
Adventure Guild

In the world of Adventure Guild, there's 2 factions that divide those who protect people... The Adventurers and The Magic Security (MS for short.)

normal_name · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Slime in Pelican Stone! Simon's attempts at killing it!

The sun emerged from between the hills. The birds were chirping. Simon sat up on his bedroll and yawned. The beginning of a new day... He rushed out to check if they got any requests on their board... Nothing came up just yet, it was nice that the town is safe but Simon also had nothing to do. He went back to the building and waited for potential guild members... Guild's get a monthly ranking, some don't even get featured due to how many there are. He wanted to be on the rankings even if it's their first month of 'business'. That way it'd be easier to expand and recruit people to his Guild. Acquiring a rank takes effort though, as either the person has to complete 30 E rank requests or 15 C. This would put them on the lowest rank... This might not be challenging for people who start off as a group, but for solo people who are just starting off it proves to be nigh impossible to get by alone and achieve a ranking in their first month. That is why Simon is patiently waiting for other members...

A few hours have passed eventually Simon got bored of just sitting around and rather than waiting for a post to be made on his Request Board decided to check the village square. The bill board there isn't limited to a Guild while one's made on a guild's board can only be done by them. There was one which peaked his intrest.

"Help Wanted, Slimes are wandering around the outskirts of the village. We need someone to take care of them." Simon took the request down and got it stamped as 'Being Worked on'. The request was only a mere E rank so Simon believed he should be capable of killing some slimes.

Simon walked out from the gates of Pelican Stone after a short while of walking around he notices the slimes. He strengthens his grip on his sword and lunges at one of them. The slime gets stabbed through, it's now a puddle of slime. That's what Simon idea was. But after lunging and getting closer he noticed the slimes having something inside of them... Human skeletons! One of the slimes was moving around and stepped on a branch... The branch melted under the slime...

"Are these....made of acid?" -Simon mumbled to himself. Attacking with a sword seemed futile as it would only damage the sword and could dissarm him... Still he couldn't just go back and let these monsters roam free. Simon decided he'll cut off a nearby tree and make it fall on them. Afterwards roll the tree to squash every single one... Simon quickly began chopping the tree with his sword... It wasn't easy but eventually the tree gave in and fell on top of a slime. Nothing happened for a short while so Simon thought it was dead, but to his suprise after 2 minutes of the slime doing nothing, it absorbed the whole tree. Devouring it. The slime was now ten times his orignal size...but it didn't stop there it absorbed all it's brother's and was eventually taller than Simon who was 6'5. The Slime stood 7 feet wide and 8 feet tall. Simon was taken back. He didn't know what to do. Was this it? Was this really it? He thought to himself... Simon closed his eyes, accepting his fate... The slime nudged closer and closer... A couple of minutes pass by... Nothing happens... Simon slowly opens his eyes to see that the slime is frozen solid. 

"What the- Who did this?" -Simon said, not a single person was around... He himself didn't know magic yet so he knew someone must be nearby...but even on the mostly empty outskirts there was no sign of anyone... 

Simon was saddened that he couldn't even complete this E rank request... Of course, normally slimes aren't made of acid so the request it self was ranked at a lower tier than it should have been. Even so since it was Simon's request that was put on 'Being Worked on' so whilst he wasn't the one who defeated them, he was able to turn it in for some Galore. E rank requests don't give too much so he only got 3 which, for an E rank was quite high. It allows a person to get food for one day. Simon began walking back to his guild... He noticed two people moving in something that seemed like another board. He rushed over to see.

"What's going on here?" -Simon asked confused on why the two were in his Guild

"Oh, you must be the owner. Pleasure meeting you, sir. We got here by teleport... We were asked to deliver the holographic notice board on rankings... It also has the feature to look for nearby Guild's to seek out competition for a friendly rivalry! Sole Adventurers are also mentioned, those without a Guild may be willing to join you. Seeking nearby ones out could help you grow. That is why we briught you this board. Since you've completed your first request you are now the Leader of an official Guild that has been registered into the HQ! This is your welcome gift. Oh, right. It also keeps track of the requests you have done. Come, let me show you how it works."

The two people dropped it of on the Guild's main hall. Simon observed curiously as the man tapped the screen twice which then lighted up with text. 

"Please enter Guild Name:"

"Alright, sir. If you may tell the board the name of the Guild..."

"Oh uh I haven't figured that out yet but... For now, let it be Soaring Lions."

The board noticed the input. 

"Guild:Soaring Lions. Leader:Simon. Members:1 Requests done:1E... I noticed the lack of members. Would you want me to look around for potential people who could join you?"

"Alright, well sir. We'll be going now... HQ is waiting for our return." -The two people went off and left the Guild house. Simon waved them off and went back to the holographic board... He noticed on the side that there was text. Official Leaderboard for Adventurers...

"Hm... O.L.A.... Alright board! From here on out I'll call you Olaf!"

"...Alright. Simon, would you like me to look for potential members?"

"Yes, Olaf that'd be great!"

"Okay... This process will take me a while... You may rest I'll set an alarm."

"Hm... Alright. I've been wanting to get some shut eye... Well, goodnight Olaf... See you tomorrow...?" 

Simon didn't really understand how Olaf worked but he appreciated the delivery people. The board itself seemed quite useful especially for starting off a Guild. Tomorrow Simon had the chance to get himself a new member, excited he lays down on his bedroll once more. He sighs of relief and shuts his eyes... Tomorrow his guild will finally kick off.