
Aliens in the Multiverse

What would happen if you create a world? Well a certain alien did after his death, and because of that he met a god. Now he is put to the task to get powerful and help this god in monitoring and creating worlds. With the power of an alien roulette. ........ This is my first time writing and English is not my first language so please bear with me. First world - My Hero Academia **DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FEATURED IN THIS FANFIC INCLUDING THE COVER ART IF YOU ARE THE OWNER AND WANT IT TO NOT BE FEATURED IN MY FAN FIC PLEASE MESSAGE ME Below are the sources I got the Aliens from. https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Transformations?from=Y https://5yl.fandom.com/wiki/Ben%27s_Arsenal#Original

Helix_Tower · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

The Basement

Today I was woken up by my mother and with the usual routine I was fed, showered and laid in my crib next to the kitchen while my parents ate. After breakfast my father went out to get groceries while my mother cleaned the house.

My father came back and started preparing lunch while I was being fed. After they finished eating my mother did something different, she went upstairs to change while my father cleaned the dishes.

My father was done by the time my mother started coming downstairs. He went down to the basement leaving me to my mother but soon after my mother picked me up and also brought me downstairs following my father.

This was the first time I went to the basement and I was excited to see why my father spent his whole afternoon down here. Once my mother reached the bottom she said. "It has been a while since I got a good exercise in, you want to go all out?"

To which my father responded. "It has been a while, so what do you want to do?"

"Lets stretch a little and then do some spars."

What was down in the basement was a personal gym, machines weights and in the center there was a padded circle that I assume was used for spars.

After they finished stretching they enyered the ring and got ready to fight.


POV change to Mathew

Seeing my wife excited to spar with me I could not hold back the smile forming in my face. I was excited to finally be able to fight because it has been three months since I fought someone, and seven months since I sparred with his wife.

Elize is the best fighter that I have ever fought and I have felt that since I started sparing with her my fighting style has developed to a level it would not have if I was to train with anyone else.

After some stretches we stepped into the sparring circle and got ready. Without a word Elize started moving towards me. I moved towards her and went for a punch with my right hand.

She quickly side swiped the punch with her left arm, taking it out of course and kneed me in the stomach, making me bend down. Taking advantage of that she grabbed me by the back of my head and forced me face first into the ground. Seeing that I was about to hit the ground hard, I activated my quirk.

My quirk allowed me to absorb kinetic energy completely and store it for future use. I didn't feel anything once my face touched the ground. I started looking up at my wife wide eyed while still in the floor because I wasn't expecting her to start off like that I said. "Your really needed that huh?"

To which she responded "Sorry its been a while I got a bit too excited. Let's go for another one."

We have a rule that if I use my quirk at any point in the match then I loose. Which basically means that I lose every time since she is the one that got me into learning martial arts and she is probably the best at it.

She got interested in martial arts six years ago when she was 21 working as a translator for the boss in a important political meeting that was attacked by villains. That was when she learned to read peoples movement like a book. It allowed her to predict where the villains were going to attack and stay safe. At the end although she didn't take any villain down she saved various important people and was even recognized for it.

After that event she started looking into martial arts and with her quirk she was able to perfect many martial arts. Her quirk allows her to see any mistake made just like reading a book. But just like reading if she is not proficient in the field the book is talking about she will not be able to point out the mistakes.

We were a couple back then and I was one of the bodyguards for the boss in the incident and since then I became her perfect training dummy with my quirk.

Slowly she learned many martial arts from various masters and books around the world. She impressed every person that thought her to the point that by the end of the first month of learning a new art she will already be pointing out various mistakes and fixing them. She has her own fighting style, made from various martial arts that rely on flexibility and counter attacks, but she can change her style on a whim.

After I got up we moved into positions again and started another match. This one lasted a lot longer with various exchanges that I was able to learn from but at the end like always I ended up on the floor.


POV Change Azmuth

Seeing how my mother easily beats my father I was surprised I thought she only worked as a hacker and info gatherer for UHA but now I see that she can easily defend herself. I couldn't believe that her quirk could be used that way. The way she easily predicted my fathers movement and how efficient her attacks were I was excited and hopeful to one day be able to learn from her.

I also saw how my father appears to not feel the attacks from my mother before the match ends. His quirk may be invulnerability which if it is it is completely over powered. The only way to defeat him may be by capturing him but that may not be easy in itself since I can see that he is quite agile himself. Not as fast or flexible as my mother but definitely better than others.

Time went by and my parents kept sparing. I started to look around and I was able to see another room where I could see lights flashing. I am pretty interested in what is in there but I will probably find out another day because my parents finally finished their last match with my father heavily breathing on the floor.

My mother went to the side and opened a fridge to grab some water. Throwing one to dad she started drinking hers. She picked me up and sat down next to him when she started speaking. "Man I miss fighting. I wish I could go all out."

"It has been a while since I got a good workout but I definitely don't miss it. Sorry I can't make you go all out." He said sarcastically after chugging his water.

After a bit of rest they started going upstairs to wash up. After they finished my father went to watch tv while my mother fed me and then started reading a book in the usual spot.

Dinner time came around and I was feeling tired. I remember now that I have not been out at all today and so I ended up going to sleep while my mother was cooking.

Waking up I realized that I was in my room in the dark. I started to think that I need to somehow convince my parents that I have full control over my quirk so that they give me more opportunities to absorb sunlight.

But first I need to eat and so I like a baby I started crying. Eventually like other times I was fed and quickly fell back to sleep.

Woken up by the gentle touch of my mother she started the morning routine. While they were eating breakfast I started to think of a way to convince them to take me outside. Convince them that I have control over my quirk and I won't activate it in front of people I don't trust.

With a plan that could backfire badly I decided to just try it, and so I started playing with my toys in the crib with Wildvine's vine limbs. Then after a little of that I stopped and started using BallPit's ability to create balls. I created about ten of them and I started to telepathically control them. It was fun and beneficial since from now on I will not be keeping my aliens a secret from my parents and I could train with them more, at least most of my aliens. I will not be revealing Disk Jockey because his abilities could be kept hidden easily and I wanted to keep some things to myself.

Eventually my parents saw what was happening and became excited. They quickly came next to me forgetting about the food and started touching the floating balls. Grabbing one of them, my father realized they were just rubber balls.

Looking at mom he said. "Lets take him to Nero again hopefully he can find out more about his quirk." Getting a nod from mom they started preparing to go out quickly.

Finding myself once again strapped in the car seat I started to happily absorb the energy from the rising sun.

About 15 minutes later we arrived at the organization's building. They started walking casually toward the building but once they got outside of the elevator my mother started running to the bosses office with my father behind her.

Once inside my mother said. "Boss could we see Nero, it is urgent."

The boss didn't question it and started the call, hanging up the boss said. "You can go to his office he is waiting your you."

After a jumpy ride we arrived at Nero's office when my father said. "Nero, Azmuth was using his quirk earlier and used a new ability. We wanted to see if you could figure out what it is."

"Alright let's get to it then." Nero said before approaching me and doing the same thing as last time.

This time I decided to set up a connection with BallPit and not Wildvine. That way they have an idea that I can control the connections.

After a minute Nero opened his eyes again which were full of excitement. Before he was not convinced himself about his quirk. The thought of having multiple monster powers was not even possible in his dreams, but now he could confirm it since although he could not see the vine monster, he could now see another one. He was sure that the other one didn't just disappear and a connection could still be set up.

Looking at my parents he said. "It is true I can see a new monster now. Here is what I know about it..." Then he started explaining BallPit's abilities.

When Nero finished my mother said. "I am so glad that we have you Nero, without you we would have to go to someone we don't trust if we wanted to find out more about his quirk."

"Ohh, stop it you are going to make me blush." Nero responded with a embarrassed look.

"Nero what are some signs that one has control over a quirk?" Asked my father.

To which Nero responded with. "That will be when you see your child play with it as if it was normal or a part of him."

Hearing Nero my mother got excited and exclaimed. "So you mean that Azmuth already has control over his quirk?"

"Well I am not sure. Could you tell me what happened that makes you think that?" Questioned Nero to which my parents quickly explained what they saw. Sadly they didn't get to see me using Wildvine's abilities to play.

After listening to them Nero said. "Well if what you say is true then that is indicating that he understands how to use his quirk, but to make sure the best way is to tell him to do something with his quirk. But since he is only an month and a half old he will not understand what you are telling him do do even if he hears you."

Hearing what Nero said my mother looked at me with expectation and said. "Use the vine monster!"

Everything was going perfectly even though things went in a different direcion than my initial plan, things worked out and so I quickly set up a connection with Wildvine and fully transformed into him.

For a few seconds the room was silent, they looked at me wide eyed not expecting me to actually transform into Wildvine. In their opinions there was no way a baby would be able to understand words at this point, normally a baby will be able to respond to their names when they are at least five month old. So me being able to respond to something at this age is impossible.

Honestly the only thing I want is to convince my parents that they should not be afraid of taking me out in public that way I am under the sun more, and I am able to stay awake at night longer and train my aliens. It would not hurt to be considered a genius that way they will give me the opportunity to learn faster. Hopefully this works out and does not end up making them believe I am a freak and abandon me.


Author's note

Hello, please point out any mistakes that I made and give suggestions of what events you would like Azmuth to interact with.

Tell me of any abilities you would like Azmuth to have, there is probably an alien with the ability.

Thank you for reading.