
Chapter 9

Akashi walked through the streets of Mistral as he looked around at all the attractions for Mistral cup.

' It's been an interesting couple of weeks. Time flies by quickly when you have shit to do.'

The tournament will start in 2 hours which allowed Akashi to enjoy himself and relax.

After Akashi made the deal with Lil Miss he used her to get a list of people with bounties to go after.

He used them to have experience fighting against other humans with the weapons he made and learning to counter another person's semblance.

To make achieve this he never asked looked at their semblance in order to train himself. He quickly rose up in popularity for all the times he brought back the heads of his targets.

He was known as owl, since he wore an owl mask whenever he did transactions.

During this time he also got in contact with the organisation Wave and had a chat with their leader Lemon.

He made a deal with her in order to obtain the materials he wants. Atlas tech was the number 1 on his list.

He asked her for the blueprints for all of the various methods of transport in Atlas along with info on the consonants used to make them.

Lemon agreed and named her price for them which Akashi agreed to but food her that hell pay once he recieves the goods.

The estimated time of their arrival will be 2 days after the Mistral regional cup.

Akashi was fine with this as he was already preparing for it. However he still couldn't stop himself from thinking if what to make.

' The best thing to make would be a car that can fly. I'll need to study the blueprints to learn how each part functions before creating. ' Akashi thought.

" Akashi. " Hearing his name Akashi stopped daydreaming and looked in the direction of the familiar voice.

" Hello Pyrrha. How are you? " Akashi asled with a smile as he looked at the fellow redhead.

" I'm doing fine. However the stares I get are a bet annoying though. " Pyrrha says.

" True. You basically being a celebrity for winning would did that. "

" Yeah. So how was your training? Are you nervous? " Pyrrha asked.

" The training went well. As for feeling nervous, no I'm not. I'm mostly excited at the chance to fight others. You being at the top of my list. " Akashi stated towards.

" Really. Well I look forward to our fight then. "

" I'll be sure not to disappoint. " Akashi said chuckluling a bit. Pyrrha giggled as well.

" I'll get going now. I still wish to see the attractions. " Akashi said.

" Alright. I'll see you later. Bye Akashi. "

" Bye Pyrrha. " Akashi said as he watched Pyrrha leave. He then walked in the opposite direction.




" Welcome everyone to the Mistral regional cup! "

Cheers erupted throughout the stadium as the viewers were excited.

Akashi looked around the stadium. He felt comfortable and wasn't nervous like the other competitors who could see.

' Must be their first time in front of a huge audience. I remembered when we had our first match. This feels oddly relaxing. ' Akashi thought.

" Alright. Matches will be shown on the screen so look at the brackets.Let's get started. "

The screen changed as it started shuffling through different people as it created the match ups.

" There you have ladies and gentlemen. The first match is between side character A and side character B. Will both competitors come down to the arena. "




" And the winner is side character K. The next match will be between..

Pyrrha Nikos and side character L. "

Akashi perked his head up as he watched Pyrrha walk into the arena.

' The other matches were quite boring. Not much to note about. So far some semblance were interesting but I could see their flaws when they were used.

For now though I'll watch Pyrrha. Her semblance is unknown to the public which is good. I person's semblance is their hidden weapon.

She managed to win 2 years in a row. Let's see how will she does. '

Akashi watched as Pyrrha danced around her oppenent. Her movements were swift and she wasted no energy.

' She is extremely skilled but she's holding back. Makes sense as her oppenent isn't that skilled to give her a challenge. '

Side character L rushes in to attack her aiming for her stomach. Pyrrha saw this as she used her sheild to block his attack.

'She uses her sheild as way to redict attacks so that her oppenent becomes vulnerable. Interesting. ' Akashi thought as he watched Pyrrha move to the right as she let her oppenent fall forward.

Pyrrha then lifted her left leg and kneed side character L in the gut. He spat out some saliva as he fell to the ground with his aura shattered.

" And the winner is our very own Pyrrha Nikos."

The audience cheered as Pyrrha helped her oppenent up before walking away.

Akashi smiled to himself as he calmed his nerves. He was excited. He felt the same way when he reached the finals for his middle school nationals.

' I missed this feeling. It's been a long time The only other time was when I faced my friends. ' Akashi thought.

" Next up we have Seijuro Akashi vs Side Character O. "

Akashi snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the announcement and walked into the arena.

He looked at his oppenent who had an arrogant expression on his face. Akashi paid no mind to him as he opened his mouth to speak.

He instead glanced to the side to see Pyrrha watching the match.

'Well I did say I would face her in the finals. Luckily we are in different brackets. Let's not disappoint. ' Akashi thought.

" Both competitors ready. Begin. "

Before his oppenent could speak again with his useless bullshit, Akashi rushed forward, grabbed his head and slammed him into the ground.

* boom *

* shatter *

The impact from his oppenents head hitting the floor created large cracks on the field as his aura shattered.

Silence permeated the arena as everyone was quiet. Akashi got up as h e looked towards Pyrrha.

Pyrrha watched as Akashi slammed his oppenent into the ground. She was excited as her instincts told her to watch out for him.

She was not disappointed. She was shaking as excitement flowed through her viens.

She noticed Akashi looking at her with a smirk. She smirked back while giving off a grin.

" The winner of the match is Seijuro Akashi!!"

The crowd cheered as Akashi and Pyrrha were thinking the same thing.

' This will be fun. '



I'm alive.

Sport for not updating. School started again.Such a pain.

Anyway as you can see I decided to skip to the regional cup.Akashi already made a deal with Wave.

Anyway hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day.

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