
Ai Npo Kyoryoku

First book, I hope you enjoy! it's been my dream to start a series, and a good friend told me about this place. I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY

Kevin_Miller_4886 · Action
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"Haruka! Haruka wake up! Wake up!"

Kurumi shouts

Haruka wakes up in a daze

"What is it?"

"Huh? You went on a mission and never came back and the first thing you say is ``what is it?!"

"I See."

Haruka kisses Kurumi on the forehead

"Sorry to make you worry."

"Haruka? sorry? Is something wrong?"

Flashback 11 years ago

A Young Haruka is seen happy and excited

"I Finally got one! I got one of the giant bears!"

"Giant is an understatement, this bear is way too huge for A bear. It's twice the size for an average male bear."

"It's all thanks to your daily training- What's wrong?"

"We're being watched."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Haruka gets hit with a tranq dart

"What the… uncle?"

"Ah my little nephew, don't worry I'll explain when you wake up."

End of flashback

Yumeko dancers around happily

"Aw Haruka you're such a romantic!"

Hina mocks Haruka and kisses Yumeko on the forehead

"Sorry to make you worry."

"So embarrassing."

Kurumi blushes

"Those scars… Haruka, what happened to you on that island?"

Haruka starts to take his shirt off


"Hey Haruka, wake up already."

AA Young Haruka wakes up

"What is it? Uncle What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in france?"

"You still ask a lot of questions don't you, sorry about the tranq darts I thought you were Yuka. What are you guys even doing here!"

Haruka gets angry

"That's what I just asked you!"

"Pardon me Master Yuusuke, What are you doing on this island?"

"Oh, I'm out on a mission. It's been an entire Year. My target Yuka isn't the problem, it's the fact that she has so many guards, that's his power, it's called create and command, no matter how many I take out he just creates more."

"Then don't take them out, Just knock them unconscious or something."

Haruka says

"Huh, I never thought of that, they aren't my target so they don't deserve to die, Nice going kid! Let's go!"

"Huh? Where are we going now?"

"I mean, I still have a responsibility to train you, might as well do it here."


"Hehe, leave it to me!"

"Please stop switching from serious to childish, it's so confusing."

End of flashback

"Haruka! Haruka, where are you?!"

"Dad? Is something the matter?"

"I Just received a video of Kazuya and Kasumi being kidnapped and they asked for you!"

Haruka looks at the video

"Haruka Ito, it's time for payback! Either you find me in time so I can kill you myself and get revenge for my father! Or I'll kill your family! You killed my father last night, I heard him Beg you not to do it, but you snapped his neck anyway! You have 1 hour before I send your siblings to you in pieces."

"You better hope he doesn't come!"

"Yeah Haruka gonna bring the p-

The video ends

"I'll give this to the police, you focus on finding your kids."

"Hey, where's Haruka?"


Haruka is training with wooden sticks with Yuusuke

"What's the point of this again?"

"It's too jump!"

Haruka jumps and doges a swipe attack while blocking an attack from Yuusuke

"Strengthen your body, within a short amount of time and teach you how to swing. Now grab the bow and kill me."

Haruka gets the bow and shoots it but Yuusuke caught it

"Too slow, try again."

End of flashback

Haruka kicks open a door

"Where are they?!"

"Hmm? Who are you talking about, Haruka darling?"

"Iori! Where are they!"

"Hmph! Kill him."

"Yes ma'am."

"Survive this and I'll tell you what you need to know."

Iori says going into a door

The hired gun points a gun at Haruka but he grabs his hand, twist it and breaks down the gun

Haruka then does a side flip and kicks the hired gun on his feet knocking him into the ground before going to fight him

Haruka rams the hired gun into the door Iori went into

"Iori! Where are my brother and sister!"

Haruka says aiming an arrow at her chest

"Enough playing, Where are they? And if I don't get an answer You're getting an arrow in you."

"Oh my, You certainly lose your focus when it comes to your siblings."

"Wrong answer! I've played your games, and I even agreed to your proposal, ``Last chance, where are they!"

"Fine, fine since you survived and I don't really want to die, before you got that I had a vision of the Mouki factory, the one that was used to make dolls."

"It's been shut down ever since I left 12 years ago."

"Which makes it the perfect hideout! Geez you're such a curse, everyone who knows you will suffer, the young ones are only the beginning."

Haruka snaps the hired guns necck

"Next time, that'll be you Iori. don't ever mention my family again."


Haruka is seen doing multiple workouts like, one handed push ups, pulling four logs with a rope, and hanging from a tree branch with only his legs

"And what's this for?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions, not even your older siblings ask questions like this."

"Well, I'm the youngest so I'm the most curious, and I don't want a body like yours."

"Well that's harsh-

"Someone is here."

"Glad you noticed."

"So am I! It'll save me the trouble of hiding! Hello again Yuusuke my old partner."


End of flashback

*last time I was careless and my face got seen, and it put my loved ones in harm's way. I won't make the same mistake again. I hope to never use this again. Never hoped to become something else again, someone else."

Haruka is seen with a face mask, and a green covered suit with a quiver strap

At the house

"Any word from Haruka?"

"No, nothing, I hope he isn't trying to deal with this himself."

"What about the police Yumeko? Anything?"

"They say their trying to find them but I-

*looks like everyone is going through a panic.*

Buzz buzz


Kurumi answers her phone

Kurumi shows a face of digust

"Okay, I'll be right there."


"What do you want?"

Yuusuke ask

"That attitude to quickly get things done is going to get you killed one of these days."

"I'm still alive right now so I'm good. But don't tell me you came all this way to chat?"

"Of course not. I'm giving you a chance to leave this island once and for all and let me operate."

"No deal."

"Figured, kill them all."

"Let's see if my training has helped you. Click the button on the side of your bow for a surprise."

Haruka clips the button and the bow changes to a sword

"A sword? Hmm?"


Haruka remembers his training

"What's the point of this again?"

"Strengthen your body, within a short amount of time and teach you how to swing."

End of flashback

"I see."

Haruka says swinging his sword around

"Let's go!"

"So loud."

End of flashback

Haruka kicks open the door

"Oh look! your brother has a scary costume."


"Step away from the kids!"

Haruka says in a deep voice

"You're not Haruka, who are you? I asked for Haruka!"

"He sent his regards!"

"Don't kill him, he's mine, send Haruka another gift in the mail."

*He most likely has another power besides create and command gotta be careful.*

"Take him!"

Haruka uses a explosive arrow to stop the people from coming close, but gets put in chokehold from behind and attacks by two other solders but counters knocking them all out

"It's a sword now?"

Haruka clicks the botton on his bow and starts to cut the people down

"Are we done here?!"

"Not even close! command!"

Haruka puts his sword to his throat

"I'll ask again, this time, think about the safety of your throat. Are we done here?"

"Yes! Please don't kill me!"

Haruka looks at the twins

"Don't worry, you're safe now. I'll get you both safe to your family."

*That's why he never released another attack, his second power is lock binds. Lucky this sword can cut through it."

Haruka sword glows blue

"What are you planning on doing with that sword?"

Haruka cuts the ropes freeing the twins

"We're free!"

"It's the HCPD We're coming in!"

The officers bust downs the doors coming in from all directions

"Hey you kids okay?"

"Yeah, our brother saved us right, Haruka!"

"Where'd he go?''

Kazuya says

"Huh? Haruka?"

The twins look around

Haruka mask fades away

*The twins weren't lying when they said they were saved by someone. It just wasn't me, it was someone else entirely. To avoid answering questions when I get home, I'll stay the night at my safehouse."


Haruka is fighting the solders

"Uncle, you have to go after her, I should be able to hold them off!"

"I'm not leaving you alone, imagine what your mother would do to me if you end up dead!"

"That's not the point! We'll both end up dead if she isn't stopped! They aren't as strong as me thanks to your ridiculous training. And I'm not dumb enough to fight them all head on, so I'll keep my distance, Just go!"

"Don't die on me kid."

End of flashback

"I came as you said what do you want… Coach."

Kurumi says looking away

"Kurumi, I'm so glad you decided to come."

The coach says smiling pervertly

"Just get this over with."

At safehouse 7

Haruka catches an arrow from behind

"Who are you?"

Haruka goes into a brawl with the mysterious figure before putting them in a chokehold

"Last chance, who are you?!"

"I'm hurt on how easily you forgot about me."

Haruka let the attacker go


Saki pulls out a little knife and outs it on Haruka's throat

"You let your guard down, I taught you better."

"What are you doing here? I thought you were still in france."

"I was then I saw the twins in trouble, and your performance, be glad I wiped the drive so no one else will see it. And if I'm back, others will be too."

Beep beep, beep beep

"You gonna get that?"

"Wait a second, it's my fiance."


"Hello? Kurumi?"

"It's simple really. Everyday you come by and see me for some extra credit."

"And what if I refuse?"

In his room

"It's not like I'm giving you much of a choice."

"Scum like you make me sick, if it wasn't for your Annals…"

"My Annals is a joy, command give me power over everyone! This whistle is power itself!"

*I Hope you're hearing this…*

"Now get to it."

Kurumi starts to get undressed

*I've never been so embarrassed in my life.*

"Kurumi, there you are. What are you doing?"

Haruka says from behind

"Come we have to go."

Haruka says grabbing Kurumi hands

"Wait Haruka! Kurumi was with me to improve on her grades, her being with you wouldn't help her. I heard about you two so I'll have her home before ten."

"Oh afterschool training?"

*No he bought it…*

Kurumi pulls on Haruka's shirt

"No… don't go."

*I knew it from before but now I know for sure.*

A blue aura surround Haruka

"What type of extra credit requires her to have her clothes off!"

"Grr, watch your tone boy."

*Haruka is angry? His aura power? Although he's angry it feels so warm."

*My Annals isn't working on him, why?*

"Fine. I'll leave this time, you better watch your back Haruka."

The coach whispers in Haruka ear

"Better keep watch over her, I'm sure I'll get to her again, Just like the next man will."

The coach smiles pervertly

"If you know what I mean."

Haruka looks in the coach face Calmly

"Let's go."

Haruka says putting his jacket over Kurumi

At the house

"Oh my Kurumi, where are your clothes?"

"Rina, Can you give her something to wear?"

"Yes, master Haruka. Right this way, Lady Kurumi."

"Please hurry back. We're about to welcome some returned faces."

Yumeko says

"Who is it?"

Haruka ask

"Well then, this place hasn't changed since we left. It's still filled with failure."

"Now Kent, I'm sure Haruka is trying his best to live up to us."

"Akihisa, Kent talk bad about Haruka in front of me again,and I'll cut your balls off and feed them to you."

Saki says

"Big brothers, Saki, welcome back."

"What's with that dry reaction? At least act like you're glad to see us."

Kent says


"Why not Haruka?"

Yumeko says

"If I do that… I'll be lying to myself."

At the dinner table

"So what brings my sons back to Hokkaido? Not that I mind."

"That's simple. We came back to kill a vigilante called Viper."

"Isn't that a little out of your job area."

"Not exactly. He and another called Anaconda are wanted all over the world. They started out in Russia, the last place they were seen in france. And after watching The twins report we knew it was him, and maybe Anaconda is with him."

"Hmmm? But wasn't it you big bro Haruka?"

Kazyua says

"Hmmm? No, I was with someone else."

Akihisa starts to laugh loudly

"You think that sorry excuse of a failure can be Viper?"

"Viper has been given the nickname "Viper" because he strikes quickly and quickly ends the fight. Last time I heard Haruka just came back from an island after 12 years. So how could he be in Russia let alone France?"

Akihisa says

"Oh I guess you have a point."

Kazuya says

"Enough talk about Viper and Co. Haruka, don't you think it's time."

Haruka opens his eyes and slowly looks at Kent

"Time for what?"

Haruka ask

"I wonder what's going on?"

"Snooping around isn't the right thing to do, lady Kurumi."

"You know, time for you to give me Kurumi."

Kent says

Kurumi blushes when she hears this

" Don't worry, I'll make sure she finishes school. Oh while I'm at it you might as well give me your slave as well. What's her name again Riri?"

Both Kurumi and Rina blushes


"And me?"

"Big brother, get her name wrong again, and I'll kill you."

Kent throws his knife at Haruka But Saki counters and throws her knife at Kent's knocking it away

"Oops, looks like my knife slipped out of my hand. Luckily, it hit Kent's knife that was going to Haruka."

Saki says picking up another knife and eating her food

"Tsk you always had him as your favorite."


"Father, may I be, excuse to go take a bath?"

"Aw but the family dinner is just now starting dear."

"Sorry mom, but let me make something clear. Kent, Akihisa I will kill both of you. And father, soon your company will be mine, and those aren't mere statements. they're promises: I will rule Hokkaido and all the rest of Japan with Kurumi and Rina by my side. I have no need for a family, nor do I think of any of you as family."

Haruka left the dinner table

"Hmph not in a million years will he even be able to land a scratch on me."

Akihisa says

"Oh yeah then what's with that scratch on your face. Guess you didn't notice it, But when Haruka stood up he threw his knife at you, but he missed it on purpose."

*Question is why?*

Haruka dunks his head in the shower

*So, both my older brothers and older sister are back. Them plus Saburo could really be problematic. He's an idiot and if they asked him to join on the manhunt for me and Saki. Then again he is the oldest, and cares most about family, so maybe he'll care. Guess I'll have to predict the next 400 moves to be ahead.*

Notification gets sounded and Haruka checks his phone

"New hero, or curse?"

Haruka clicks the video

"Greetings citizens of Hokkaido city, this is officer Ryugasaki, I'm warning you to be safe when you travel, public killer Viper is in our city, this man doesn't care who he hurts, or how he hurts them. He's wanted in majority countries if you see this figure run for your life and call the HCPD."

Officer Ryugasaki salutes and the video ends

"Hmm? This is only the beginning."