
All I long for

"I hide my heart away in order to not get hurt, love is liability.....a weakness....but that doesn't matter.....they all end up leaving anyways." "I'll save you if you ever need saving, I'll be your shoulder if you ever need to cry, I'll be your strength if you ever feel weak...just don't push me away." A not so dramatic story that depicts the growth of two individuals as a whole. A story that highlights the importance of putting oneself first before fully committing to another. This...is the love story of virela and Keith, a journey filled with mayhem, but importantly; love. Author's note Join me on this little journey by reading this story, it's my first formal work so please bear with me. I'll try to update as frequently as I can, just please give this poor soul a chance and read her book...

Taeisbae1 · Urban
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7 Chs

What a weird woman


First world problems: world hunger, covid, and a man choking on a shrimp. To be honest the sight humored me a bit, I'm not trying to say that I would let him die or anything and I'm not a bad person, but the face he was making had me dying inside. "Right I should call 911", I thought. they arrived much sooner than I thought they would, I tried to preform the Heimlich on him before they arrived but I skipped the first aid class My school offered together with P.E.

The ambulance was making an obnoxious sound all the way to the hospital, not gonna lie it annoyed me a little. " Put him this position" one of the paramedics said, "not that position i mean do this, cant you see the man isn't breathing?!" the same paramedic said a very annoyed tone. "its not like he can see his breathe now can he?" I said in the lowest voice I had.

We arrived at the hospital and a bundle of nurses ran out of the facility with one of those moving trolley beds, Then the paramedic man started explaining how they unchoked the man and got some of the shrimp out of his throat and how it seemed he had a shellfish allergy. I just stood there looking like an idiot, hell if I didn't call the ambulance people would have thought I shoved the shrimp down his throat.

I followed the nurses inside as they told me I had to sign a bunch of papers. I went inside and of course it smelled like the boys who put on cologne to mask their stench. I made a bunch of phone calls while the nurses where trying to get my client to wake up.

The nurses decided to call a doctor because what they were doing was clearly not working. I stood by the side of Mr. Zambala's bed in the ER and I saw a bunch of people in white walking down this way. There was an old man, a beautiful girl on his left, "but she cant compare to me" I thought, on his right there were two more guys who looked okay I guess, but one more surfaced, he stood on the left, next to the girl. "He isn't terrible looking" I mumbled , he was actually my kind of guy, "lord forgive me for saying this, in this situation but I would totally jump that man on this very bed" I whispered.


The doctor who was supervising me got an emergency call saying that they needed a doctor in the ER as all the other doctors were attending to different patients. He told our team residents to go with him, they started off earlier than me as I had to put away the stuff I was holding. I caught up to them and there was a man on the bed and a woman beside it. She looked up and we made eye contact, she looked at me weird and then looked down then muttered something, My supervisor asked me to get a suction pump as we would try to get whatever was blocking this man's airpipe out.

Minutes after we pumped out what looked like part of a shrimp, a woman came rushing through the doors and immediately ran to the bed after spotting the man on the bed.

After the man woke up, his apparent wife went around ensuring that he was okay by asking me questions like "are you sure he is okay?" or "are you sure he wont die on the way back" she even asked me what the chances of him him dying at home were, "like ma'am are you trying to keep him alive or what?" I thought.

She was probably only in it for the insurance. I took a quick glance at the woman who had brought the man in earlier and analyzed her from head to toe, she seemed familiar, too familiar. Almost like I had seen her before, she gave me a weird vibe, her aura was also weird. She reminded me of someone.

The more I looked at her the more charismatic she seemed, I stared at her beautiful brown hair that went perfectly with her light brown skin, she looked quiet on the outside but I imagine her to be a 'fight me bitch' kind of person. All this just reminded me too much of someone, I couldn't remember who it was but I knew something was fishy. I was still staring when she suddenly looked up and saw me staring at her. 'is there a problem?' she mouthed, flustered, I quickly turned around and put my focus back on my work.