
All I long for

"I hide my heart away in order to not get hurt, love is liability.....a weakness....but that doesn't matter.....they all end up leaving anyways." "I'll save you if you ever need saving, I'll be your shoulder if you ever need to cry, I'll be your strength if you ever feel weak...just don't push me away." A not so dramatic story that depicts the growth of two individuals as a whole. A story that highlights the importance of putting oneself first before fully committing to another. This...is the love story of virela and Keith, a journey filled with mayhem, but importantly; love. Author's note Join me on this little journey by reading this story, it's my first formal work so please bear with me. I'll try to update as frequently as I can, just please give this poor soul a chance and read her book...

Taeisbae1 · Urban
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7 Chs

A stray man?

Physicians...everyone has this idea that the minute one becomes a doctor, they immediately gain immense wealth that allows them to breeze through life for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, that is WRONG!! Most doctors have debts, Keith fitting into that category. In truth, the house he lives in doesn't belong to him, the house belongs to his friend; which is why he couldn't kick his friend out and had no choice but to leave.

This reason being why he ended up in the ever so uncomfortable situation with his patient's family member staring down at him thinking he was stalking her. Multiple questions were exchanged until he actually had to answer her questions in order not to seem like an obsessive creep.

"Well", he started off, adjusting his squatting position to a more comfortable position. "I'm not stalking you...I just have a...uhm...a situation", he muttered. "In any case it's complicated...but, you wouldn't mind guiding me to the nearest hotel now would you?" He asked with a suggestive expression.

Virela took five good glances at him, each batting her eyes up and down to express her annoyance with the current situation. She wanted nothing to do with him but her conscience just wouldn't let her leave. After much contemplation, Virela spoke with a tolerant voice. "You are in the suburbs, the only thing from here are houses and apartments... I don't know what plans you have from here, but I suggest you turn around and back to where you came from...You're ruining my yard".

Keith, stunned by the words that rolled out of her mouth, stood up and brushed off the fur of the cat he had been petting since their encounter. Standing at his full height, he towered over her, he blocked the light that was reaching her. "I ran away from home", he said in a casual tone, still dusting himself off. "What? Did you think I was in your yard for fun?" There was a hint of playfulness as he spoke. "We'll since we know each other, shouldn't you invite me in?" He said, arching his back to reach her height.

He was extremely close, too close for comfort, we'll, at least Virela's comfort. His nose was almost touching hers. He was so close to her, she could see each individual eyelash on his eyes, the golden shimmer in his chestnut eyes. It took her a moment but in due time, she regained her ability to think straight and scrunched her nose in discomfort and quickly moved away. "G-get away frô...eherm...from me". She said, embarrassed about her own voice betraying her mid sentence. Nevertheless, she continued, "we don't KNOW each other, we are barely acquainted. Why the hell would I let you in my house? Why would you run away from your own house, that makes no sense."

Scratching his nose and cooking up a response to both her questions, he began with the third. "It's not my house, I live in my best friend's house with him. Second, you'll let me in because you are a kind soul, that takes care of stray animals...and I just so happen to have strayed far from home".

"Aren't you a doctor? I mean, shouldn't u like, own a studio and 3 bmws by now?" Virela asked with a serious but questioning tone. Unable to believe what he was hearing, Keith laughed with flabbergastion in each individual heave he took to gasp for air. After struggling to compose himself he finally got enough breathe to enable him to speak, "oh my gosh, that was joke has gotta be, hands down, the funniest joke I ever done heard my entire life *chuckle chuckle*. I can barely breathe—-you are always stiffened, I can't believe you know how to tell such funny jokes".

Virela looked at him and embarrassment flooded her body once again. " it can't be that you actually are serious are you?" Keith blurted. Averting eye contact, virela turned around and started walking towards her apartment, leaving Keith still struggling for air. When Keith notices this, he stopped laughing and looked at her slowly moving farther away and gradually disappearing into the walls of her apartment. Once again, he was alone. He stood there in silence and disappointment. His tears slowly welling up in his eyes, his feelings were hurt and suddenly emerged his feelings of abandonment.

Virela looked outside her window and saw him still standing in the position she left him, just with his head down. A feeling of guild pierced her heart in which she found herself opening the window and calling out to him. "What are you waiting for, I thought you wanted to come in!!" She yelled across the grass. Her voice were just the words that Keith needed to hear because he immediately composed himself and ran to the door.

" It's a beautiful apartment..." Keith said as he looked at his surroundings with utter awe. "It's definitely better than the bachelor dump I live in". As he was still admiring the place, Virela descended from the indoor balcony and down to the lounge area. "Thanks" she said in a nonchalant tone. "Don't do anything extra, don't touch anything either. Just set up shelter in the geast room or something. Tomorrow when cabs and buses start operating, sort yourself out", and with that statement, virela climbed back up and disappeared once more into the four walls of her room.

"Don't touch anything, she says." Keith mumbled to himself as he also followed in climbing up the stairs, assuming the guest room was up there.


*shuffle shuffle*


"Move over laia" a course but soft voice spoke.




*beep* *beep *beep* beep*

Automated voice: "the main door has been opened"



"Virela? Hmm, she's not in her room" said a voice


"Virela? Dad is here to see you~are you here?". It was virela's father. He was there to make sure his daughter was alive and safe after he heard of the increasing crime rates in the country. "Virela, baby, wake up" *click*.
