
Afonran: the flowing one

so hi there you chose my book so i'm super excited to share this story with you and trust me this book is madly interesting. So it's about a girl who has blue eyes, why i don't know or rather can't say with magical powers so follow her on her journey to know why the hell she has those. ps; she also has these weird dreams that may tell the future or not and who is this guy that keeps following her around

Daoist9799 · Fantasie
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4 Chs


Smoke everywhere, the earth is covered in blood of the fallen soldiers and the battle rages on. in the center of the battle ground surrounded by the soldiers fighting was a woman on one knee dressed in black with cuts all over her body, looking very haggard and on the brink of death but her eyes said otherwise with flames of determination in her eyes as she looked at the person in front of her with an overwhelming hate, with a grunt she stood up staggering with the little strength she had left

"how could you? i thought you loved me " the person in front of her smirked "well you thought wrong, just give up and it will all be over"

"never i'll never let you take it " she said as she spat out blood. Then another person appeared and held him by the waist "well Bankole my love has she agreed yet, you know that we have an engagement party to go to"

Bankole who was standing in front of the beaten up woman turns to the lady beside him "she's proving stubborn but no mind" the lady in front of them stared at them in shock "you you are working with him, I- when - why- i mean -"

"haha, aww look at her even now she's as delusional as ever" the woman sneered walking towards her, looking at her bruised and battered body she thought in her heart the sooner she dies the sooner i get what i want.

With that thought in mind she moved towards her and said "Afonran, just give up what did you think that he really loved you oh please you dream, well you are called the dreamer did you dream about this too hahaha, if you just give it up politely then maybe just maybe I'll let you die with a complete corpse if not well I don't know what I might do"

she smiled as she looked at Afonran as she smiled at the thought of tearing her body apart.

 Afonran stared at the two people in disgust and immense hatred she looked around her seeing the battle raging "rather than letting you have what you want ill rather die"

Then with a deep breath of resignation she stood up to her full height closed her eyes put her hand together and started some ancient incantation. the woman beside her realizing what she was doing lunged at her in an attempt to stop her but as she got close boom then all of a sudden a bright blue light shone from her

"Bankloe stop her" he tried to stop her by conjuring a restriction spell combined with a death curse as he tried to enforce it it got cancelled by the sheer force of the spell Afonran was incanting

"we need to leave now, there's nothing we can do" "but- but- it will be destroyed along with her "the lady said exasperated that after all she did she couldn't get what she wanted and it seemed like she won " we need to leave now "

"ugh"she stomped her feet as she took his hand and then he opened a void and the both walked into it not caring of the lives that were left on the battle field. 

The soldiers feeling the change in the atmosphere around them and seeing a lady covered in blue light levitating and sensed an impending danger an turned and fled in all directions.

Afonran eyes looked bleak as she thought about all that had happened the pain and the hate she felt in her heart made her incantations louder as she called upon the blood of the fallen soldiers to witness her betrayal, she called the sun to stand as her judge to see what she has suffered her incantations growing faster and louder with her emotions pouring out with every word she spoke,

the blue light surrounding her became brighter her eyes becoming pale blue the anguish she felt was clearly written on her face.

In the barren space of land deserted with only the blood and bodies of the soldiers all over a void opened and an old man stepped out of it, dressed in a pure white agbada he looked around and saw the destruction and walked towards Afonran looking at her with sympathy in her eyes he reached and touched her forehead a pale golden light appearing from his finger and entering into her body

"my child, you've suffered greatly" whispering some incantations her body disintegrated and her essence flowed into the winds

"when it is time make them pay for what they have done to you 'and then he disappeared. in the silence the wind blew with words of vengeance in them. 

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bye bhe my loves

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