

World After world Until I Reach YOU

SAYID · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Chapter 76 - Nice reunion

Arthur did it, and he won.

Amidst his feeling of accomplishment, Arthur froze for a moment when he remembered the Deputy Director's words. He looked in his direction only to find that the Deputy Director was looking at him with a small smile on his face. Even though they did not speak, Arthur realized the meaning of that look on the Deputy Director's face. He had proven his worth.

At the exit, Kevin was watching the scene with great interest. Arthur's happy appearance was very rare, so he contemplated it for a long time before he continued his way outside and went to observe the competition for the second and third years, but to his surprise, the second-year students had already finished their competition, thanks to the overwhelming victory. For one student, and based on the words of others about how strong and brutal that student was, Kevin felt an urgent desire to meet him, but unfortunately that student had already left, so he went directly to the third-year competition, but he did not find anyone there except some employees. He searched the place. Many went around the school as well, but he did not find the location of the competition and did not meet any third-year students, so he asked one of the teachers about the reason, only to discover that the third-year students had a special competition held outside the island, and the goal of the competition was to reveal the students' ability to hunt real monsters. In the outside world. Kevin was a little disappointed when he couldn't keep an eye on the third-year students, and the fact that he didn't meet the strong second-year students as well made him lose the opportunity to evaluate them and possibly include them in his future group.

"It's okay; I'll see them next time."

With this, Kevin decided to return to the first-year students' area and met with his section mates, who at this stage had become close friends. They exchanged jokes about each other's performances and enjoyed their time. Of course, Arthur was not with them because he went to visit his sister, who was still unconscious. As for the rest of the classes, the relationship between them was developing slowly but surely. With the exception of one person who remained isolated from them, Kevin formed a smooth bond with the rest of the first-year students, even though that thorns girl was still refusing to talk to Kevin for a reason that he did not understand, but he felt... She implicitly did not have hostility toward him. The break time continued until somehow it turned into a small party, where food and drinks were prepared by some of the students and others sang and danced. In the middle of that scene, Kevin was smiling.

Not far away, Arthur was still trying to wake up his sister by talking to her and bragging about his achievement before the deputy director came in with a strange woman. The brown man with a beautiful face and large body looked at Arthur coldly before he smiled small and said

"Student Arthur, you have proven to me and to us that you are a useful person, and since you and your sister share the same parents and circumstances, it is logical to assume that she will be a useful person like you, right?"

Arthur did not succeed in understanding what the deputy meant because what he heard now was an explicit statement of the deputy director's desire to benefit from Arthur himself and from his sister. The handsome man continued when he saw the look of doubt on Arthur's face.

"Consider it this way because the director has brought the best wizard in the world, especially for you, student Arthur, and considering that this opportunity is so rare that even important and great powers in the world will be jealous of you, I am telling you to consider this decision as an investment by the director." The same is true for you and for your sister. Do you understand and realize what I am telling you?

Arthur paused for a moment to realize how heavy these words were, but suddenly he heard a female voice speaking.

"You really haven't changed; you still like to make things so complicated."

Arthur watched the woman behind the deputy director approach him and reveal herself to him. Then Arthur was able to see the woman's beautiful form. Her amazing body was vibrant and mature, and her elegant clothes made the curves in her body stand out even more, but while maintaining a kind of concealment that made... Her appearance seemed very desirable but forbidden, like a very beautiful nun. Her white robe, black pants, and gray shirt gave her a feeling of elegance and strength. Her beautiful face bore a large and horrific scar, but it did not diminish the woman's beauty in any way, and that scar was like decoration.

The woman approached Arthur's face and spoke in a mature feminine voice.

"Don't listen to that gloomy person over there. I'm doing this to return your manager's favor. Well, I also like to help cute kids like you. If someone dares to accuse you of ridiculous things, just tell them that you are under the character's protection."

Arthur's mind was numb for a moment, not because of the beauty of the woman in front of him that would charm any other man, but because Arthur was thinking about something else: a woman with a large scar on her face and a doctor so skilled that the deputy director described her as the best in the world. This corresponds to one person. Although Arthur, unlike his sister, did not spend much time finding out anything about the heroes, the institute, or the school, some names appeared everywhere so much that he could not ignore them.

The best doctor in the world, who is considered the leader of the famous Red Team, which is an international medical group, is the woman who is considered one of the most important pillars of the modern world, the one and only genius, Maryam Deepston. At the same time, Arthur realized that the strange sound at the moment he fainted might belong to her!

Looking at the astonished expression on Arthur's face, which was the same as most people she met, Mary smiled lightly before approaching his sister's bed. The doctor examined Simon fleetingly before placing her hand over her mouth, analyzing some things in her mind before proceeding. She smiled and raised the sleeve of her hand to reveal soft, white skin. She took out a small knife from her pocket, then made a small wound in her arm, but the color of the blood that fell was not red, but rather had a bluish-green color. Some drops fell into Simone's mouth, then the doctor wiped the wound. On her arm, to her surprise, the wound disappeared as if it had never existed. Then she injured another area of her arm, and this time drops of yellow blood fell on Simon's forehead before the doctor treated the new wound. Then she smiled as she turned to look at Arthur.

"You'll wake up in exactly an hour. Haha. You now owe me twice, boy. I expect you to give me an invitation to the best restaurant on this island."

The deputy director said, "Didn't you say that you are doing this to return a favor, sir?"

 Without wasting time, Maryam looked at the deputy director and said:

"What, aren't you going to drive me to the hotel?"

The handsome man smiled before turning to leave, then the doctor followed him.

The room became silent, the atmosphere was strange.

"Is that all? Just so Simone will wake up?"

Arthur was facing a shock at the moment, Doctor Maryam's fame was like that of the government and the head of the Pride of the Generation School, but....

Arthur placed a chair in front of Simon's bed and sat watching silently, with great hope and longing in his heart.


In a very distant place, a person spoke to himself in complete darkness

"Fuck, when will that boy contact me again? I'm losing my mind here thinking about it. He asked for my advice about his friend being severely beaten. Haha. Of course, I told him to remain silent and not do anything stupid, but if I were in his place, I would have burned that place down. But of course I want to." Who is the only person who can communicate with me to hurt himself? Haha, hey.... I look like a little girl waiting for a call from her lover, hahaha get it?, Yes hahaha.... Hey, I'm alone here, so who answered? Wow, amazing, I hope that Those fuckers won't talk, Aaaaa fuck my back!, Go to another world, they said! It'll be fun, they said!, I'm really having fun, haha, fish.... I want some fish, hey system, you me rap battle now, ready to go.. "


Back at school, Kevin and the rest of the guys were running to the clinic room after they met the vice principal by chance, who told them that in a few minutes something would happen that would make Arthur very happy. As a member of his future team and also his friend, Kevin must see... This event also happened and the rest of the classmates did not want to miss the opportunity to see the happy moody Arthur. After running and running, they were finally able to reach the clinic room where Arthur's sister, Simone, was. They stopped at the door, then after a little hesitation, Kevin opened the door without knocking on it so as not to... Arthur paid attention and then everyone quietly watched the scene in front of them

Arthur was hugging someone lying on the bed. For the rest of them, the girl they saw looked very similar to Arthur, but she had a look of confusion on her face. For Kevin, he realized what was happening, so he fell into a long silence as he watched this warm scene. For Arthur, That moment was the most precious thing he lived.

Moments later, Kevin entered and patted Arthur on the shoulder and congratulated him before looking at Simone and welcoming her back.

The rest of the comrades entered and satisfied their curiosity with many questions, most of which were answered by Kevin so as not to tire the brothers out. But Simone, who slowly began to understand what was happening, spoke normally with them and got to know them while she felt happy. After some time, they decided to leave the brothers alone. .

"Brother, you are really a very depressing person."

" permission ? "

"Haha, luckily I found some good buddies."


"I'm glad you're okay, brother."

"Stupid... I'm the one who should say this."

Back in Kevin's room, the handsome young man thought about sharing that beautiful moment with the great being. After all, he was there during those difficult times, so Kevin created a connection with him just to hear some voices.

"Yo sys! You are trash! Whoever makes you is nuts! So bad! Oh yeah! You took my digger you dog! Oh yeah! Yo listen...."


In shock, Kevin froze in place.


"Oh hello again human, how are you?"


"Fine? Ah, good, good."


" Yes ?"

"What were you doing?"

"Oh that... just simple singing, haha when you are alone you will get bored..."

"It was as if you were describing someone or something..."

"Oh, no, no, random words."

"But I heard..."

"No, no, just random words."

" but..."


" truly ? "

" truly ! "



For some reason, Kevin felt that his confidence in this great creature had decreased.