
All I long for

"I hide my heart away in order to not get hurt, love is liability.....a weakness....but that doesn't matter.....they all end up leaving anyways." "I'll save you if you ever need saving, I'll be your shoulder if you ever need to cry, I'll be your strength if you ever feel weak...just don't push me away." A not so dramatic story that depicts the growth of two individuals as a whole. A story that highlights the importance of putting oneself first before fully committing to another. This...is the love story of virela and Keith, a journey filled with mayhem, but importantly; love. Author's note Join me on this little journey by reading this story, it's my first formal work so please bear with me. I'll try to update as frequently as I can, just please give this poor soul a chance and read her book...

Taeisbae1 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 6- Father No!

-Virela pov-

I was having trouble sleeping alone in my bed as Laia, my best friend, wasn't there. Perhaps it was because I was drowsy, I had completely forgotten about her plans of going to to New Orleans and found myself stumbling across the hallway and into her room.

I climbed into her bed and was immediately hit with her scent, a scent that always seemed to calm me down when I needed it. I couldn't see much as it was dark, but the scent and body in the bed were enough for me to realize my best friend hadn't left yet.

"Move over Laia", I said with a bit of husk in my voice. A simple 'Mm' was all that was heard from her. As she shuffled about to make space for me, I moved into her bed and wrapped my arms around her waist. I didn't pay much attention to it when it seemed like she was trying to escape my grasp as she would play around. Finally, she stopped resisting and let me hold her till I drifted to sleep.





"Virela!", a voice said. I could hear my name being called but the faintness of it made me assume I was dreaming. "Virela",my name was called once again just enough to make me open my eyes. Without any time to fully grasp my consciousness, I heard the door open and my father stood at the foot of it with a face of horror. I squinted my eyes towards him, wondering what had his face hanging off the way it was. It wasn't long until Laia had also noticed the presence in the room and awoken.

"What's going on?" A deep husky voice said followed with sounds of eyes rubbing from the person who's voice was too deep to belong to any female. I turned to my side as I mentally prepared myself to what I was going to see, but not even that was enough to keep my mind from going blank. Keith. The person I held on to last night thinking it was Laia, was Keith. The person I hang my leg on top of was Keith. Most importantly, the person I slept on the bed with was Keith. My mind froze at the question 'why didn't I question the fact that he is much muscular and wider than Laia'. The fact that I had slept in the same bed with a man I knew absolutely nothing about brought on a feeling of horror as my face fell just enough to make my father red with anger.

-Keith pov-

I woke to a muffled sound of what seemed like a voice, and the shuffle of the bed. I tried to assess the situation by asking what happened until I finally found the source of the ruffle. The person who was causing the bed to move about was non other than virela, who was wearing her horror on her face. Confused as to why she was on the bed I stared back at her with a confused expression until I finally noticed a presence at the door.

There was a man who looked to be in his late 50's holding vegetables, but the highlight of his appearance was how angry he looked. He looked as if he could just tear me apart right then and there and send me in small portions for my parents to enjoy.

"Uhhhh- I think there is some sort of misunderstanding over here". I said with a growing sense of danger I could almost taste. He looked at me and looked at the girl next to me. "Virela who is this...no...what is he doing in your bed-your house?", he muttered in the best calm voice he could conjure at that moment. "Dad- it's not what you think it is, I swear to you. This is all just a misunderstanding", she said with a hint of fear in her voice. I think that was the most emotion she had shown since meeting her. She looked and sounded fearful as she frantically faced her father and then me then back to her father. "Virela there is a man in your bed! A man who is naked for that matter and you expect me to believe this is all misunderstanding?! For goodness sake, have u seen what you have on right now? Have you?". What he said made both me and virela come to a realization, there would be no way he would be angry if we looked like too normal people innocently sleeping. We both turned to face the other and down to our selves .

Her eyes widen so much I thought they were going to fall off her head. She was wearing a night gown that could very easily pass off as lingerie and looked disheveled. I, on the other hand, wore nothing but boxers as that was my usual sleeping attire. It all made sense now, the reason why her father was mad was because there was a strange almost naked man in his daughters' bed. "Virela is this how I raised you? To disregard tradition and engage in premarital sex? You took an oath for goodness sake ", the man said with tears nearly falling from his eyes. 'Ah, so he's the traditional type and she's a virgin', I thought to myself.

-virela pov-

"Dad-no-baba, I didn't, it's all just a misunderstanding, I swear". I cried out to my father, trying to get him to believe me. My father and mother were two very different people. My mother was a liberal Hispanic and my father was an uptight African. My parents separated when I was a child and was raised by father. His ways became my ways and I learned to follow what he believed, I thought it made a lot of sense for the most part. One of his beliefs though, was abstinence before marriage. He believed that if one maintained the virginity until marriage, their marriage would be forever blessed. Though it didn't make much sense, when I looked at statistics, people who took each others virginity or just when one of them was a virgin, their relationships seemed to last longer and were stronger. I agreed to abstain and took an oath before the entirety of my church because I hated the thought of having to touch another human in such a way. The entire reason for even taking the oath, was so that I would never have to get married. Before I could say anything more, Keith jumped out the bed-revealing his almost naked body- and introduced himself to my father.

"Hello sir, this is not exactly the way I would have loved to meet you but I'm Keith, Keith Malloway. Umm- I know what it looks like and I know that-uh- virela took an oath to abstain before marriage and she did". Keith said as he tried to cover as much of his body as he possibly could with his hands. "Don't try to lie to me young man, your nakedness is enough evidence of a premarital affair". He said in an angry and disappointed tone.

"That's the thing sir...it's not considered premarital if we're married", he said as he turned his body to me, winking with a satisfied face.

'What the fuck dude', was all that rang through my head from now, till hours later.