

Follow Uchiha's journey into the world of Dolo and how it influences events Where he is embodied after his death in the second ninja war The story will be different from the rest of the stories in terms of characters and I try to distinguish the events The hero has a cruel personality And a rather harsh silence And there is no hero system that depends on himself

Starlessii · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter Five:Leaving City

Unaware of all this he left the forest and returned to the city and then set his goal to register his name in the Spirit Hall

Then he goes to the capital, Tiandu. Why was his name registered? When you register, you get an allowance and a card. If I had it, I would have been able to enter the forest without needing a team. 

Now that I entered the hall, it seemed wide, and I also saw Su Yintao 

He was talking to a girl who went to greet him and said: Hello, sir 

He turned around and saw me and was surprised and said, "Hey, brat from the Holy Spirit Village, did you come to register in the Spirit Hall?" I said, "Yes." 

"Hey, kid, I heard Su Yintao talking about two children he awakened who had innate spirit power. Are you the one with the Silver Grass Martial Spirit or the Eye Martial Spirit?" 

I replied politely, "The one with the fighting spirit in Al Ain."

She replied, "I apologize if my request is rude, but can you show me?" 

"No problem," I answered 

I closed my eyes and opened them red 

"What a beautiful fighting spirit. She looks strong. I almost felt my fighting spirit trembling. What's her name?"

"Its name is Sharingan"

"The Sharingan seems strange but at the same time appropriately strange," Su Yintao murmured 

"Nice name," the girl replied 

"Thank you, but what is your name, sister?" 

"I'm sorry, my sister forgot to say my name is Soso." 

"Okay, you brat, follow me".

I followed him and arrived at an office and he told me to open the door. As for him, he went and I opened the door and saw an old man. He said: 'Come in, boy. What do you want? Do you want to awaken your fighting spirit?' 

"I want to register for a seat," I replied 

The old man was a little surprised and said, "Put your hand here." He showed me a crystal ball, and I put my hand in it. He shouted and said, "It is impossible, 17 soul power." Then he finished, and his expression straightened, and he said, "How many innate souls did you have when you woke up?" I answered: "10 innate souls." He was a little surprised and said, "Show me your fighting spirit." I thought it was annoying, but I showed my fighting spirit obediently, but he was surprised by my fighting spirit. He said that the first spirit ring looked older than 420 years, so I said just a little. Okay, brat, here is the card and the money. When I wanted to go, tell me if you want to join. Soul Hall politely declined and left. 

When I returned home, I relaxed a little and wanted to go to sleep after this busy day, but I meditated a little before sleeping, feeling that the strength of my soul would penetrate after a day or two. 

The next day, I took all my important things into the storage ring and decided to leave town. It's a good thing I didn't meet Tang San or the trash teacher. 

On my way to rent a carriage, I saw Tang and his teacher. When I saw them, I became speechless

 I wished I hadn't said anything, and I saw them leaving the Spirit Hall, perhaps for Tang San's registration or for his teacher to take some money from his enemies. What a piece of trash with a thick face. You may ask why he is trash. Firstly, because his spirit is a failure and did not succeed in mutating. Secondly, his spirit power is half a level, and thirdly, he relies on women for... His success, thanks to the love mind of Bibi Dong, he succeeded in entering the Wuhun Library and read some important things and some information about being the young master of the Third Sect and produced his famous book. What is strange is that he attributed all the research and sources from him and that he searched for them himself and did not mention any of them and after he left them he went to love his cousin. He gets her protection, and in the end he leaves her. The idiot wasted 20 years waiting for him and wasted her talent, and now he lives in an academy, not studying anything, just taking a place. If this is not trash, I don't know what trash is.

Well better ignore them I'm out of here 

"Hey enlil, how are you?" 


Suddenly I heard Tang San's voice. I wanted to ignore him, but he came towards me. I turned my head and greeted him

"Hey Tang San, how are you?" 

"I'm fine. I joined the academy, went to the forest, hunted a soul monster, and got my first soul ring." 

He said proudly and continued, "This is my master, his name is Yu Xiaogang. He is a well-known master, that is, famous in the mainland for his theoretical knowledge and his famous book." 

On the famous side, I agree with you, but knowing him, I disagree, I said under my breath

"Yes, congratulations Tang San on this wonderful teacher."

When the master heard that, he raised his head proudly and said calmly, "I heard Tang San talking about you, and I hate seeing a genius waste his talent. What do you think about joining the academy? I will intercede with the dean. If you do well in the academy, it is not impossible for me to help you sometimes in practice."

Strange, Tang San is not the type to talk about others, especially the last time when I ignored him, I noticed a killer intent behind me, but I ignored him, so I don't think they meant anything good. 

I understood. It seems that he wants me to be an assistant to his student or disciple. In any case, he wants me to help Tang San, but this is strange. What attracted him to me? I did not do anything eye-catching. 

Perhaps she underestimated the value of an innate soul filled with soul power. Even for the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyranosaurus Sect, it seemed rare. 

"No thanks, I don't need help." I refused without thinking. Who knows what trick they are preparing? I turned my head and wanted to go. I heard the voice of the gentleman and Tang San trying to convince me. I ignored them and went away. I rented a car and left.


"Such arrogant man. It is an honor for him to help and teach him, and this is how he responds." 

"Teacher, leave him. He was arrogant before. He used to follow me and I helped him, and when he awakened his spirit, he ignored me." 

"Okay, let's leave him. You are my student. You don't need him. You can excel with my help, and even becoming a Dolu is not a dream."