
Chapter 33

The next day felt like a dream when Stephan woke her up as early as five in the morning he said something about having a meeting by six and his personal assistant was required to tag along.

Dawn was starting to wish she didn't tell him she needed something to keep herself busy, she wasn't used to waking up so early.

She had been waking up quite late for almost a month now, so even when Stephan woke her up. She was still in the bathroom currently dozing while she brushed her teeth.

She didn't even know what to wear, they had not gone cloth shopping, maybe that would be a good excuse to resume tomorrow when she felt fit enough.

"What are you doing here?" Dawn stuttered as Stephan entered stack naked, she tried to keep her eyes on him and not on his manhood or his firm thighs.

For the past one month they had not had not yet had sex but Stephan had not let her feminity rest on bit by pleasing her when he could, even when she felt sore, he would insist.

It was always night time so they barely saw each other fully naked.

Stephan didn't want to enter into the bathroom but when Dawn was taking so long, he thought to check why she was taking long and hopefully just take a quick shower and get ready.

When he stared at her, it was obvious she was still feeling sleepy as her eyes were not fully opened. She sighed deeply and rinsed her mouth of the toothpaste, washing her the toothbrush and putting it back in place.

She decided to leave the bathroom for Stephan, at least before he would take his bath she would nap a little but she headed for the door, Stephan pulled her back as she nearly collided into him.

Her robe shifted from the force as her nipple peeped out of one side of the robe.

"Let's bath together to save time," Stephan ordered taking of her robe from the shoulder, as it fell to the ground."You don't need to feel insecure, your scar is beautiful." 

Stephan noticed she wasn't comfortable being naked in front of him since her injury was already healing up and the bandages were off. There was a scar there from the stitches but Sarah had reassured him that she would undergo some process to get rid of the scar completely.


"Relax, I won't bite." Stephan said motioning her into the shower. "And even if I bite, it will be where you want me to."

He turned on the shower on both of them, the water was cold on Dawn as she shivered and brought her hands to cover her breast. 

Stephan took the soap from the counter to help Dawn bath, she tried to collect it from him but he wanted to bath her himself. Since she was all healed up, she was the one bathing herself. 

He hadn't seen her fully when he usually washed her up, but now he wanted to explore every part of her body.

He washed her body slowly, he turned her back to him and placed the soap over her breast. Moving his hands in a circular motion over her breast.

 Dawn felt a tingling sensation on her nipples as they pointed out instantly from Stephan touch, she felt his manhood on her butt as he continued to wash her slowly.

Were they not going for the meeting anymore, she wanted to ask him but her mouth and her body were saying something else, she didn't know how she was feeling till Stephan placed kisses on her neck as he massaged her breast, he touched her nipple and pressed it lightly as a low moan escaped her lips.

Stephan continued to place light kisses on her neck and when he heard her moan, he flipped her over and placed a kiss on her lips. He pulled her closer to his as their bodies collided under the shower.

He held her face in his hand and pried her lips open with his tongue, he kissed her slowly nibbling on her bottom lips,  on her top lips and then he kissed her deeply when he felt her reciprocating his kisses.

Their tongues collided in one, Dawn was the first to let go of Stephan's lips. She felt her lips would get swollen from the way Stephan was nibbling on her lips. 

She kissed him, this time lightly as she knelt down in front of him in the shower surprising Stephan.

Stephan had plans to finger Dawn in the shower and then afterwards they would bath and head to his office but now Dawn was kneeling before him.

They both knew what it meant for her to be this way, was she ready to do this? He was a hard man to satisfy and he barely collected heads from any woman and even when he did, they always ended up with teary eyes and they were never able to satisfy him or get him to the point of release.

"Do you want to...ah...fuck." Stephan stuttered sliding his hand through his hair as he stared at Dawn licking the tip of his dick. He wanted to ask her if she was sure about this but before he could put his sentence together he felt her cold lips on his tip.

Dawn hadn't plan to do this but Stephan was always pleasing her, she wanted to do something for him. She had not done this to Damien but she had watched a lot and read a lot to know how this worked. 

Why was she even thinking about Damien right now? The most important thing was to stay focus.

The most important thing of all was to avoid the teeth touching him, when she had kissed his dick she felt it get tensed in her hand, like it was pumping blood into it.

She placed it slowly into her mouth, until it touched the back of her throat. She repeated it again three times and continued on a slow pace, gagging on his manhood. She took her time, jerking him off and sucking him at the same time.

She continued to jerk him off, as she felt his manhood getting bigger and bigger in her mouth.

She was pleased that she was able to give him an hard on.

"Fuck." Stephan moaned again this time louder. He couldn't take what Dawn was doing to him, he felt she was teasing him or maybe he was just not patient.

He placed his hand through his hair  continuously trying to control whatever feeling was going on through his mind. When he stared down Dawn was engrossed with his manhood.

She was like a pro, hitting, sucking and jerking all at the right time, he should have gotten a head a long time but a head in the shower was a win win too.

He placed his hand to the back of her head when he felt her getting tired, he pushed her head in and out and continued yanking her out and in.


He kept on motioning her hand with his hand faster and faster and faster, he didn't know when he grabbed her head with both hands. Her mouth was so tight, he wondered if this was how tight she was going to be when they finally do it.

He felt the back of her throat hitting the tip of his shaft as he continued pushing her in and out, as she gagged on it.


Dawn stood still her hands on his hips, she allowed him have his way with her. The fact that he was getting pleasure from her meant she was going just right. She loved the way he moaned softly and loudly when he couldn't control himself.

She loved how at interval he stared at her to be sure, he wasn't hurting her too much. He didn't have to say the words but Dawn knew he was keeping tabs on her to make sure he was choking her.

She didn't know why but she was getting turned on from all this, she felt her nipple harden at his moan and her sex turn wet.

Stephan felt a rush of wave in his body, was it really happening? Was he really going to release.

"Ah...ah..Fu..ck..fuck..fuck...Dawn." he was cuming, he tried to remove his shaft from her mouth but Dawn held on to his hips. She wanted him to fill her with all of him.

He stared at her just to be sure, she wanted to do this and she stared at him.

He felt it at the tip of his manhood, he yanked her head back and drove himself into her mouth faster and then slowly as he released into her.


Dawn felt a rush of something warm in her mouth, she hadn't done this before. The taste felt weird to her, she felt Stephan pulling his shaft away as he breathed in and out. He was out of breathe.

Stephan stared at Dawn, with dizzy eyes. It was his first time getting to this point like this. He placed his hand on Dawn's lips as she swallowed in.

"You did well," he praised her and he wasn't lying, she did so well. He pulled her up and turned her back to face him, he bent her over before she could understand what he was up to and he entered her from the back with ease.

Dawn eyes widened at the feel of him, the force was so hard. She felt her hands pressed on the wall for support, she felt his left hand on her hips trying to get her to bend a bit lower for him. 

"Relax for me," she heard him muttered to her. She felt his right hand twirling her hair in a circle form as he yanked it upward.

Stephan heard a low moan escape her lips, fuck, she was so fucking wet. He pulled her hair backward and held on to her breast with the other hand. He didn't want to move yet, he wanted to make sure she was comfortable with him inside her.

When he felt her muscles relaxed he started to move in and out of her, but he couldn't control himself. She was too fucking tight. He pressed on her breast tightly and yanked her hair higher, ramming  in and out of her continuously. 

Sounds of skin slapping and loan moans from the both of them filled the bathroom, the shower continued to shower on the as Stephan continued ramming into her.

"Ah..Ste..phan," Dawn moaned loudly. 

Stephan loved the sound of his name on her lips, he kept on ramming into her, like a car without brakes. He felt Dawn's hand on his hips and a shiver on her butt, she was in ecstacy as she released on his manhood.

He stared down at the sight of her release as he rammed into her.

"Fuck." Dawn moaned holding on to Stephan hips as he didn't stop motioning himself in and out, at interval she felt him squeezing her breast too tightly.

"Da...wn," Stephan said as he relieved himself. He staggered back breathing loudly, he quickly increased the shower and washed off his manhood clean. He raised Dawn up and gave her the soap.

He placed a kiss on her forehead this time, fuck, he wanted to go again this time more rough than the first but it was too early and they had a lot to do today plus he wasn't sure Dawn was ready for that. 

She looked exhausted. They showered together and when they were done, Stephan carried her into the bedroom after cleaning her up. He placed her on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Dawn asked surprised Stephan was putting her in.

"Let's rest a bit," Stephan said he didn't want to rest but he knew Dawn would have been sore from the way he was with her just now. He wanted to be gentle but after what she had done to him, he couldn't wait anymore, he wanted her that instant.

He wanted to feel every part of her.