
Afonran: the flowing one

so hi there you chose my book so i'm super excited to share this story with you and trust me this book is madly interesting. So it's about a girl who has blue eyes, why i don't know or rather can't say with magical powers so follow her on her journey to know why the hell she has those. ps; she also has these weird dreams that may tell the future or not and who is this guy that keeps following her around

Daoist9799 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

chapter 3

 Eight years have passed by since that occurrence at the family hall and a lot has happened to the Adeyemo's since then. Immediately after Yinka was called to the family company where they made cars and other electronics and he became a CEO and although this outraged the other family members especially his father's family and most especially his sister Funke who was absolutely livid at the thought that he became her superior, she had half the mind to stomp her way to the family house and give her grandfather a piece of her mind stopped by her mother who advised her to rather take advantage of the situation and prove herself to her grandfather. The old man died in a peaceful rest surrounded by his closet children and rested with fulfillment in his heart , this caused a lot of people to become restless and in fighting here and there but Yinka and his little family had been flourishing immensely with as the company grew under his leadership his relationship with his grandfather was mended and his beautiful baby had now grown into a wonderful young and lively little girl. The past few years had been the happiest Yinka's family of three had ever been. But it's a pity that all good things never last.



 This was the reason why a little girl was sitting on a bench in the hospital waiting room with a blood stained dress and a bloody cut running across her arm. With a sniffle she wondered if her parents where going to be alright, all she could remember was driving back home from the air port with her mummy and daddy and closing her eyes to sleep then a crash and she saw her self upside down. She looked to her daddy's chair and saw that he was bleeding " Daddy daddy " she called out "daddy !!!!!"she screamed crying as she realized that she was bleeding as blood flowed into her mouth.

 "Ugh  Omotola Omotola"she turned her head and saw her mother with her head bashed and battered "mummy what is happening" " I want you to close your eyes and listen to my voice" so she closed her eyes listening intently " Tola mummy loves you so much, I wish I could be with you always but I guess my time is up, huff  remember mummy and daddy loves you " then there was silence like as though nature mourned for the death of two pure souls. Tola although a child was more mature than children her age with a realization of what happened she screamed and then she passed out



With an abrupt start from the bed covered in cold sweat from head to toe, panting like her life depended on it, Omotola sat on her bed it's been eight since the accident that took the life of her parents and brought her to this hell. She got up from her bed and looked at the clock  lucky  she thought as the time was barely 5 in the morning she tied her barley there wrapper around her waist wore her slippers and walked out the door and made her way to the kitchen. On the way there she recalled all that had happened since the accident .


 After the accident she lived for 2 months with her father's friends Bolaji and Tunde until a lawyer showed up at her door claiming that her uncle had more of a right to take care of her and from then she lived in a literal hell. Now her uncle had a wife Eniola and two kids Miriam and Jackson. Her uncle although not hating her didn't quite like her either and as satisfied is she was alive he didn't care if she was doing well or not just the mere knowledge that she was breathing was enough for him


Her aunt on the other hand absolutely despised her to her very core she felt that she was the reason why her husband didn't become the ceo of the family company 8 years ago and felt that she was the reason the old man was kind to her father and made him the ceo instead of her husband , so she just vented out her anger on the young girl


 She made her wash mountains of cold water during the harmattan and the rainy seasons even at a young and even with her chilled hands during the harmattan she was forced to sweep the whole house and clean up everywhere before going to school, when she came back she needed to go to her Aunt's shop and sell and still come back and help out in the house. Her aunt beat her up when ever she pleased without needing any reason at all to do so most times she beat her up even for the slightest reason of not helping her children with their home works or things like that.


 With that memory Omotola looked at her arms where a testimonial of the beating she had last night laid criss crossed like a brand on her skin, she was grateful to the gods for a dark skin that the bruises didn't show, now she lived at the servant quarters of the family house.


As she walked about the halls of the old mansion she could remember her dad chasing down these very small halls with a sigh he let the past memories get tucked away in the closet of her mind. With still steps she made her way past the kitchen and into the dining room where the liquor cabinet lay and took the schnapps from the shelf with a shot glass and walked to the the small room behind the sitting room there was a door there upon opening it she entered and there was small statute of the family god she walked towards it bowed and poured two glasses of the liquor on it and made some incantations over it thanking the gods for life and protection through out the day especially from her aunt, with a scoff she looked at the mini statue of the goddess Ogun the goddess of life wondering if she could actually hear her, before she turned and left the room



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