

When he woke up and saw people he was happy. There was two people that were standing in front of him. They introduced themselves as Jessica and Alex.

"Hi I am Alex and this is Jessica who are you." Alex said. Jack said," I am Jack. Where is this place." "You don't know. This is where everyone gathers to fight monsters. Once every year everyone gets teleported to this place." Alex said.

"How does this place work."Jack said. "This place is a tower the more you go up the more rewards you get. You can die. But there is a time limit. Once the time limit is over everyone gets teleported back were they were. If you do die in the tower your body stays in the tower. Lastly every floor increases in difficulty every time you go up." Alex said.

"How many floors are there." Jack said. "There are 100." Alex said. "What happens when you complete all of the floors." Jack said. Alex said "no one knows."

Suddenly a loud beeping sound goes off and Jack is confused. The gate in front of them drops. There is a bunch of gates all around this big are in the middle. There are about 950 monsters and about 95 people.

Then a voice came on."The way to go up to the next floor is to kill ten monsters" the mysteries voice said. Then everyone comes out of their caves and the gates close behind them. Then Jack looked up and there was a clock that read 3 hours.

Mostly everyone went to fight the monsters but some of them stayed because they were scared. Jack felt his aura and then put it into his hands and started to run towards the monster. He launched an attack out of wind."wind blade." Jack said. Instantly killing two monsters.

Jack stood there over two dead monster bodies. Then he jumped and killed another two."wind blade." Jack said. He started to look around to see if anyone needed help. But everyone was doing fine.

There was only a couple of people who died. But around 1/4 of the people already went completed it. Jack looked up at the clock and the was about an hour left. Jack said to himself," I better hurry this up."

He then started to use his aura again to produce these tornadoes out of his hands." Wind tornado." Jack said. Then he shot it and killed 3 more monsters. The last three monster he needed sourounded him.

He get low on the ground and wind came out of his hands and went in all different directions." Wind pulse." Jack said. It killed the last three monster in an instant.

Jack moved to the next place but it looked the same. He saw Jessica and Alex and asked,"weren't we just here." And Alex then said," yes the first ten floors are the same but the amount of monsters increase." Jack said "how many." Then Alex said," I don't know that depends on how well the people did. We did well so probably 2-3 times the amount."

Then 30 minutes later the clock went off." Congratulations to the 95 of you who passes the first floor. Now there will be 2 hours and thirty minutes. Also there will be 1,900 monsters." The mysterious voice said.