
Alchemy Ocean's Pirate King

Magic takes the world by storm while the protagonist is lost at sea for 9 years. Atlus is a 15-year-old boy who engrossed himself in storybooks and bizarre training schedules for the time he was stranded on a legendary ship. He is ready to explore the world and conquer the nine seas. But the kids of his generation who grew up on land live and breathe magic! On top of it, he leaves too many loose ends while escaping from the navy. He has a vague idea of why he is wanted. However, even the top officials only know bits and pieces about the 20 ships identical ships that disappeared 9 years ago. The empire won't stop until they captured him, and he won't stop until he is the strongest person who freely roams the world.

PluckMyLife · Fantasie
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15 Chs

The Cavalry Has Arrived

The Northern Port of Westtuna received the most important of guests. Captain Arden Finch, the most powerful authority on the island, equal to the governor, had been waiting here since midnight.

As the sun rose, he got out of his carriage and looked out over the sea. No incoming ships were in sight. The clear sky suggested no difficulty in sailing, but the sea was always treacherous regardless of the weather.

Especially now, when rumors of corrupt fish were growing rapidly. Only a month ago, a fisherman reported seeing a swelled-eyed tuna with and an angular jaw and teeth, sharp as a shark.

There was another carriage parked nearby. A chubby, middle-aged man with small, round glasses stepped out of it, yawning as he looked towards Arden. His lower chin inflated like a pufferfish as he smiled.

"Not much of a morning," Garland, the governor, said as he dusted his creased clothes. He wore a simple but elegant suit that was less formal that Arden's military uniform.

"I'm afraid not, governor," Arden smiled back as Garland approached him.

"Four hours late, are we expecting? Would be a shame if I see no Vice-Admiral." Governor said. "Forgive me for such a remark, Captain." He smiled apologetically. Arden had always been good to him, but still a silver of fear was rooted deep in his eyes.

Arden Finch's back was facing the sun. He smiled, hinting that he also felt hopeless about the situation. Maple would surely be angry now that he wasn't going to be home for breakfast.

"Why would the Vice-Admiral rush here to see a broken ship?"

He turned to look at Brightmoon, whose three masts were barely standing straight. The torn cloth sail had been removed, and the ship looked like an old, rotten tree that would only shrink from here on.

"Sir, a ship is approaching," a guard reported.

The governor stepped forward and took the telescope from the guard's hand to look towards the horizon. A small ship was sailing towards them. It was only a two-masted ship and half the size of Brightmoon.

The closer the ship got, the more its polished wood shined. Its sails were angular, and the ship looked like it was flying with the wind. On top of the ship, a flag was fluttering wildly. It had a blue whale with a crown on her head and waves below her curved tail.

As the ship got closer to the dock, three young men in their early 20s jumped out. They tired a rope that was attached to this, to a metal post. Then, places a plank to join the ship and the shore.

The young men lined up as an old man with a straight back and very long white hair walked out of the boat.

Captain Arden quickly approached the old man while the governor was frozen in shock. Arden bowed his head lightly and closed his eyes with one hand behind his back.

"Arden Finch greets the Vice-Admiral," he said loudly and clearly.

The Vice-Admiral briefly looked at Arden, completely ignoring the governor. Instead, his gaze focused on the old ship docked 100 meters away from him. There were guards on and off Brightmoon who stood straight and didn't dare to show any emotion on their face.

"It is really Brightmoon," the Vice-Admiral began striding towards the ship.

Arden followed, as did a 22-year-old man who was on the Vice-Admiral's ship a moment ago. This man wore a round hat and, although mostly hidden, his hairless face hinted that he was bald.

"It's an honor to meet you again, sir," Arden said respectfully as he followed the Vice-Admiral. "The carriage is prepared, and the room is arranged if you would like to rest after your long journey."

"I will check the ship first. I'm not as old as you think, Arden. Did you catch the person who was spotted on the ship?"

Aden's steps turned bolder upon realizing that the Vice-Admiral remembered his name.

"No, sir, but we caught 143 men of the same physical description. The search is still ongoing as we speak," Arden replied.

"Good, keep searching. Borrow my men while I am here." the Vice-Admiral said, looking around the ship.

It was made of old wood that smelled of the rotten sea. He paused briefly at the mast that had tally marks all around it.

Finding a chance, Arden signaled to a guard, who quickly went down to the storage space inside the ship.

Shortly afterwards, the hat man stayed on the deck whereas Arden followed the Vice-Admiral to the cargo hold. It was big and now brightly lit because of the many lamps inside the ship that Arden had commanded to arrange in case of Vice-Admiral's arrival.

"Did you find anything on the ship?" the Vice-Admiral said, smiling as he looked pleased with the lamps that brightened the space.

"Just empty barrels, books, and bloody clothes," Arden said, also following the Vice-Admiral's gaze to the wooden floor that was made of large planks sticking closely.

Unexpectedly, the old admiral bent down to touch the floor. Dirt was stuck in the tiny spaces between the old planks, hinting that they had not been lifted. He burst out in a bright smile.

"Lift it up," he said, still looking at the planks.

"Sir?" Arden asked, surprised at the request.

"Break the plank carefully. There is a storage space beneath," the Vice-Admiral instructed without looking up. His heated gaze was fixed on the floor.

Arden nervously looked at the Vice-Admiral. This was an unexpected request. For a second, his eyes turned to the guard who had a sword.

Using a sword as a lever could work but he signaled the guard to leave.

As the guard walked away, Arden gripped his forearm with his left hand. Veins popped up on his arm. He endured the pain of his nail growing larger.

His index finger turned into a muscular talon.

He dug his sharp curved nail in between two planks. Splinters of wood jumped out as his nail dug deeper.

The Vice-Admiral, whose eyes seemed to be glued to the floor, turned his head to look properly at the Arden's hand. In transformation magic, it was easier to mutate the entire hand than to alter a single finger.

Finer details required more mastery. Thus, the Vice-Admiral's evaluation of Arden increased further.

With his thick nail, Arden to feel that there was indeed a storage space inside. But what could be so important that the Vice-Admiral himself sailed 500 kilometers (310 miles) to see the ship in person?

Arden used the claw like a lever and carefully broke the plank by forcing it upwards.
