
Ai Npo Kyoryoku

First book, I hope you enjoy! it's been my dream to start a series, and a good friend told me about this place. I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY

Kevin_Miller_4886 · Aktion
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5 Chs

Occult Club


*There's no way he's going through with this! It's a joke to lower my guard! I mean sure, we've thought about it, but we've never gone this far!*

Haruka goes to Kurumi ear

"Looks like you're no Ready after all."

Kurumi slowly opens her eyes


"I want to take advantage of this opportunity only to enjoy it myself. There will be no point."

Haruka gets up as someone opens the door

"Hey Kurumi, dad heard what happened and wanted to…"

"Hmm? Oh I'm not gonna say it's not what it looks like… but we are engaged so we're able to do things like this."

"That's not the point! Get off my sister!"

The boy body started to grow and show veins coming from his skin as he charged Haruka

"Wait Hatsu!"

Haruka and Hatsu lock hands in a standoff

"That annoying power of yours! Won't save you."

*Hatsu Nijima, Kurumi's older brother by a year, will do anything to protect his baby sister. Otherwise known as a sis complex, the day he heard about our engagement he tried to kill me. And every time we've seen each other it's been like that. He's so annoying.*

"This annoying power has a name, it's Aura. the counter effect of your blood frenzy."

"Yeah yeah, I know all about your father's powers. If you think it can counter the blood frenzy you really are stupid.! It's nothing compared to the Yakuza blood Frenzy! Times Ten!

Hatsu power gets bigger with a red aura shown around him as he and Haruka falls out a window

"Not again. Why does Hatsu always do this to poor Haruka? This is why I should've been his bride. Kurumi isn't helping him! Hatsu you better not hurt that pretty face!"

"Nagisa Nijima, Kurumi, oldest of the four siblings, says that she's the most talented within her family. She's kinda annoying cause she's always trying to seduce me, Must be where Kurumi gets that from."

"What was that?!"

"Huh? Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes you did… how could you be so cruel, and here I was thinking of helping you and becoming your mistress."

Haruka looks at Nagisa confused

"Aren't you married?"

Haruka asks

"Yes she is!"

Kurumi jumps down from the window

"Exactly what makes you think I'll let you take Haruka from me?"

"Heh you mean besides the fact that you aren't really in love? He's too perfect to be in a failure's hands. Just imagine the things we can do together. It gets me all wet, that body, that face! Oh makes you want to do it now!"

"You damn pervert! I'll have you know before Hatsu so rudely interrupted us we were about to do it!"

"Oh did you hear that Hina? We were close to being grandparents!"

"Yes, Yemeko, we were so close… I'll get the baby cribs ready, I want three grandkids!"

"No one said anything about having a kids mom!"

Kurumi says blushing


A man yelled loudly behind Hina


"Oh darling! We were so close to having grandkids.

"No one said anything about kids!"

Kurumi says

"Haruka, it's time, come."

Haruka father says


Kurumi let go Haruka as he walks away

"See you later."

Kurumi says

"Yeah, see you later."

Haruka replies

"You as well Kurumi come with me child."

Kurumi father says

"Yes father."

Kurumi and Haruka went in separate ways in the halls following their father

In Ha ruka'sfathers white testing testing room

"Have you made any progress?"

Haruka dad ask through a wall

"I've gathered no information about The Iyashi family."

Haruka replies

"I see, keep trying for now. Have you at least kept up your training? You have an assignment tonight."

"Yes I'm prepared."

In Kurumi's father room

"Any new information?"

Kurumi father ask

"Unfortunately, Seduction like planned seems to have not paid off so far."

"Hmm that is all for now."

Kurumi father leaves spotting Haruka's father

"You want to get a drink my friend?"

Kurumi father ask

"Yes, I could use a good drink! Haha!"

Haruka father replies

*Our fathers are simple, they are trying to use us, their own children, to gather information about each other's business. Only downfall for them is that we know of this plan. We've been knowing since we were four years old, even before they forced us into this engagement. We've given them information before only to get them off our trail. Because our plan is to overrule both companies. But… My plan is to rule everything and everyone, that's why it's nice to have pawns.*

"So, did anything happen?"

Kurumi ask

"If you're asking did I give him any information, then the answer is no. See you later."

"Hey where are you going?!"

Kurumi ask

"I have a target."

Haruka replies

In Haruka's room Haruka is getting dressed in all black outfit

"Will you be back in time for dinner master? I'll make your favorite if you want."

Rina says

"Hey Rina, what is my favorite food?"

Haruka ask

"Haha, it's Oden."

"Hmm, that's right. Sure I'll be back by then if you're making that."

"Very well. I shall prepare it now."

Haruka finish dressing

"See you later."

"Yes. And might I say you look fantastic, my master."

Haruka shook his head then left the room

*My target is Sonken Mouki, head of the national security bureau. But his real job is drugs, my father wants him out for his bureau, I have something else in mind entirely. Looks like there's three guards protecting him. Eight outside, and four snipers. My best bet is to attack from the snipers so they can't alarm anyone.*

Haruka jumps down from the building

"Safe house 7 loaded with my compound mixed weapon: a bow and Sword. The steel is made of one of the best. Hard to break. Plus it makes traveling easy Since it's there together. But I'm only going to use this for low level scum like him."

Haruka says pulling out a bow from it's crate

At the place Haruka makes quick work of two of Sonken men

*Two down, the last two are right beside each other, so I can't take out one without the other seeing. Have to do this at close range, and I can't kill my targets this time, Just have to spook their leader."

"Hey what's the status out there?"

Haruka runs over and kick one of the men to the ground and goes out on a brawl with the other two guards breaking ones leg with his feet and kicking his head into the concrete and kicking the other one into a wall

"Hello? What's the damn status?"

Screams can be heard outside the door

"Go check it out and kill whatever it is."

The soldier left the room

As soon as the soldier left the room he's kicked back into it immediately

"Sonken Mouki I have orders to kill you where you stand if I see no way for you to follow rules, Shut down your drug operation you only get one warning."

"Hey I know you, You're Miyuki's kid, what are you pretending to be some sort of robin hood or something? Didn't you just come back from hell? Guess you're looking to go back."

"In case you didn't know robin hood had a hood and a mask, I just have a bow."

"You also have four guns to the back of your head. I give you a choice… either you put the bow down and live, or I send your fiance who I've heard is a gem, your mother who's a fox, and Miyuki pits and parts of you."

"Just say the word boss, we'll light him up like it's christmas."

"Haha you see, the reason I'm head of the national security bureau is because I am the bureau. My power is, create and command. I create fools and command them with an iron fist."

"Bravery without forethought causes a man to fight blindly and desperately like a mad bull."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Kill this prick."

.Haruka pulls out an explosive arrow and shot it towards the ground knocking everyone down and start to punch and kick the soliders

"H-how did you do that?"

"Last chance, stand down!"

"Go to hell! I'll just create more!"

"Not on my watch."

Haruka grabs Sonken by the head and puts it under his right arm

"Please no! You don't have to do this!"

Haruka snaps Sonken neck to the left

"Target eliminated."

Haruka pulls out a book and writes Sonken Mouki name on it

*Sonken Mouki was one of many names I plan to cross off my list. But he was right about one thing, I am somewhat of a robin hood. And I will complete my mission."

A tranq dart is thrown at Haruka

"Oh my, my lady I retrieved Haruka Ito, I'll meet you at the club."

The figure says licking her lips

Flashback 12 years ago

"Haruka, survive this, and you'll be worthy. Of begin, my son, remember everyone is a tool. If you encounter someone, use them for your purpose."

*Everyone is a tool. Famous words my father told me before se. Sending me on a trip to France. Guess he didn't expect what was going to happen next."

"Haruka, we must get you off the ship right away!"

"What's going on?"

"Storm forecast says thunder is a likely chance to strike, we must get you on the life raft!"

Lightning stroke the boat

"Izou was lucky to get me on the raft before the thunder struck, he and I were the only survivors."

*Izou was an honorable man, he always looked out for me before himself. I had a lot of respect for him. That's why I'll alwayß remember him."

"Haruka, there isn't enough food or water for the both of us."

"That's fine I'm not hungry, you have it."

"Very well, we'll reach the island soon. Then we'll have food and water."

End of flashback

At the club Haruka wakes up

"Sorry to treat you so roughly. But we had no other way of talking to you."

"It's fine, what do you want?"

"Straight to the point, I like that. I get straight to it… I want you to be my pawn."

Haruka is soon seen right in front of the girl with a knife to her throat

"Let's make something clear. I'll never be anyone's pawn ever again."

"Again? Are you talking about your time on Senkaku Island? Right Baipā." (Viper)

"How do you know that name?"

"I'm a big fan of Russia, so imagine my surprise when I heard about Viper or, Vipère from France, Dùshè from China. You've been all over the place, Viper."

"Don't call me that, you should live in fear knowing I'm here. If you heard so much about me."

"I should? I already know my fate and yours, although I didn't need an oracle to know about you. You're known all over the world, feared by even the government. Why is that? We at the Occult club are here to find out. Let's enjoy each other's company. We'll be here a while."