
My reincarnation

"I am the strongest." Jack said as he was walking down the path. As he was walking he come across a cave. The cave looked like it had nothing in it like a dark hole.

"What is this. There is nothing in here."Jack said as he walked in the cave. As he looked around he noticed there was no way out.

He kept looking around and he found a tunnel. He went in the tunnel. As he went through it he noticed his consciousness was fading and everything was going black. His body felt weird.

"What is going on." Jack said in a panicked tone as he blacked out. Then the cave disappeared.

A couple minutes later Jack woke up in a cave. "Where am I." Jack said. As he got up and looked for a place to leave.

There it was the exit to a cave. He walked towards it and he was blinded by the light. "How long was I asleep for." He said.

When he opened his eyes and looked around he didn't know where he is."This isn't where I entered the cave." Jack said as he started to walk down the mountain.

He then stopped at an open area to check if he still had his powers. He looked around to see if there was anybody but there wasn't. Which was weird because where the cave was located was near a village.

He then sat down and started to produce this black aura around his body. They way this power works in strength is brown was the weakest and black was the strongest.

It went brown-yellow-orange-grey-white-black. Jack thought to himself,"I kept my power but for some reason I can't produce it."

He got up and started to walk around . He wanted to find someplace with people but there was nobody around. He kept wandering around for days. As he did he could feel his powers coming back to him.

The powers he originally had was gravity, light, and wind. These powers are randomly gained at birth and it is rare to have 3 or more. Most people only had one or two.

But he could only produce wind right now. He started to to feel the power going from his heart to his fear then he lounged foward and he used the wind to run faster.

He could feel the wind on his hair. "It was nice he thought. I should try to find a village." He said to himself. He kept looking and finally he found a village but it didn't look like the ones from where he came from.

He looked around but there wasn't any people. It was abandoned. He didn't feel any hunger, thirst, or sleepiness. Which was strange to him. He walked into a house and sat down to gather his thoughts.

"This is strange there isn't anyone here. Where did they all go." He thought. He heard this noise coming from outside. He walked out of the house and he saw a beam of light.

He could hear these voices that are telling him to enter so he did. When he entered he blacked out for a minute when had come to he finally found people.