

"During a fierce battle during the Second Ninja War, a young man with red eyes fought bravely against a group of Sand Village ninjas on his own. Exhaustion had taken its toll, and as enemy attacks closed in from all sides, he seemed on the brink of losing consciousness. Suddenly, just as he was about to fall, his eyes glowed with an unusual light, though he didn't notice it. When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a strange world, now in the body of a small child. He quickly discovered that he had been transported to the world of 'Doulu,' a place filled with secrets and challenges that required him to adapt to his new situation. In the meantime, he's also trying to figure out why he's moved to another world.

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48 Chs

The First Spirit Ring.


I woke up slowly this morning, then made my way to the mirror. When I saw my face, I smiled. I was handsome in my previous life, but in this one, I look even better—perhaps because of the elegant clothes I now wear, which complement my fair skin and blue eyes. I haven't changed much from my previous appearance, but back then, my face was covered in scars and scratches from wars. Now, with those wounds gone, I feel like an improved version of myself.

Over the past two weeks, a lot has happened. After stealing that house, I went to the blacksmith the next day and asked him to design some shuriken and kunai for me. These tools don't exist in this world, so I had to explain the design in detail.

During this time, I spent most of my days training and observing. I've been studying the difference between spirit power and chakra. I found that spirit power is heavier and more difficult to control compared to chakra. But unfortunately, I did not succeed in using ninjutsu. It is difficult and takes time. It feels as if I am inventing a new ninjutsu because the control, flow, and output of spirit power are different from my previous world due to the different type of energy. In these two weeks, I only managed to shoot some fire from my mouth, and it was small and did not harm anyone, but at least I know that it is possible, and I can succeed.

 I entered the store and found my guns on the shelf in a box, so I gave him the remaining money with a tip and took the guns to try them out.

So I spent a week experimenting with weapons and my senses from my previous life began to return.

 Then she rented a cart to go into the forest to hunt monsters

 After some time, I arrived and saw people selling monster skins, weapons and many things, and people forming teams. I didn't care and went in, but the guard stopped me and asked me for an entry card. I said I didn't have one, and he said, "It's not my problem. Let's go. Don't waste my time, boy. If you want, you can find a team."

 "Hey brat, how about you go with us? We'll take good care of you."

 Suddenly I heard a voice behind me, so I turned around and saw four people, three men and a woman. I thought a little and agreed. I am not stupid. I know that because I looked like a lonely rich kid, they wanted to steal me. From their looks, in the various fights, I developed an instinct that they were stupid and didn't know how to hide their intentions, but I needed to get in, and after that I agreed and went with them.

 Having entered the forest before they had a chance, I left them behind and went away. They tried to catch me, but they failed. They should thank me because I didn't kill them for they helped me.

Now that she was away from them, she thought about a suitable soul ring for the Sharingan. Since I obtained the Sharingan in my previous life, I know that among the options are to kill a spirit beast that specializes in illusion and magic, such as a fox, a beast with ocular abilities, perhaps also a beast that specializes in perception or insight, and finally a spirit beast.

 Among the options I ruled out Illusion and Magic first, because I don't think the first Spiritual Ring for a century would have the powerful Illusion skill, and in my opinion it would be a waste.

 As for the rest, I will search for the monster that suits me

 Maybe 700 years is enough since I have two souls and they both strengthen my body, not to mention training every day for a year.

 With good control of soul power, I'm confident even trying a thousand-year-old monster, but I'd rather be careful and not take any risks

 After a day of searching, I found a fox-like animal with a sparkle in its pink eyes. When I noticed this monster and wanted to eat it because it looked delicious, I found that it always evaded me before I attacked it. After a while, I learned that the fox has a special eye, and it was 870 years old. A few hours after the attack and escape, she killed him. He died from bleeding, and I was unable to inflict a fatal blow on him. It was hard.

 Slowly, I found the soul ring rising above the monster, so I placed some traps around me and sat in a meditative position while absorbing the ring. As I expected, although it was a little difficult, I succeeded. I think if I tried with a thousand years of soul ring, I would be in danger of dying.

I checked the spiritual power inside my body and was surprised that it was 17 spiritual powers. I was surprised, and after thinking for a long time, I understood. The soul ring seemed to have given me two levels of spiritual power, and as for the other five, it seemed like they were what I had been cultivating that year in the village. This meant that I was born with innate spiritual power, and that was why the rest of the power was there. The soul is asleep in my body, waiting for a cultivation or spiritual ring to appear. well, that is good. Five spiritual powers in a year is much better than the meditation skill on this continent, but I don't know if it is better than Tang San's skill, but I decided to ignore it, and in the future I have to make some time. Hours of meditation to increase the strength of the soul

 As for my Spiritual skill, it is a passive skill that allows me to anticipate danger and slowly perceive the opponent's movements. It works in the same way as the Sharingan. Now that I think about it, I noticed that his Sharingan eye skills seemed weak. Perhaps I must absorb the Soul Ring so that I can activate its true abilities such as illusion, insight, and perception, but I don't know how. This will be the case when I obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan

On my way back, I saw four people and recognized them as the people I had entered the forest with. When they saw me, they smiled, and one of them said: Who is this? Look who came here. Hey, you brat, hand over all your money and maybe we won't kill you.

 "You're kidding, Boss. How can we leave him? We should kill him. He seems like a gentleman. He may have run away from the family, but it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side."

 "Well, you are very right. Come, you brat, so we can kill you or else we will torture you.

 I calmly looked at these clowns and said: It seems that I was kind-hearted and did not kill them, and this is how they return the favor. Well, it's better, so I'll try my new skill.

 She approached quietly without any trace of hostility. When they saw me like this, they laughed and thought I was scared. "Oh, boss, you hid the baby, haha."

 "What do you mean? Are you saying I'm scary? I'm always nice to kids, right?" Before he could finish his words, he saw something black pass by and pass him. He turned his head and saw something resembling a knife in the head of one of his colleagues. He said he was dead. He got angry and turned his head towards the boy and saw him putting the kunai in it. The eye socket of one of his friends. This scene scared him and he almost peed his pants

 "He's not a child, he's a devil." He heard the voice of the other girl who was with him, and he was shocked and shouted: Please leave me. We are blind and have not seen Your Majesty. Please leave me and I will be your servant or your dog. The answer was a knife that cut his throat after he killed the girl.


Then he left and muttered under his breath Well, it's disappointing that I didn't even get a chance to put my first skill to good use, I should have expected that from a group of clowns.

Pov: Qian Rinixu

Today I will hunt down the second soul ring of Seraph's soul. Normally, I would have hunted in the Star Dou Forest, but news had reached the Soul Hall that there was a monster suitable for my martial spirit here.

 My grandfather sent with me some Contras titled Snake Spirrar Dolu in disguise

 On the way, I saw a child who looked a little younger than me, and in front of him were four people who seemed to have bad intentions. So I decided to intervene and help him. Normally, I would ignore it, but I decided to save it. When I approached, I saw that he had killed one person, so I signaled to the guards to wait, and I wanted to see if he could defeat them, and after some time had passed, he killed them all, and the strange thing about it was his red eye. . I think this is his fighting spirit. This is the first time I've seen such a strange spirit, but it looks beautiful.

 She asked: "Uncle Yu, do you know which family this strange martial spirit belongs to?" Suddenly a person appeared in front of her and said: "I'm sorry, Young Master, this is the first time I've seen such a strange spirit."

 "Hmm, how about we invite him to the Spirit Hall?"


 "I suggest, Young Master, that we first ask about his background, talent, and life experience. He may have a grudge, in which case, we have raised a tiger to bite us."

 "Yes, I agree with you. When we get back, check it out. He seems talented and would kill without hesitation as a kid."