

World After world Until I Reach YOU

SAYID · Fantasie
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76 Chs

Chapter 75 The Finales (2)

"This is unacceptable!"

Kevin was screaming angrily and scolding the referee, who did not try to justify his negligence, while the rest of the C-3 class were all around the injured Zach's bed. Fortunately, his back was intact and most parts of his body were not broken, but his arm was completely destroyed, and his internal organs were severely damaged. But despite this, Zack was smiling comfortably because he was still alive. In fact, he was making some jokes that Yam was laughing at, but Belle was scolding him and ordering him to rest, while Michael and Arthur remained silent.

"I can now teach that bastard a lesson, but is this the solution?"

Kevin was confused about his situation. If he hurt Qats, he would be eliminated because this would be considered an infringement outside the limits of the competition. But if he waited patiently, he might face him in the next round, and then any injuries would be considered fouls. In the end, Kevin asked the great creature.

"Mmm, I see what the problem is here, human, but from the perspective of an ancient and wise being, I see that you should not be reckless and think about the consequences. You want your comrades to become stronger, right? And you also want to fix that troublemaker, right? So he waited wisely."

The great creature's words were inspiring to Kevin, so he decided to review his options and then act accordingly. For now, he would stop and watch.

In the midst of Zach's friends worrying about him and Kevin monitoring the situation, there was someone among them who did not feel well.

Zack was a very strong person. If he had fought with Arthur seriously, Arthur would have used all his abilities and experience to defeat him, meaning that it would have been a close battle. But now he was defeated and hurt with ease by that boy, Qats. Now, whether Arthur fights with him next or fights with Kevin, it's both. Insanely strong, does he really have a chance to win?

After a few minutes, it was announced that the next match would be between Arthur and Qats, which was news that struck Arthur like a thunderbolt. For comfort and to take into account Zack's situation, both fighters were given half an hour to prepare, but Arthur was literally lost in thought.

"I'm done"

Arthur left the clinic room with no hope. He walked down the long corridor in silence, but suddenly he saw a shadow in front of him. He raised his head to see who the person was blocking the way, only to discover that it was Michael, but the look on his face was very strange. He said it directly.

"I know how you can defeat that person."

Michael summoned a computer out of thin air and continued

"Can you apply this principle?"

Arthur looked strangely at Michael before looking at the computer screen. He paused in silence for a few moments before speaking.

"Firstly, I want to know how the hell you came up with such thoughts; secondly, yes, I can do that; and thirdly, it won't do me much good in defeating him."

Michael smiled slightly.

"Do not worry, this plan was made by a very important person, so it will not fail, but in order to understand how you will defeat that arrogant person, you need to know his weak point."

Michael paused to take a breath before continuing.

"Gats has two forms of his ability; the first is to summon that black thing with a human body. In this state, he is almost devoid of any defects, so you will not be able to defeat him."

Michael's words fell on Arthur's heart like cold rain, but he heard the handsome drunk boy continue.

"But if you can get him to use his second form, he will experience a strong side effect. You will notice it immediately when he starts."

Michael told Arthur everything he needed to know about Qats's side effects, the limits of his power, and even his species, which came as a huge shock.


The bully type is a hybrid type of warrior and manipulator, but it is classified as the strongest and rarest type in the world. Just imagine being able to have the power of a manipulator while at the same time obtaining amazing physical strength like a warrior. That is just a terrifying idea.

"Don't worry, just do what I told you, and you will win. Now go; you don't have much time."

Arthur was very skeptical about this plan and about his chance of winning, but more importantly, about Michael's hidden intention.

As if he could read his thoughts, Michael said it with a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't ask for much in return for this little help."

Then he went in the opposite direction while Arthur watched him for a few seconds. When Michael was alone, he called someone

"Mr. Director, I have done what you ordered me to do. Yes. Yes. He will make all the preparations you mentioned to me. Yes. Thank you."

Before the manager finished the call, he heard Michael say it in a hesitant voice.

"Mr. Director, why are you helping me and the student, Arthur? I mean, this is strange and incomprehensible to me."

Michael fell silent for a few moments before he heard a soft sound of laughter.

"This is for a better future."

After saying this sentence, the manager hung up the call.


It was time for the match. Both Arthur and Qats climbed into the ring. Arthur's eyes were fixed on his opponent, while the dangerous boy's eyes were distracted, as if he were not looking at Arthur at all.

Arthur thought. I need to push him to use his true ability in order to ensure victory. I must not waste time.

At the moment when the start of the match was announced, Arthur ran directly towards Qats in order to pressure him. Qats's indifferent expression did not change, but behind him appeared a human figure made of black energy, which turned out to be pure energy, but it was so concentrated that its color changed. Arthur also rose. Using the energy gloves, he made them expand and lengthen to cover his arm.

"What's he doing?"

His friends were puzzled because Arthur had eased the distribution of his energy instead of concentrating it at one point, but the strangest thing was that he had left his hands bare and devoid of energy.

"This..." Kevin focused on the scene and noticed a thin line of energy creeping inside Arthur's fist while the energy near his shoulder was forming into a cylinder-like shape.

The black figure was facing Arthur, which made everyone nervous. Arthur attacked, but unfortunately, the black figure was able to avoid the attack and began preparing for a counterattack.

"It's the end." Everyone felt depressed, but in the next moment, something strange happened. Arthur opened his hand, causing a fearful wave, and then something exploded inside Arthur's hand, causing damage to the black figure. 

"Good, this is a start." 

Arthur did not lose his focus but rather took advantage of this opportunity to launch a series of attacks that were made up of normal strikes. In case the black figure dodged the attack, Arthur would open his hand and fire an explosion while making his way towards Qats! 

Unlike most of the rest of the students, Kevin was able to see the process as Arthur was pushing the energy cylinder on his shoulder, creating air pressure in his hand, and then sending a large amount of energy through that thin thread towards a center in his hand. What Kevin did not understand was the reason for the transformation of the energy ball. The small color turns black when Arthur performs this operation. 

"Is it possible that pure energy becomes black if it is concentrated into a small point? Then, because of the intense heat and great force, adding compressed air to the equation results in an explosion? This might explain the matter, but it also shows that this boy... The brawler has such an enormous amount of energy that he made a black man... Wow." 

Once again, Kevin felt admiration for Qats's strength, but he felt even more angry that such a strong child would not use this power in a humane manner. 

Arthur became as if he had an energy rifle, and he adapted to this good skill and began to diversify his attacks between the energy glove and the energy rifle. This method was no longer effective, as he was able to finally reach Qats. 

"Well, then he should use that skill now." 

Arthur threw a punch at Qats and was sure that the fierce boy would use his secret weapon, but to his surprise, Qats blocked the punch before responding with another attack. 

Arthur moved quickly to avoid the attack while thinking quickly. 

"Although I didn't attack him using energy, for someone hiding behind his bodyguard, he shouldn't have such physical strength. Damn, I lost my concentration." 

Behind Arthur, who dodged Guts' attack, the black figure kicked Arthur in the side so hard that he flew to the edge of the ring. 

"Damn. "

Arthur quickly got up, but all he saw in front of him was a black figure preparing for another attack. 

Arthur quickly repelled the attack with difficulty while focusing on not slipping into the water, but without warning, Qats kicked him in the same injured side, ending the matter with Arthur writhing on the ground in intense pain. 

"Pathetic, "

Qats whispered coldly as he ordered his minister to finish Arthur's matter. In a desperate attempt, Arthur caused another explosion and then stepped back to catch his breath. Qats looked at him darkly because he realized that this peasant would not fall against his minister, so he must intervene as well. 

Qats sighed and then walked towards Arthur, who, although he was injured and close to falling into the water, analyzed his situation and his next options. He realized that Qats is not as strong as that black figure, but he is not weak either, so he needs to repel the black shape without neglecting it. Qats himself. 

Arthur got up and took a fighting stance while waiting for his opponent to come to him. The black figure attacked first, but Arthur avoided the attack and caused an explosion around him. He then felt something coming behind him, but since Qats was slower than him, Arthur realized that the black figure had moved and smelled quickly, which meant that Gauntlet was in front of him. Arthur quickly calculated this possibility in his head before he readied the energy gun behind him and punched the gauntlet in front of him. In the next moment, he felt that his left hand had struck a living human body! 

Guts staggered slightly while the black figure could not get closer due to the energy gun attack. 

"This is my chance!" 

Without hesitation, Arthur attacked Qats for the second time, but the arrogant boy avoided the attack for the third time. "No!"

 The rest of the students were on their nerves, but Kevin was relaxed because he realized Arthur's goal, while Qats felt safe because he avoided the enemy's attack. He felt a strong kick penetrate his stomach and send him backwards. Arthur literally fell in order to successfully direct that attack, but doesn't this mean that the black figure will attack him?

 No, after Qats retreated, Arthur quickly turned on the ground to avoid the deadly attack by the black figure.

 "That's enough." Qats looked at Arthur with holy and terrifying golden eyes. He knew that he and his minister would be able to win in the end, but after being subjected to such an insult, how could he accept just a simple victory? He must crush his enemy hard!

 "Here she comes." Arthur felt a shiver from Qats's gaze, then he looked at the black figure that retreated behind Qats and then merged with him, but Qats's body was now like a person burning with amazing black fire.

 This form enhances Qats's physical abilities greatly and also allows him to play cards in a better way, to the point that he resembles Tato in this aspect.


 Qats disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Arthur, who tried to react but was only subjected to a strong slap that made him shiver. Then he was kicked like a football over and over again.


 This is the best description of Arthur's condition at that moment. He felt his bones being destroyed, and he felt his nose being pierced. He felt like he was concussed and lost at least five teeth and the ability to see well because of the blood.

 "Damn it, I have to fight back." Arthur tried to use the energy gun, but Qats endured the explosion as if it were a child's toy before stepping on Arthur's fingers to destroy it. Arthur screamed fiercely as a result, but he was not ready to surrender.

 "What is this, referee? You must stop the match!" "Has the referee lost his mind? This is dangerous!" In the arbitration room, there was a man who was playing the role of referee, but he was sweating and shaking violently. "The director himself ordered me not to stop this match, but this... this!"

 It was clear that this was too much, but the person who was most on the verge of the explosion was Kevin, who literally activated the power of the waves and decided to intervene, but at the last moment he saw something surprising.

Qats was breathing hard, as if he had participated in a marathon run. His movements were slowing down every second. Kevin looked at Arthur and decided to believe in him. He wanted to believe that Arthur was the one who planned this matter.

 "Good, I feel him getting weaker." Athar, who was being played with, literally started to resist a little. He avoided some of the blows but was exposed to most of them. He succeeded in causing some damage, but it was very minor. After every second, he had to try to turn the tables. Qats' negative effect is excessive fatigue.

 "It won't stay like this for long." Right now, Arthur doesn't know how miserable his condition is, but he doesn't care. He got up and saw how Qats was barely breathing.

 "Just die and go to hell!" This was the first time anyone had seen him so angry. Arthur trembled with fear but smiled miserably, which matched his catastrophic appearance.

 The fight returned to becoming more and more equal, with Qats remaining in control, but Arthur's condition was improving more. If we ignore the fact that he could barely remain conscious, suddenly Arthur felt that his body could not bear any more.

 "Oh no, no, no, no! I have to hold on longer." Arthur looked at his feet for a second before he realized that he had made a mistake by allowing his mind to be distracted, but unfortunately, Qats took the opportunity and hit Arthur hard on the ground. At that moment, Arthur realized that he had one final solution. All the strength he had left... To unleash it in one devastating attack!

 This desperate attack left everyone shocked. After they saw Arthur being hit with a devastating blow, a white light came out from both of his hands before it turned into a large explosion. It was not so large as to destroy what was left of the ring, but it was large enough to cause a large and huge hole in the floor, causing the ring to split. To floating parts like small islands, unfortunately Arthur was barely standing in front of Qats. "Damn, he wasn't affected!" Arthur's heart was racing, but his mind could not think of a way out. After all that effort, would he lose?

 "Fuck!" Arthur cursed his luck as he looked darkly at Qats and awaited his final attack.

 Qats's head was tilted downward, but he looked at Arthur out of the corner of his cold, golden eyes before raising his hand. Arthur waited for the end, but nothing happened. Qats remained in that state for a few moments, then for a minute.

 "Is he catching his breath?" "What is he doing?" Everyone wondered and did not understand what had happened, but there were three people who realized the situation. First, Kevin was an expert in fighting, so he realized that the boy, Qats, had fainted while standing. Both Michael and Arthur, who knew about Qats' negative impact, were experiencing a surge of adrenaline after this scene.

 "He has reached his limits." After minutes of silence, the referee announced that Arthur had won this match.

 After hearing the news of his victory, Arthur lost consciousness immediately, only to wake up drugged on an unknown bed and hear some strange sounds.

 "So he asked me to treat him personally? What does he see in him?" "Even I don't know." It was. Arthur heard the voices of a woman and a man, but he did not recognize their shapes. He could barely open his eyes before he went blind. On it again... Arthur finally woke up fully. He was informed that he had been under special scrutiny by an important figure for an entire hour. He must now face Kevin, his latest opponent.

 Without wasting any time, the start of the match for the title of winner was announced. Arthur was looking at Kevin decisively. He did not know who the person who treated him in this strange way was, but anything is possible, so perhaps he is a high-ranking figure in the Red Team Association, which is famous for the presence of the most skilled and best. The doctors are there; right now, he should focus on his opponent.

 The start of the match was announced. Kevin smiled at Arthur pleasantly before disappearing from his place and appearing in front of him. He quickly hit him in different areas of his body, causing Arthur to become paralyzed.

 Arthur's eyes widened in shock before he looked at Arthur's bright face.

 "You've done well so far, but let me ask you a question." Kevin put his hand on Arthur's shoulder and released some powerful waves.

 In the eyes of everyone, Arthur was shaking violently. In the eyes of Arthur himself, it was as if he were experiencing an earthquake in his body.

 "What is this creature? Is it really a human?" This idea popped into Arth's mind as he saw Kevin becoming so big that he covered the sun. He had become so huge that Arthur could not see anything but Kevin's serious features, as he said.

 "Are you that good? Are you really strong? Would you be okay facing someone like me? Do you feel hopeless and helpless?" Arthur was in a state of desire the likes of which he had never felt before, even in the face of Qats. Arthur was a bad boy. Since the death of his mother, he has specialized in crime, selling drugs, and other things, but he has never felt such desire in his life. He was unable to find the answer.

 Kevin smiled, and his features changed from serious to gentle. "The answer is that you are not like that, and you will never be strong alone...but you must realize that you are not alone. Realize this fact well, Arthur. The enemy is clear, and the friend is also clear. Combine your strength with the strength of your friends, and nothing will help you."Do you understand?" Arthur understood what Kevin said, but he was unable to answer or speak. Kevin then laughed lightly and patted Arthur on the shoulder gently before walking away from the ring.

 "I withdraw." This is how Arthur was left alone on the last track. He won

 Arthur regained his sense of reality when he heard the applause and cheers. Is what happened now really considered a victory? It didn't matter because he realized that this young man, Kevin, was someone far beyond his level. He realized that there were people who were impossible to defeat alone, even though it was still impossible to trust others, but at least he realized that some of what Kevin said was true. If he went back in time to that incident where the fox surrounded them and a group of weak teenagers, he would sacrifice them again because he believed that this was the right decision, but from this moment on, he would try to change a little... Maybe this would be for the better.