
All I long for

"I hide my heart away in order to not get hurt, love is liability.....a weakness....but that doesn't matter.....they all end up leaving anyways." "I'll save you if you ever need saving, I'll be your shoulder if you ever need to cry, I'll be your strength if you ever feel weak...just don't push me away." A not so dramatic story that depicts the growth of two individuals as a whole. A story that highlights the importance of putting oneself first before fully committing to another. This...is the love story of virela and Keith, a journey filled with mayhem, but importantly; love. Author's note Join me on this little journey by reading this story, it's my first formal work so please bear with me. I'll try to update as frequently as I can, just please give this poor soul a chance and read her book...

Taeisbae1 · Urban
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7 Chs

Something’s brewing

A beautiful morning , filled with the chirps of birds and the smell of mid-spring. Flowers blooming everywhere, oh what a beautiful morning to wake up to. As per usual Keith hopped out of bed, into the shower feeling as refreshed as ever. It was his first day as a resident!!!!

He got out of his apartment complex and skipped all the way to the busy stop. A few skips and turns, he arrived at his work place. There it was, John Hopkins Hospital: he spent most of his years in college wanting to have best education. In addition to his 8 years in college he did 4 year program to prepare himself.

He got into the building and took a huge breath "smells amazing!" he said with enthusiasm... " hunny it smells like antiseptic" a woman said while looking up at him trying to mop the ground he was standing on, almost mopping his shoes.

On the other side of the city was Virela trying to pull herself out of bed and was clear failing to do so. "Ugh, why does the sun come up this early." She said as she dragged herself to her bathroom, she was clearly not excited for the day as nothing new ever happens; she goes to work, works, goes back home, eats, shower's then goes to bed, that's pretty much been her life for years.

She put on her clothes and headed to her office on her car, as per usual. "Today make sure you bring your umbrella with you as we are expecting rain today" the announcer on the radio announced, unconsciously virela put her hand outside her window, testing for any lost droplets of rain.

She arrived at her office building, it was nothing special really, just about 97 floors and people flooding in and out. Happy faces welcomed her with "good morning boss", or "great day in a great month isn't it?". "Yea great day to be stung by a bee or possibly slip on a wet floor", she mumbled quietly.

The employees looked at her with confusion trying to make out what she just said, oh what a great day to be fake. "Beautiful morning ain't it?" She said back to the employees. She trotted in her high heels into the elevator waiting impatiently to get to her office.

"Ms. Shadows the papers you sent me for are ready", her secretary said while helping sally with her bag. "Bring them to me and call the client to meet me at Wonders restaurant". Virela said as she approached her seat, "ugh I wish to born as a stone in my next life" she mumbled.


"As you can see here there is a blood clot blocking your arteries that's why you have been having head aches, but no worries, a little medication should do the trick". Keith, the kind of doctor you could trust your life with, but....you trust every doctor with your life so.....he was just...normal. A young and hard working man doing what he loved was what would best describe him. He was not just a doctor to his patients, but also a friend.


The day was going by fast but Virela was yet to meet her client. "Hello Mr. Zambala, it's nice to finally meet you in person" virela said with the biggest smile she could conjure, " it's nice to finally meet you too, shall we take a seat?" Mr. Zambala said. "Excuse my manners", Virela said as she sat.

Getting to the point Virela said, "So about the project I was hoping we could fix the design and hope to see what kind of fabric would best be fitting for the design". A faint "mhm" was all that could be heard of the client as he bit into his food cocktail.

"I'm assuming that we already have the investment issue settled but we just have to ha-", Virela was interrupted by a choking man, next thing Mr. Zambala was on the ground, struggling for even the littlest breath.

He was choking on a shrimp. It was as if Virela had foreshadowed this miserable day right at the moment she walked out of her house. Not much to her surprise, she stood still in her chair and took a few sips on her wine, plotting her next course of action.