
Akatsuki Rebirth In One Piece

What happened to the Akatsuki? Well, you see, they landed in the world of One Piece. Some of them have some pieces of their memories taken by unknown forces. (Me) The Uchiha’s became Celestial Dragons. Kisame and Deidara became slaves. Kakuzu became a bounty hunter. Hidan became a priest. Sasori became a pacifista. Orochimaru became obsessed with the One Piece. Pain is now free from Nagato’s control. Konan is now Big Mom’s daughter. Oh! What about Zetsu? That guy became part of Imu. __ I almost forgot. Read my novel ‘Ultimate Throne’. I dare you not to. If I am arrogant come and prove it there. I bet you never so a synopsis as cool as mine. (I will be editing the previous chapters. The grammar is a mess.)

Platofox · Anime und Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 38

"Orochimaru, huh? From now own you will be working after me."

Akainu didn't ask, he was demanding Orochimaru as his subordinate. He might have been suspicious, but Orochimaru really had a neck for destroying pirates.

This way he would be also be able to watch him, to make sure he isn't a spy.

The third Hokage's student was able to read through the Admirals intentions. Nonetheless, it was still better than going under Gurp.

"The pleasure is all mine. I look forward to working with you Admiral Akainu."

The Marine Hero siting next to him laughed his heart out, "You are leaving already!? I have only had a few Marines as smart as you. Well it makes sense since you are here for the money."

Orochimaru smiled at the man beside me, "Yes. That's why I didn't refuse his offer, I really would have liked to work alongside a Hero such as yourself."


In the midst of his words, all the five people in the office noticed something wrong with Orichimaru. Blood trickled down from the corner of his lips.

Just like Itachi, Orichimaru's body wasn't in its best condition. He needs to fix it or find a perfect host.

Noticing the weird glances coming at him. The snake like man faked a cough filled with a little blood.

"Don't.... worry.... about... th…is. It is only... an incu...rable fa...mily dise…ase that... will kill me in the next few months."


Everyone looked at him with a little pity, even Luffy's grandfather. He was suspicious all this time along, but the fact he is dying soon cleared that up for him.

Orichimaru smiled in thought seeing their reaction, 'Yes, that is the way to react. You all know I joined the Marines for the money... you surely can't ask that again.'

"I can't have one of man dying, I will recommend you to Vegapunk." Akainu suggest and everyone just looked at him with wide open eyes.

"You can't be serious?" Kizaru asked. His other partner would never do such a thing.

"I agree." Aokiji nodded with crossed arms. The snake like man was really an asset the Marines can't refuse. His not smart as Vegapunk, but he has an eye for war strategies.

Garp didn't reply. This was not his place to answer. He was still suspicious of the new Marine. All lot of things about him were unclear.

Sengoku nodded, he agreed with the two Admirals. Maybe if they help him, there is a chance he will stay loyal to them forever.

"I will arrange an appointment for you two to meet. Since you are all smart, I am sure you will get along well."

Orochimaru felt burdened. He couldn't smile even if he wanted to. His plan for stealing information was working to well, that he almost considered it a dream.

"I am fluttered to see you all care about me like that." He coughed up a little blood, "However... this is an incurable family sickness. Nothing much can be done about it."

"Don't worry about it." The Marine Hero hit him on his back, before he smiled, "Vegapunk is the best. Don't worry about such a little sickness."

"Then I will trust you with my life." Orochimaru replied with a calm smile.

Sengoku cleared his throat to gather everyone's attention, "Okay what we discussed will stay in this room for the time being. Orochimaru you handle the spies, I will recommend same people to you. That being said, you are all free to go now."

The Admirals were the first to get out, and the new Marine followed behind them.

After a few minutes Sengoku finally turned to his friend, "What do you think."

"About what?" Garp answered, as he opened up his crackers playing ignorant to the whole issue.

Sengoku felt a slight headache, this idiot of a friend was annoying, "About the new recruit of course!!!"

Garp chewed on his crackers as he replied, "He is suspicious, I give you that. Even so, we can't deny that he is extremely smart to a poisonous level."

The fleet Admiral nodded, "The idea of taking down three Emperors at once, never even crossed my mind. But where does his confidence come from? He seems to know more about us, than what we do about him."

"Beats me."

"At least try to think!!!"


Orochimaru had just arrived at his new room. It was small, but it would still do from now. He had learned a lot today and what is left, is only perfection.

Knock—! Knock—!

Before he could start his evil laughter, a knock came from his door. He knew who it was and slowly opened.

"Lord Orochimaru." The tall man on the door greeted him with respect.

Orichimaru frowned, "I thought, I told you to not look for me Admiral."