
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Elven body

After much thought, I have decided that Decrea is right. I can no longer bear my vengeance alone, and redemption is the only way to regain the clarity of my soul.

"Goddess, I accept the previous mission. I will destroy the Church."

"All right then, I will give you a body. I will let you possess an elf of the rank of Count of the Dyadal Empire. This possession will be eternal and will completely destroy the consciousness and will of the elf you possess.

"With your damaged soul, you will not be able to use mana, but you will be able to use essence. Essence is what the elves use to harness power. Mana is actually a much inferior version of essence, but essence is much harder to master."

"My gift to you; I will give you the Possession skill you used in Alexander. You just have to be of a similar rank to your enemy and have a stronger will than him. Or attack him when he is weak, as you did with Alexander."

After saying that and leaving me no time to think, Decrea moved her hand and sent my soul away. My mind became numb as I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar room. Quite simple, with only a desk and a bed. But you could see the quality of the materials used.

As I stood up, I noticed an adjoining door, through which I reached a noble bathroom with a mirror where I observed myself in my new body.

I am an elf with dark skin and long white hair at my shoulders. This means that my ancestry is a mixture between a pure elf and a lesser elf.

I am about 1.80 cm tall and have developed a set of compressed muscles.

My face is beautiful, thank God, with sharp, gray eyes and eyebrows like swords, and now I notice my pointed ears, which are not very prominent and almost impossible to see if one were wearing long hair.

Anyway, I'm an elf now.

The name of this body is Marcus Sila Infersa Runa.

Why so many names?

We leave it as Marcus Runa.

Looking at my other memories, I see that I am 24 years old and, as the goddess said, I come from a family of counts. The 3rd son, far from the succession and therefore very ignorant of the world. Shit, he doesn't even know what city his mansion is in.

I have to go to study...

Coming out of the bathroom, I hear someone knocking on the door.

"Go ahead"

"With your permission, my lord"

A maid with gray and parched skin. Her features are as beautiful as they can be, her name is Igrid, she is 1.70 cm tall, has a face with delicate features, high cheekbones and green eyes. There is a brief smile on her face, but it is devoid of emotion. I can't see her figure. She wears a maid's uniform with a large cloak covering her.

She is a Drysicc.

The Drysicc are an inferior race to the pure or mongrel elves. I don't know too much about them because I only fight them. They have stronger bodies and generally use the essence to strengthen themselves physically. Unlike elves, only the most talented Drysicc can manifest magic outwardly. Elves are very connected to the essence, so they have an easier way to connect to the essence.

They have a lot of dominance over the Drysicc.

She is a high level Drysicc. This means that her bloodline is much purer than most drysiccs and that she can metamorphose into a higher species. If I'm not mistaken, they evolved into dark elves like me.

It's like a monkey evolving into a human in a certain way. But still, a Drysic is superior to a human in almost every way.

They have a lower reproduction rate than us, and they have no ability to use mana, but they naturally absorb essence.

The essence itself is creative energy. It is like divine mana, except that it comes from Decrea.

All apostles like me have the ability to use holy magic. Mekila, for example, can use the sacred fire of the goddess of life.

With this in mind, I try to use my mana to check the inside of my body.

After wasting 1 minute trying, I remember that I can't use mana.

What a waste.

"Hey Igrid, how do you feel the essence?"

He answers me with a strange look.

"My lord needs to expand his consciousness and check the surroundings with his spiritual vision. The essence is red, so you will notice it immediately. Then he has to use his mental power to create a small field of attraction around his heart.

Ah, so it's basically the same as mana. But Decrea said it was more difficult.

As I expanded my consciousness, I noticed that the air was tinged with a kind of red mist. I started to create a whirlwind to absorb the essence, but it seems to have much more resistance than I thought.

Certain parts creep and reach my body. Following Ingrid's instructions, I send them to my heart, and there I notice a kind of spherical organ where energy is stored and turns purple. I need to find out what the hell this is.

"Ingrid, take me to the library."

Ingrid still has that strange look on her face, but she answers anyway.

"Yes, my lord."