
Adventures of Reya

Reya is a ten thousand years old vampire who had her birth process churned anew before being abandoned at a foster home. She grows up with a human family, however due to the memory loss attained during the procedure, she grew up human not knowing her abilities as a night creature. One day she witnesses a murder from the top of a mountain between three men, one of whom got killed and turned to dust piquing her curiosity. Stealing away from her siblings watchful eyes, she climbs down the cliff to investigate what had transpired only to fall to her death. This was supposed to be the end of her story, notwithstanding, the fall only succeeded in activating her vampiric nature healing her fatal injuries instantly. Looking around, she found Ramul a strange boy who was still new to town with a girl whose face was hidden with a piece of cloth over her mouth. While their presence wasn’t overwhelming, their actions afterwards definitely was supernatural with the duo displaying extraordinary abilities. Ramul puts her to sleep disappearing into the night with the strange girl causing her to wake up the next day in her bed surrounded by her family. Henrietta a dark mage is summoned only to reveal that she is a dark creature to the shock of her mother. Not wanting to kill anyone in her family, she takes the bold choice to run away from home in terms of protecting everyone. During her flight she encounters Ramul, the strange girl and a man who claimed to be her siblings, prompting them to tell her their history when they find out her memories had not yet been retrieved. This leads her to follow them back to their castle in the dark forest as she finds out she had been in existence for thousands of years as a Primordial vampire — the first set of vampires to be created — as well as been married to a dark mage called Aaron. Everything starts getting complicated while she tries to navigate her way through the mythical world, protecting both human and mythical worlds from old threats which loom over them.

MichealAchonye · Fantasie
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156 Chs

Sibling squabble

"Well, now that you've eaten and rested, I think it's time we went back home," Enzo requested.

"Oh no I can't," I sat up with a pinch. "I might hurt my brothers or my sisters or my mother and father... "

"He doesn't mean back to the monastery dummy, he means back to the castle... with us," Umbra let out getting to her feet.

"Oh," was all I could say. I was a vampire now, it would be unwise to stay with humans while I was still changing. If I lost control and killed anyone in my family I would never forgive myself. The scenery on this field showed me what I was capable of while I was still a fledgling, only the gods knew how stronger or dangerous I would be by the time I was a full blooded Primordial.

"... now," I heard Umbra say to me.

"I didn't hear you, could you repeat yourself again?" I pleaded.

"Were you spacing out?" she asked. "Gosh, you never change."

"We're going back to the castle right now," Enzo added. "We'll follow the vegetation so we'll not be spotted by the mages or Xaj's in town."

"Can't we just zip by without them knowing?" I jokingly punched him on the shoulder.

"We Primordials can, but you can't. Remember you're still changing and you're still slower than us," he reminded me.

"Yes that is true," I answered disappointed at my weakness. Looking around the field one last time at the piled up bodies which were still burning and the red landscape painted with their life force, I believed I had to make up for this carnage somehow. The families of the slain would be waiting for them at home and I had slain them all because of my vampiric nature, I knew deep down that I had made some children orphans with my little actions and I felt it was my responsibility to...

"We have to go," Enzo said dropping a hand on my shoulder waking me up from my trance. With a nod I let him lead me through the vegetation as we blurred off into the distance.


We were getting close to the border and I wondered why we were not going to the castle. The only reason I had agreed to go with them apart from the part of them being my family was the part that I wanted to be close to the monastery so I could see Founder and the others again. However, I would not do that if I was out of town on some vampiric adventure.

"Wait!" I said, coming to a halt as they did the same.

"What is it?" grumbled Umbra.

Ignoring her I went on with my observation, "The castle is down that way. Why are we heading to the border?"

"Our mission is done," Enzo replied. "You're awake now, it's time we went back home and took over the family business."

"As what, Vampires?" I chuckled mockingly.

The brows on his face furrowed into a frown as he straightened up, "Yes, as vampires or do you have any other thing doing apart from murdering people."

"Enzo, stop," Umbra warned.

"No, he's right," I countered. "But it was an accident. How many times do I have to wail and cry about it in an unsightly manner for you to get it?"

"You don't need to cry about it, all you need to do is come with us and let us take care of the family business we've left for fifteen years of your growing life."

"I didn't ask for this y'know..."

"That's the funny part, none of us did!" his voice bawled into a shout. "You think we woke up and decided to drink blood for the rest of eternity? We don't have a choice, this has been our lives for millennials and it will be for more millennials to come."

"I'd rather go home..."

"And do what Reya? You'll murder everyone in your family before the sun goes down..."

"By the gods Enzo, will you stop it for one damn minute!" snapped a frustrated Umbra.

The both of us had a staring match before he gave a light chuckle, "On second thought, you can go back to your other family, I'm pretty sure they'll be lucky to have you after you nearly ripped off Founders head yesternight."

"Wait, you were with her?" Umbra asked in surprise.

"Of course I was..."

"And you didn't try to stop her? What if things had gone...?"

"Umbra, I specifically remember you and Ramul telling me not to interfere with Reyas human life... "

"Yeah, when she was still a baby, not when she was about to kill a human," Umbras voice had gotten so loud it could probably be heard a mile from where she stood.

Enzo folded his arms giving me an intense stare, "Whatever, I don't need this. We've got bigger problems than this."

Within a blink of an eye he was gone leaving Umbra and I alone.

"Can't we just stay together for one damn century without a conflict?"

"Look, I didn't start anything..."

"Reya, to be honest if you weren't family we wouldn't be talking right now," well that was too much honesty, I thought.

"What did I do so wrong?" I yelled in self defense. "All I did was ask a question."

"And I get it Reya, but trust me that right now you should be careful with what you say and the things you do. You caused so much damage for both the vampire and the human world during your vampiric reign."

"What did I do?"

The wind blew against us, her cloth and hair flowing majestically in the wind.

"It's a new dawn Reya, the past is the past and it is time to look into the future," her smile seemed to light up the forest. "I'm sorry for our actions towards you. Sometimes I forget that you are not the old Reya."

I wanted to push for my answer but it wasn't worth bringing up past actions of the old me. Somethings were better left buried and this was one of them.

"Shall we?" she suggested to which I nodded, following her route out of Vlagsir into a land I had never been to, filled with darkness and old magic which I could sense.