
Akashi Seijuro in RWBY

After an incident in his world Akashi suddenly appears in the world of RWBY. What will happen in this world? Who knows? ___________________________________________ Yeah I am shit author so don't expect much. I had this idea for awhile now so I decided to post this. Enjoy

Asce · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 8

Stopping his alarm in the morning, Akashi got up as he looked around.

' I'm back and have a nice bed to sleep on again. This is nice. Well time to start the day. I have a tone of orders to complete while the old man takes a day off. '

Getting up and doing his usual routine, he them went downstairs to set up the shop.

Quickly cleaning everything and making the sign say that the shop was open, Akashi was ready to go to the back to start.

* ring *

Turning around Akashi saw someone with red hair walking in. Recognising who it was he went up to her.

" Hello Pyrrha. What can I do for you today? "

" Hello Akashi. " Pyrrha responds with a smile.

" I came here for my weapon. I wanted to add something to it and had placed an order for it. It said that it would be done yesturday. "

" Hmm I see. I'll go be right back with the weapon. "

Collecting Pyrrhas weapon, Akashi came back and have it to her.

" Thanks. So will you participating in the Mistral cup? : Pyrrha asked.

" Yes. "

" That's great. " Pyrrha said with a smile.

" Really how so? " Akashi asked.

" I haven't found anyone to fight with at full strength. " Pyrrha said.

" Are they bad or is it something else? "

" It's because they lose hope when they fight me. " Pyrrha says with disappointed face.

" After winning the cup for the past 2 years, everyone has been calling me the goddess of victory. They put on pedestal. I did t have many friends as they wouldn't talk to me because of my status.

During the cup, they would lose the will go fight so I would win easily. It is boring. "

" I see. If I come at you with 100% will you do the same? "

" Yes. "

" Then I'll you see you in finals then. " Akashi said.

" Alright. Bye Akashi. "

Pyrrha then walked out the door as Akashi started working on the projects.




Night soon descended as Akashi was jumping across the rooftops.

' Have to admit, this is a much faster way to get over to one place to another in a town. '

Continuing to jump, Akashi soon reached his destination. Opening the door he walked inside.

He waited as someone came out and walked up to him. He wore a black suit with sun glasses.

" What is your business in coming her? "

" I want to talk to your boss. " Akashi stated as he gave 2 bags of lien.

Taking the bags, the bodygaurd then spoke into his ear piece. Akashi waited as he soon finished.

" Alright come with me. The boss agreed to see you. "

Following the gaurd, Akashi observed the entire place as he noticed the regulars for the bar.

'They all have spider tattoos on their bodies. Most be the emblem that shows that they are part of this group. Could mean something else but that doesn't matter much to me. '

Arriving, Akashi looked in from of him to see the person who he assumes is the boss.

" Hello my name is Lil Miss Malachite. Im tge boss here. What do you want? " She asked.

Akashi looked at Lil Miss. She was a woman with pale skin, dark blonde hair and lavender eyes. She wore a purple and white outfit with holding a fan in her right hand.

" I wanted to make a deal. "

" A deal. Hmm you have my attention go on. "

" Basically whenever I want info you'll give it me and exchange I'll let you have the money or do a job for you. For example if wanted to know the location of someone, you'd give it it to me. If it was for someone who had a bounty I'll let you have the reward money

If it was for info on something else, I'll let you decide. Simple as that. "

" Hmm interesting. If my organisation was in danger would you help protect it? "

" If it is a job you requested for me after you helped me then I have no choice. If it wasn't a job you'll have to exchange some info to me. "

" If I don't want the money from when you capture someone with a bounty, will you do a job for me. "

" No. "

" How will be sure that you won't betray me? "

" As long as you don't interfere in my business, I won't interfere with yours. "

' Hmm not a bad deal. Not everyone has a bounty on them so when he needs info on someone without it I can have do a job for me.

He front need the money as he just offered it to me from that deal. Either way this is a good deal and it's beneficial. '

" Before I can agree, I need to know if you have the ability to protect us if things go south. "

" Of course. "

When Akashi finished, Lil Miss felt something crashing on top of her.

' Aura!! '

The feeling ended as she looked at Akashi.She felt a shiver crawl up her spine as she could look away from the hetrochromatic eyes that stared at her.

" I believe that was enough or is another demonstration necessary? " Akashi asked. As she regained her barings she looked at Akashi.

" No need. I accept this deal. " She said as Akashi nodded.

" Do you have a way for me to contact you? " Akashi asked.

" Yes. " She snapped her fingers and called a gaurd. The gaurd wrote something and gave it to Akashi.

" That is my personal scroll number. It's untracable. Use it to contact me."

" Alright. Pleasure doing business with you. " Akashi said. He entered the info into his scroll and then destroulyed the paper.

He then left and headed back to the store to sleep.


Sorry for the extremely late chapter.

I was watching all the episodes I missed of jujutsu kaisen and watching AOT final season.

Thanks to that, I didn't have many ideas so I waited till my brain could think again.

Anyway this chapter is where Akashi meets with the Lil Miss Malachite organisation.

As for the deal, Akashi doesnt have much use for the money he gets from bounties as he can a lot more in the casino.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day.