
Afonran: the flowing one

so hi there you chose my book so i'm super excited to share this story with you and trust me this book is madly interesting. So it's about a girl who has blue eyes, why i don't know or rather can't say with magical powers so follow her on her journey to know why the hell she has those. ps; she also has these weird dreams that may tell the future or not and who is this guy that keeps following her around

Daoist9799 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 1

In the distant land of Aro, in the compound of Adeola,

In the compound of adeola the house of the first son there was panic as women were rushing in and out of the house with basins of water some clean and some mixed with blood then a man rushed in from the gate entering the house


'where is my wife? where is kemi ?" the panic on the man's face was evident.Two men entered behind him out of breath one of the maen touched the shoulder of the panicking man panting " Yinka - Yinka calm down let the midwives concentrate your wife is fine"


Yinka still in panic tapped on of the women who were carrying the basin of water, seeing the bloody water in it his heart jumped to his throat "please where is my wife?, is- is- is she alright" the woman giving him a reassuring smile said "sir don't worry she's alright just wait a while"

Wahhh wahha  the expectant sound of a baby resounded as the sound brought an unexpected calmness,


Yinka turned and walked into the house and into his room where he saw his tired and sweaty wife on the bed, although she looked messed up to him she looked like the most beautiful woman in the world with a smile he walked towards the bed and knelt down by the head of the bed hold his wife's hand he smiled


"thank you, my love you have brought our little darling into the world" his wife kemi just smiled and looked at the midwife who was cleaning up her daughter.


"please can I hold my daughter" kemi asked the midwife, the midwife after cleaning her up carried her gently and brought her to kemi. Upon receiving her from the midwife kemi and yinka looked at their daughter with immense love in their hearts "she has your eyes, lets hope she doesn't have your character"Yinka laughed as she said to his wife


"and what is wrong with my character" kemi retorted with a wrinkle of her nose, Yinka tapped her nose "nothing" kemi continued to look at her child and then at her hus band and discovered that he was looking at her intensely with a smile on her face she felt her face heat up never was she more glad of being dark skinned as this would have been a very embarrassing moment, then she felt a movement in her arm , she looked down and saw her daughter wrinkling her nose with her face scrunched up and she looked like she was about to cry. She shook her abit in an attempt to calm her down but it seemed to make it even worse

"it seems that she might be hungry" said yinka just as he said that she could see that her daughter was making an even more of a fuss so she proceeded to feed her, 'aww she looks soo cute"said kemi, yinka chuckled in agreement, the scene was harmonious and tranquil

 A knock on the door broke this scene, they both turned towards the door and saw the two men who had entered the house with yinka "ah bolaji come in Tunde come" with a smack to yinka's arm "why didn't you tell me that they were around" she then used the wrapper by her side to cover her breast that was still feeding her baby.


"congrats o we don see our pikin oh"said Tunde as he took one of the chairs and sat down Bolaji followed sit and sat down, looking at Yinka he asked "big bros una don tell ma say she don born" Tunde slapped the up side of Bolaji's head "no be now now she born wetin u dey talk sef sometimes" Bolaji gave a sheepish smile.


Tunde then looked at the couple and then asked "so how will you tell your brothers? You know they don't like you that much and they believe your mother is a mistress what do you think they might do to your child" yinka paused for a moment and then said"that was the issue of the older generation, no matter how much they hate me I don't think they'll stoop so low as to harm a child""well you never know some people are evil incarnated" then they continued chatting oblivious to what lay ahead


So the days passed turning into weeks and finally it was two months later and Kemi and Yinka took their baby to the main family house for everyone to see.

Tradition dictated that a child can only be seen by another family member tw months after they are born, at this time they would name the child and bring her into the genealogy. The family house was located in the centre of the Adeola compound, her the head of the family Yinka's grandfather and grandfather lived here.


 Yinka on a normal note is supposed to live here as he is the first son of his father but since he was had out of wedlock he was not approved into the genealogy, not because the elders didn't want to but because Yinka didn't want to this was due to the fact that the elders hated his mother even though she was the victim.


Yinka's father when he was young wa a player and even though he was betroth still messed around. Eventually he met Monica Yinka's mother he wooed the young lady and got her pregnant, Monica not knowing that he was engaged came to his office to tell him that she was pregnant. When she entered the house she saw him Sheun was another woman riding her till kingdom come with a scream she attracted their attention. Sheun wore his trousers and the woman asked who is she "she is just ine girl like that"he answered non chalantly. "ah sheun me one girl like that, what of your promise to marry me nko na just joke to you" "marry you hahah" laughed the woman who was now dressed in Sheun's shirt "sorry doll your just the side piece and I'm the crown jewel, his finance"she said as she leaned into his arms. Monica gasped with tears in her eyes as she ran out. Later on she gave birth to him (Yinka) and after her death in labour the rest is history