
Chapter 32

"Is this your sister?" Anna asked staring at Sarah.

Sarah was the one to tighten her grip now on Matteo's hand, why would this lady call her Matteo's sister? Did she look like Matteo?

"She is not my sister, she is my girlfriend." Matteo said letting go of Sarah's hand.

"Girlfriend?" Anna repeated. She stared at Sarah with a look of disbelief and then back at Matteo, who didn't look like he was joking. She smiled at him this time and placed her hand on his hand on the table, then she leaned up close to his ear.

"I will love to talk to you...privately." Anna whispered for only them to hear but Sarah was able to read her lips and figure out what she had just told Matteo.

"Is anything the problem?" Matteo replied.

"I just want...."

"You are ruining our dinner, you can call him later on." Sarah interrupted her before she could speak, the idiot was clearly on to Matteo and was acting like Sarah wasn't here. Touching her man and talking seductively to him.

Anna turned around and adjusted herself, she stared at Matteo but he seemed like he didn't want to interfere in whatever was going on. Anna had broken up with Matteo a long time ago, at that time she didn't know he was Stephan's biological brother.

'You are ending our relationship because of what?'

'I think it is best, I don't feel any...'

'Alright then, I have work to do.' 

That was the last she heard of him and they never communicated again until she saw him online as the brother of Stephan by that time she had suffered greatly in the hands of Jerome Grey.

She thought she was making the right decision then but when Jerome had hit her not once, not twice but on multiple occasions and proceeded to rape her. She knew she was done for.

She had tried to endure, told a couple of lies to her friends that she fell down, or she broke her leg when she slipped in the kitchen and when she ran out of lies she left Jerome. It wasn't easy but she had to change country eventually.

Until recently she heard the bastard was dead and she was grateful, she didn't know why but she was. 

She was happy to see Matteo and she hoped they would rekindle their relationship but she didn't know who this woman who he was now claiming to be his girlfriend. She wondered how long they had been dating or if Matteo was just lying to get rid of her.

"Let me have your number then, I don't want to disturb." 

Matteo was about to open his mouth to tell Anna off but Sarah beat him to it and instead told Anna his number. Anna was shocked but decided that maybe Sarah wasn't truly his girlfriend. She gladly collected the number and dialed it but it was switched off.

Anna looked through the Truecaller on her phone to be sure it was the right number and it was.

"Oh, hold on." Sarah reached into her purse and brought out Matteo's phone, she turned it on and heard Matteo sigh deeply not believing what Sarah was doing right now. She had not only given Anna his private number but was also going to put on his phone.

"I forgot I switched off his phone," Sarah said turning the phone back on. "You can call him now, so I can save it. What's your name?"

"..." Anna stared at Sarah , she had accepted Sarah having Matteo's phone but for her to put it on without Matteo talking and then demand her name so she could save it. She turned and stared at Matteo and he still wasn't saying anything.

She remembered how Matteo was when they were together, he was always uptight. Well not like she ever really talked much. Who was this lady?

"Anna, my name is Anna."

"Saved. You can call us later." Sarah replied switching off the phone and putting it back into her purse. 

Anna didn't know what to say, she nodded and left embarrassed by Matteo's silence and lack of in put in their conversation.

"Who is she?" Sarah asked when Anna was already back in her own table.

"What would you like to eat?"

"You haven't answered me."

"We will talk about this later, let's not ruin our dinner further." Matteo pleaded signalling the waiter to come to their table, he didn't want to talk about Anna. He probably had loved before and that love was taken for granted.

He whispered into the waiter ear, telling him what they would have and that he should get the best of their wine.

When the waiter was gone, they stared at each other as silence filled the air. Sarah brought out her phone and started pressing it when she got bored of the staring competition.

The waiter brought their food afterwards and served them, bowing down and leaving them to enjoy their food.


"He really did that?" Dawn asked turning the egg on the fire. She decided to surprise Stephan by cooking for him, while she was busy cooking , Sarah had called her that her dinner with Matteo got ruin by some Anna girl.

She had placed the phone on the kitchen table and left it on loud speaker, as she spoke her voice echoed in the room loudly.

"He said he didn't want to talk about it," Sarah voice was heard from the phone.

During the period they spent apart they were slowly becoming close due to the fact that they had a common interest. They were dating the Klar's. 

When both brothers were away on work, they spent the time they were less busy gossiping about both brothers.

Dawn was always bored than Sarah, she looked forward to their chit chat. For her, she saw Sarah as a sister that Olivia wasn't to her anymore.

"Well I think you should respect his decision and wait for him to tell you when he feels comfortable about it but then again I feel you are not the patient type," Dawn said dropping the egg from the fire. If there was anything she had learned about Sarah it was that, Sarah wasn't the patient type.

After her experience with Alberto, she was keen on finding out enough information about Matteo's love life. She always said she didn't want to be caught off guard but Dawn knew it was more of her insecurities.

She was trying to avoid another break up from erupting, but with the way she was going Dawn was having it in mind to discuss it with Stephan has she couldn't call Matteo for now.

"I am patient, I just feel..."

"You feel insecure Sarah and that's totally okay to feel, I think you should talk to him about it."

"Really?" Sarah didn't know if it was proper to explain those kind of things to Matteo, even discussing it with Dawn right now was making her uncomfortable but she needed advice from a female.

She wanted to know if she was doing something wrong because since they got back Matteo had not said a thing to her, he had locked himself up in his office.

One would think he was busy with work but Sarah knew that wasn't the case. He was avoiding the conversation about what happened in the restaurant.

It was unusual for her to see Matteo that way, he was acting weird over a woman and the woman wasn't her. She was jealous of it, who was this Anna? 

While Matteo and her were friends, before they had started dating. He never mentioned any Anna, not that she even bothered with his love life.

"We will talk later, Stephan is back." Dawn said as the call disconnected. Typical Sarah, it seemed she was really pissed off. Good luck to Matteo tonight.

She hurried to the dinning to set the egg in place, she could see Stephan from the security camera heading into the elevator.

She cleaned the kitchen counter quickly, pulled off her apron and dashed in to change into something nice. 

She quickly changed and wore a yellow plain tee over her pyjamas, it was already late.

When she came to the parlor, she saw Stephan making a phone call. He signalled her to come to him and gave her a hug, then a quick kiss on the lips.

"You are late," Dawn whispered helping him pull off his suit, she motioned him to sit down and helped him with his shoes. It wasn't like he couldn't do it by himself but she sometimes would feel like doing it for him. 

She took them inside the room and came back.

"Yeah, I have spoken to him already

 Give him and his wife a room. I will address him tomorrow." Stephan said over the phone and ended the call.

"Did you cook?" Stephan asked since he entered their was an aroma in the air, he had not asked Dawn once if she knew how to cook. Since they had a maid he didn't bother to and most times he would cook for her.

"Yes I did, are you going to freshen up or eat now."

"I will eat now, about Scar..."

"It's okay."

"Are you sure?" Stephan had discussed with Dawn about Scar but he wasn't sure if she was comfortable with it. 

Dawn had thought about the whole situation, as long as she didn't see Scar, she was going to be alright plus Matteo was the top priority right now. 

She had her own plans as regards her sister not Scar.

"I am sure, I made some sketches for you to review Sir." Dawn laid emphasis on the Sir as they headed to the dinning, they say next to each their as Dawn served him.

Stephan stared at the table with all sorts of delicacies, did she spend all day cooking? He had not tasted her food before but he made up his mind that, he didn't care if it was bad or good.

He dig into his fried chicken first and took a bite as Dawn placed a file in front of him. She had told him she was tired of doing nothing and he had informed her to examine some sketches and jot down her opinions next to them, maybe he might place her in the fashion design team or as his personal assistant.

Stephan could easily place Dawn anywhere and even as the general manager but Dawn being Dawn she would not accept it, he decided to make her work for it. He was going to offer her the opportunity to prove herself to him.

Stephan checked the sketches and her notes beside it as he continued to eat, he didn't even notice he was doing more of eating than accessing.

"Why do you think this purple colour shouldn't be used?" The sketches Stephan had handed to her, were the new collections they needed to work on and launch. 

This file was very confidential and were only accessed by top designers and Stephan but he was allowing her place her in put without her knowing the value of what she was accessing.

He wanted to see how serious she was going to take this mini job interview.

"Well I noticed, the last summer collection had a lot of purple, I get that purple is known as a colour that associates with royalty and a theme colour for the Klar's fashion house." 

Stephan nodded his head in agreement but it was more of how delicious the food was than if purple was a colour or not.

"I feel we should go with another theme, something unique and different from our last collection."

Stephan also had the same thought as well, he had it in mind to inform Matteo about the colour repetition and how they needed to re brand, it was good to hear that Dawn was in sync with him on her evaluation.

"You will resume tomorrow." Stephan stated sternly.