
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Fantasie
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43 Chs


Is this real?

Did I kill Victor blinded by my rage?

Did he lie when he said he was trying to help me?

No, it makes no sense to lie about someone who is dead. Nor did he defend himself when we "fought".

Victor could last a very long fight against me at my best.

Why did he do it?

That's a stupid question.

He did it because his existence had nothing left. His son dead, his faith damaged, his loyalty lost. At least I was betrayed after my death. He used me for his suicide.

(You mourn his death, but it was my arm under your control that killed him. Look at you, pathetic, trying to justify killing your friend because he wanted to die. You didn't even know what was going on in his mind. This sin is yours")

Alexander's words are painful. He is damn right, I killed him. Why did I let this happen?

"My" eyes begin to tear.

Between my sadness and grief, I remember one thing.

Decrea told me that Victor had also betrayed me.

Did she lie to me?

It makes no sense that a god would lie to an insignificant human like me.

Why would she do that? To prove me? To test me?

I will not continue your games, Decrea. Let me die.

With this thought I take the sword out of Victor's body and with a quick movement I cut my own throat.


Ignoring Alexander, I laugh at my stupidity as I bleed to death.


Decrea's POV:

Humans are interesting, when I created them I decided to make them imperfect to see how they evolved. The first few million years of evolution were slow and boring.

But the wait is beginning to pay off.

Look at this insignificant being. Betrayed by all those he sacrificed for. He did not go mad just because I soothed his mind with my power from time to time.

Only one person in the whole church did not betray him, and that was his friend Victor. That's one less loose end. Now all I have to do is manipulate him a bit to get him to continue his revenge.

It looks funny, the last thousand years have been fun.

It should give him the power of possession, right? Even I didn't expect the words of Alexander's conscience towards Victor.

Did you see his face at the end? The despair of not being able to do anything. The hatred towards "Alexander".

How would he react if he found out that his best friend actually killed him?

Will he cry? Attack?

Maybe I should bring his soul here. To have a little chat.

Watch a man of faith lose everything. Destroyed for what he lived for. Betrayed by those he believes in.

There's no more invigorating feeling.

Well, it doesn't matter. The important thing right now is to keep this child alive for now. He can start an all-out war between the human world and the elven race.

Wouldn't that be interesting?

I see you trying to slit your throat, Ezekiel. It's a useless attempt, I can bring your soul here.

By pulling my hand, I attract his soul. While I wonder, in what form will you see me this time?


Back to Ezekiel:

I feel something attracting me and I know what it is.

Decrea brought me here

What do you want from me? I'm just an apostle.

I will ask her, because there is no point in facing her.

My body slows down and I'm back in the void.

The two chairs are now facing each other, with a table in the middle.

When I look at Decrea, I feel strange. She has changed again.

Her once red eyes now have tears of dried blood running down her cheeks. Her face has sunk a little. Her bones are more visible.

But most impressive are his hands. They are scrawny and the fingers have been lengthened by almost 3 cm, with slightly rotten nails at the end of the hand.

It's certainly a scarier look. But I've gotten used to these changes, they don't affect me in any way. She is still the mighty Decrea.

Kneeling, almost out of habit, I greet her.

"I have done my duty, Goddess."

"I've seen everything, any questions?"

His voice is much more indifferent than before, and his aura is heavier.

"If you allow me, why did you tell me that Victor betrayed me?"

"I told you he was part of the Church. It was a lie, but your friend didn't want to live anymore and I had to cut the connection to your past for you."

As I listened to his words, his voice became more metallic and I was afraid to lift my head and see his new form.

Why Decrea?

"My goddess, this being has a request."

"Speak, young Ezekiel."

"I was hoping you could grant me my death. I want revenge, but I don't have that right anymore after killing Victor."

For some reason I felt danger coming from Decrea, but my eyes were down and I didn't want to change that.

"This is what you want? I can grant you that. But will you really try to leave without fulfilling your mission after murdering your innocent friend in pursuit of the same goal?"

"I still want to be released."

"Hm, I really feel sorry for Victor. He did so much for you, and after murdering him, you let his death be in vain."

"But my goddess, you entrusted me to kill him.

"And you accepted, I didn't force you. I only told you that the Church had betrayed you and you justified your actions."

My mind ached to think about what had happened and suddenly my soul darkened. I could see my spiritual body growing blacker by the second.

"Ha... Guilt, hatred and your conflicting feelings have damaged your mind. Salvation will help you clarify your thoughts and make your soul as it used to be. The dark soul will soon affect your thinking, although if I am honest, your current thinking is very different from that of the man who faced Azrath."

"Then, child, will you accept the task I have given you or not? Your dark soul will have nothing to do with your rest. Think again, for now you bear your revenge and Victor's. After all, he too was betrayed by the Church."