
Afonran: the flowing one

so hi there you chose my book so i'm super excited to share this story with you and trust me this book is madly interesting. So it's about a girl who has blue eyes, why i don't know or rather can't say with magical powers so follow her on her journey to know why the hell she has those. ps; she also has these weird dreams that may tell the future or not and who is this guy that keeps following her around

Daoist9799 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 2

As they entered the house a servant led them through the large hallways to the main hall, they passed the picture frames of the family members not a single one containing any of Yinka's picture but he didn't mind. They got to the large doors of the main hall, he held kemi's hand as the servant opened the doors and they walked in.


As Yinka walked in while holding kemi's hand he saw his grandfather sitting on a high sofa chair with his grandmother and his father with his wife beside him, he also saw his half siblings sitting there too as he got closer to his grandfather he could clearly see the expressions on their face, the disgust on his siblings' faces and the disdain on his father's wife's face. Stopping at just a few feet from his grandfather he knelt down and greeted

" Ekàro baba" with his knees still on the ground he waited a still silence filled the air "rise up my child"said his grandfather with an authoritative voice

 He stood up with a sneer on his lips as he recalled what happened the last time he was here, he had not been told to stand up rather he had been told to crawl out as he was a bastard and he did not belong here. The memory seemed like yesterday. He looked at his grandfather and saw that time had really done a number on him, his skin had obviously dragged due to the lashes of time his lips once always in a standard sneer had now been reduced to a thin line but his eyes still as always sharp as ever.


 " Adeyinka son of Sheun my grandson welcome to the home of your fathers, as we can see you've brought your child forth bring her to me" Yinka took his daughter from Kemi and took her to his grandfather and placed her in his arms.

 With a surprise to everyone that was present even to Yinka himself his grandfather smile and used his finger to caress her face "she is beautiful" he said everyone was shocked 'yinka' he said "why does she have blue eyes" "baba she was born that way"

"then that means she's either a witch or a jinx she fit be obanje"everyone looked to where the voice was and saw that it was Funke, Yinka's half sister

 "after all who's to say that this bastard child is really his"she said with a sneer as she stood up from her chair and walked to where kemi was and looked at her disdainfully.


"how dare you say that about my daughter" Kemi said "you dare to open your ugly mouth and insult my child you barren hen" "excuse me "said Funke as she moved closer to her in anger. Yinka came and stood in between them "leave her alone and don't you ever talk about my daughter in treat manner ever again in this your life"

" silence both of you " his grandfather roared. There was a still silence as they both glared at each other the lines that were fuzzy were now becoming clear with the line becoming thicker with each confrontation Uwahh uwahh  the cries of the baby in grandpa Adeyemo's hand seemed to increase the already thick tension in the hall.

 Kemi rushes up in an attempt to take the crying child but a look from the old man stops her in her tracks as he coaxed the little girl rocking her from left to right and then she opens her eyes and looks at him one might say in curiosity as to who was this man holding her, she has never seen him before. With curiosity in her mind and a quest for satisfaction she reached out her chubby little hand and touches his face exploring the unknown texture of his skin and reached his beard and then pulled at it


 Everyone gasped in shock, Funke smiles in schadenfreude awaiting his thunderous roar of anger, Yinka and Kemi gasps in fear and look at the each other already imagining the roar coming their way.

 But contrary to everyone's thoughts he chuckled like actually chuckled before going on to a full blown laughter "what a cute thing, come who's there? Go and bring the cloud earrings from my room"a servant that was standing behind his chair immediately went and fulfilled his command . The old man continued to bounce her on his lap while sing " my little darling laughing with me dancing with me, look at the sun and smile look at the moon and laugh but never leave me " with her laughter accompanying him.


 When the servant came back and gave the box containing the earring to grandpa Adeyemo, the old man then beckoned Yinka to him and gave him the box " this is for my cute and beloved baby keep it for her" then he turned to his son " Sheun give me the book " 

" grandfather you can't be serious about this " exclaimed Funke " they are not qualified to be added to this family, I mean children of that vile woman"

" how dare you say that about my mother ?- " 'silence how dare you speak to your sister like that"said Sheun, turning to the old man he said " baba don't make such a rash decision, why not think about it for a couple of days then call another-'


"are you now deciding to challenge my decision? Who is the head of this family , me or you and you Funke how dare you mediocre talentless thing think of speaking, even Yinka has enough reason to comment as he has contributed to this family and even has a child but what of you after sending you to the best schools and you making a mockery of yourself as all you do is drink and useless yourself. You dare to challenge my decision, shut up that your stinking mouth or get out if you can't even do that" then adjusting the little girl, in him arm he spoke to his Yinka "what is her name "

" Omotola Joke Rose Adeyemo " "omotola is a nice name I shall add Jade as an addition to it" then he signaled to Yinka's father Sheun "the book"


 Reluctantly Sheun then gave the book to his father's right hand man and then with a glare to Yinka he sat back down. grandpa Adeyemo then signaled to his right hand man Brian to open it. After he had opened it to the page of children of the 4th generation grandpa Adeyemo called on Yinka and told him to come and write his name and his wife's name


 Yinka came and took the pen from Brian, the pen was a black fountain pen with a red jaguar swirling around it, he pricked his finger with it and then allowed it to suck his blood when it had enough the already red jaguar shone even brighter, then he used to write his name and his wife's name under his father's name. Then he flipped a couple of pages forward and then wrote his daughter's name on it.

 "now that the ceremony is complete we feast"then everyone was lead to the dining hal. As the oldman was about to get up kemi approached him and wanted to carry the baby who was obviously still enjoying her grand fater's arms "baba let me feed her she might be hungry and as though on cue the little darling stated crying.

 After he handed her over to his mother he turned to his grandson and said "welcome to the family may we prosper with your family"then he turned he back and walked away. As sheun and his wife waked pat them at them he sneered and turned his face away with a snort, his wife on the other hand looked at Yinka with deep intent before turning walking towards her husband.

"you think this is over just you wait, do you think it is as easy to get out once you've entered it isn't that easy" said Funke as she stormed out on them .

 Both husband and wife looked at each other wondering on how to forge ahead.