
Against All Odds (Short Story)

Autor: DarkLeague
Contemporary Romance
Abgeschlossen · 27.8K Ansichten
  • 8 Kaps
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What is Against All Odds (Short Story)

Lesen Sie den Roman Against All Odds (Short Story) des Autors DarkLeague, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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An Empire's Story

In his previous life, he was a billionaire. The richest man on the plannet. When suddenly it all came crashing down and his buisness Empire fell.But perhaps destiny had just one last favor to do for him. That man, Alex Eastwood, is reincarnated to a novel he once read as a nobody, just a commoner in a struggling barony which is also known as "The crime capital of the world". _______________________________ "If I remember correctly this place was a hellhole" Alex recalled. "And a fantastic place to build a crime empire. With my acumen and some knowledge , I should be able to get really powerful by the end of the story and hopefully survive the final arc." And thus, he started to formulate the perfect plan to create a buisness Empire that would change how the big that world thought a buisness could get. "Well then" Alex said to himself "I suppose I should round up the 'Board of Directors'.Luckily, I know the most who successfull people in the world will be, so I have a good chance to get some talented employees.Now, let's begin hiring , shall we?" _______________________________ And thus, we follow Alex as he, builds an Empire from scratch, gets involved in major world events, falls in love, saves some of the most important people on the planet and hopefully lives to see the end of the story. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey guys, it's me the author, and this is the portion where i introduce myself and ask you to show mercy as I am just a newbie author riffing on TAPOV and other such novels. Jokes aside, I'll be reading the the feedback and taking it into account so please guide along the way as i write this. Also i was watching Breaking Bad while coming up with its basic premise, so if you find that a character needs to 'cook' in the middle of an arc, that's where it came from. I hope you enjoy

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Fantasie
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3 Chs


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