
I Got a Bugs!

After preparing various needs that must be done before playing a VR game such as take a bath, a nature calls and so on, Lucius lay on the bed and wore his Dream Reality Network helmet.

He slowly closed his eyes and said, "On."

His vision turned dark, then turned back to light and there was a floating big word in front of him "WELCOME BACK URIEL ZENILLA" and after feeling a little dizzy, Lucius tried to adjust his body and his vision.

Now Lucius found himself sitting on a throne chair, overlooking a large room decorated with various ornaments that made him feel so magnificent and gave the atmosphere that those who saw this they will believe this is a Fantasy World.

Well, of course this is a Fantasy World.

In the room there were twenty pairs of luxurious chairs facing each other on the edge of this room giving a space of 5 - 6 meters in the middle of room with big red carpet on it and there is no table in this room.

A pair of large doors made from mixed orichalcum and mithril stood proudly in front of this room.

A throne room that he designed as one of the Lord, with his chuunibyou-ness.

Lucius feels warm in his heart after seeing this room again and a small smile appeared to form above his lips.

'At least I can forget the unpleasant events in the real world' he thought cheerfully.

Now Lucius was wearing a fancy black outfit with silver embroidery, a robe with a silver dragon logo and a sword hanging on his waist, he also wore a silver crown above his black hair.

Everything feels right in place when Lucius wear it, who is alfterall a native Asian with black hair and black eyes with pale white skin just like the others.

After checking the last outfit he had worn before retiring three years ago Lucius smiled lightly and muttered.

"Hah ... I finally got into World of Order. It's been 3 years since the last time I played this game, does Zen still play this game?"

Zen is the only one of Lucius's close friends since junior high school and also a friend who always accompanied Lucius when playing World of Order games since it launched 11 years ago.

But when Zen made a big Guild with his other friends and tried to get Lucius to join in, Lucius refused Zen for a reasons that could be considered childish like, "I'm not used to playing with strangers" or "I'm more used to playing alone".

After rejecting Zen's request, Lucius decided to make the Solo Guild with NPCs as members who burn a lot of his money just to make a NPCs and buy many gears.

That is, when the Guild owned by Zen managed to conquer a many of kingdoms in the Continent of Lordas the only continent in the "World of Order", Lucius only made a city called Zenilla in a no-name-land in the corner of the Lordas Continent.

The city he owned was a small town at the foot of a rocky mountain which was divided into 2 parts, the outer part which was on the surface and the inside which was an underground city with Dwarven styles.

The surface part of Zenilla is divided into three districts separated by a 20 meter high wall, namely the outer area for common folk and a trading place, a middle area for nobles and high ranking soldiers, and a core area stand a high building that half of it meddle into the mountain named Dark Castle.

The underground part of Zenilla is divided into four regions with three walls separated it, namely the outer part of the walls as a mine, the inside first walls as the house of common folk, the middle part as a market district and the business center, finally the core for the barracks that's located in the bottom of Dark Castle.

And finally with his hard work and his now empty pocket, the city became one of a famous city and can be considered able to rival the top 50 guilds as a Solo Guild.

"This is the Power of Cash!" Said Lucius, who at that time laughed like crazy.

Lucius who can't wait, began to sweep his finger in the air vertically, trying to bring up his Friend List screen.

The result is, nothing.

Nothing appear.

Confused because of the action he had done hundreds of thousands of times every time he wanted to call his only close friend, Lucius repeatedly tried to repeat his actions, again and again.





And finally after the tenth trying.

"Fuxk! I got a bugs!"

Finally with sweat that flooded his forehead and his back, Lucius gave up swearing and cursing then leaned his body into the chair behind him.

Lucius reflexively sweeps his forehead that's many beads of sweat on it with his left hand.

Suddenly Lucius straightened his back and raised his hand that he had used to wipe his sweat.

He looked carefully at his left hand that now looked pale, trembling and of course filled with sweat.


"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why is there sweat on DDMMO-RPG!? Ehehehe, this must be the latest Pacth. Hehehe that is right! This is the latest Pacth to get player to feel the real Virtual Reality is! Errr ... but when did I install it? Ehehehe who cares, maybe it's Zen that installs it for me .. "

Lucius said as he tried to calm himself, even though it made his body more trembled and sweat increasingly flooded his black clothes.


"Milord, are you okay !?"

"Master !?"

"I'm coming!"

Suddenly, the door opened with bang and several people entered the room shouting with panic.

They walked towards Lucius in a haste.

As they were stood in front of Lucius they showed a worried face and one of them asked while raising one of his eyebrows. Obviously his face looked worried.

"Master are you feel bad?"

Lucius who saw their reaction, their words and their faces felt a tremendous headache.

Sweat flows like a waterfall all over his body.

And finally his sight blankout and with that a creepy smile appeared on his face.

Dude thats hard!

Its so hard to write in english especially if you are A LAZY PERSON.

Sure I will try to improve!

Yawancreators' thoughts