
XLVIII: Nuisance

"Huxley!" Carina followed the agitated man running in the hallway. They just got the news of what's been happening in the Republican, and as per usual his anger didn't help him calm down from the situation.

Huxley had been wanting to follow them in the enemy's domain ever since he found out about Lilith being abducted for the second time around, but he is also aware that he can't do whatever he wants for it will danger the two main domains. Yet, his anger is still prominent and so he could only think of one thing that would help him calm his senses. The absolute assassination of the traitors.

"Huxley please." Carina was still calling after him until they arrived in the underground dungeons of the Realm. She quickened her pace once more, and when they were already in front of the cells where Benjamin and Adelaide were locked up together, Carina got a hold of his arm.