed me off that she couldn't. Our first kiss should have been filled with sparks, intense emotion, love, desire!

Without lingering on the stupid fucking feeling of rejection, I lined my self up with her and took her body as mine. I felt some resistance, but that makes sense. She probably just hasn't had sex in awhile, so I pushed forward. However the moment she hissed in pain and I smelled blood, I looked down terrified.

"She's a f**king virgin you dumbass!" That was the first I've heard Magnus in days and he's beyond livid with me. His anger rushing over me. Guilt taking over. Damn it, I was so careless with her just now.

"Kaori?" I asked, looking back into her eyes. She was glaring at me with tears in her eyes.

"Just get it over with and get out Alpha Rhys."

Clenching my jaw at her blatant disrespect, I did as she asked. I got it over with. Not exactly the most memorable experience, she was in pain the whole time. I could tell and I hated this being the way I took her innocence. I wish I would have waited, continued her punishment, then maybe if I fell for her, oh how am I kidding, I've already fallen for her. If I would have waited for her to apologize, we actually could have tried, but not like this.

This moment was awful for both of us. I could feel my love for her growing stronger as the bond strengthened, when all she could feel was hatred towards me. She stared at me the whole time, her gray eyes piercing through my fucking soul. Just like I said they would the first day I saw her. I never pictured this would be the time that my dumbass statement would become my truth.

I felt my knot connect with her not long after we started, tying myself to her. She didn't make one damn sound the whole time, not one. A moan, groan, whimper, sigh, shit she could have even called me fuzzy again and I would have accepted it, but she gave me nothing. Nothing! Quiet as a mouse in the forest.

All she did was glare at me.

I knew with my knot in place, I couldn't leave her. Although I would give anything to get away from her eyes right now. So I settled on laying next to her, carefully positioning our bodies within each other. I laid on my left side, her on her right side. Our legs wrapped into each other as she continued that damn glare of hers.

My eyes went to her neck, anything I could look at to not meet her eyes anymore, until my knot subsided. Which by the way took like 27 hours!!

Yes I'm exaggerating, it was more like 20 minutes and after that, I felt the swelling go down. I carefully pulled my body from hers and decided to leave the room instead of staying and cuddling like I planned.

I know what Madison's plan was and how I was to be super intimate with her, but at this moment, I doubt that would change Kaori's mood.

The feelings I was getting from her through our bond were overwhelming and the guilt was starting to eat me alive. I had to get away from her as quick as I could before I gave in and ended her punishment. She needed to learn that I'm her Alpha and unless I'm ok with her attitudes, she can't have them with me. She definitely can't use the bond or Magnus to get her way.

"Please enjoy your gifts Kaori." That was all I could muster up before pulling my pants back on and leaving her room.

I walked back to the first floor and headed straight for the kitchen. I needed a damn drink after that shit. To my surprise, Mateo and Jett were already there.

"So how was it?" Mateo asked.

"Yeah we didn't hear much and all of your guilt was a little confusing." Jett said.

I walked past them, grabbing a bottle of alcohol from the cabinet above the fridge.

"She was a virgin and somehow I think that's not how she wants to remember losing her body." I admit, taking a drink from the bottle of Brandy.

"So you didn't do it?" Jett asked.

"I did but I was way too rough."

"But we didn't even hear anything, let alone feel anything from you." Mateo said, gesturing toward me.

"Surely you felt me having sex Mateo." I snapped at him, taking another drink.

"Well yeah but you know.." He shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"She didn't make any noise, I don't think she enjoyed herself at all. The only thing I could feel was anger from her and the only thing she actually did was stare at me with those fucking haunting eyes of hers."

My mates looked at each other then before looking back at me.

"What happened Rhys?" Mateo asked, I looked at him and Jett. Their faces told me that they wouldn't give up until I told them.

So that's what I did. Told them everything that happened. How much of an asshole I was, I didn't do any foreplay, I didn't make sure she was ready or comfortable, I'm sure I hurt her when we first started. I told them how quiet she was, no noise, no reaction, nothing. How she stared at me the whole time, more like glared at me, her eyes tearing into my soul. It was like she shut down her whole body from feeling anything for me. The woman didn't even get wet, like her arousal was nonexistent. She wasn't the Kaori I met before, that's for sure. She didn't submit to me nor did she ask for forgiveness. It was like she was just a body without a soul laying there.

I would never forget the look in her eyes.

This guilt was driving me crazy!

"Rhys, that doesn't sound like a very memorable experience for her." Jett said, coming over to take a drink from the bottle I was holding.

"Oh I'm sure she won't ever forget this. It sounds like it was probably the worst night of her life. You're doing a great job mending your bond Rhys." Mateo said, his voice laced with disgust.

"Fucking thanks Mateo."

"I'm not trying to kick you while you're down Rhys, I'm just saying.. this doesn't exactly sound like something good happened for her. I know you told us your reasons, but you could have been a little less of an asshole. Even if she did give you attitude, you should have looked past that and tried to at least make your first time together magical."

I knew he was right. I should have done that, I let my anger take over and ruined something that should have been great for both of us, mainly Kaori. Now her body belongs to me and I'm sure that she's even more pissed at me.

"Rhys, at least let the woman come out of that room. You've barely fed her this last week, I'm sure she's been drinking out the sink or something just for water. You've isolated her from all pack contact, her wolf must be going crazy and now you've taken something from her that you can never give back. I can't tell you to stop your silly punishments but at least let her come out the room and feed the woman." Mateo explained before walking out the kitchen. Jett followed him, both of them leaving me to my thoughts.

I couldn't stop her punishment. She had to learn, I knew that, but Mateo is right. After what I did tonight, the least I could do was feed her properly and let her out of the room, but she would have to stay with either Mateo, Jett, Emilee or Heather until next week. Then Madison could take over for the next 3 weeks.

The challenge for Luna position should be able to be set up by then.