
In the beginning of it all.

Simon, ever since he was a child he wanted to be an adventurer... Those who protect the weak, fearless and strong warriors which prevail! During his childhood him and his brother Issac used to always play around and pretend they were the members of a famous adventure guild. Their village also had a retired adventurer which the two always went to for stories... His name was Michael, he told them stories of being in the same guild as the most popular adventurer currently. Rolend the Monster-Slayer! Back when the two were in the same guild he was nothing but a rookie adventurer... Whenever they weren't playing, or bithering the old man the two would spend time with their mother Alysia. The two never really knew their father... He was a member of the Mage Security, MS for short. The MS came long after the Adventurers did... They planned to replace them completely, use magic only to rid the world of evil. It was a noble cause...even so they had weird policies... Such as if someone were to leave their jurisdiction they could get fired, it happened quite a few times... There was even a rule under any circumstances no MS may harm another person unless for self-defense... Be it stopping a brawl, murder, or a robbery. Only self defense is prohibited. Otherwise they will get a strike... Three strikes and the person gets fired... Under special circumstances depending on what....it may result in the execution of the MS officer.

The Adventurers had quantity, whilst the MS had quality... They were far stronger. Which made the Adventurers job harder... As if a village were to request an MS post... All adventure guilds must leave as soon as possible...no matter what. This sometimes caused trouble and eventually the two factions began to despise each other... They tend to avoid each other now at all cost... Even so more villages are beginning to rely on MS rather then the Adventure guilds... It's due to the increase of monsters and their power... A couple years pass by, the monsters still live on strong... Rolend only got stronger... The situation between the MS and the Adventurers haven't changed... Simon became 16. He planned to start his journey early so he may have potentialnto become even stronger... His brother Isacc also did that but it's been 2 years since and neither Simon nor their mom Alsyia knew of his whereabouts... Simon knew he was safe. He had a feeling. His mom whilst not wanting to let go, said goodbye with these words...

"Trust me when I say this... Your father would be proud..."

Simon smiled and waved... He didn't really understand though... His father was an MS officer, he'd be disappointed... Simon didn't think too long about it though... He ventured through the forests of Etheria. He felt excited, the retired adventurer Monty gave his old sword to Simon. He wielded it with pride... He didn't give it to Issac due to him declying the offer because he uses a small battle axe rather than a sword... Simon's walk was quiet... He only heard the birds chirping... No slimes, wolves, or any monster in sight... He felt a bit relieved as he far off in the distance he could see a town... He plans to open up his own Adventure Guild and become it's leader... He wishes to follow in the footsteps of Rolend and become the next greatest Adventurer! Well, right now he would need to only get stronger... He trained with the sword, but never went out to hunt with it... He's a bit inexperienced in monster hunting. So in a way he was lucky to not get swarmed by monsters in the forest... A few minutes pass by and he gets to the village of Pelican Stone! Since it was close to the forest a wall surronded the entire town. Simon went around the place eventually finding the gate and it's keeper.

"Hello there! I'm sorry but could you open the gate? I'm an Adventurer!" -Simon

The gate keeper was spacing off before Simon began talking to him

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure."-The Gatekeeper pulled a lever and open the gates letting Simon in. The town whilst medium in size was bustling with life... Children were playing around, the market was full of people. It seemed like a great starting point for Simon. He smiled as he took the first steps in Pelican Stone...

"Now to find a place that I could afford... I did save up a 100 Glore... I should be able to buy a big enough place to start off with!"- Simon mumbled to himself.

Simon went to the bank of Pelican Stone... There he explained to the receptionist what he was looking for. From there someone took over and lead him out of the bank.

"So uh... what's the place like?" -Simon

"You'll see soon sir." -The man reassured Simon.

The two turned a corner to reveal a messy middle sized abandoned adventure guild at the side of the wall with a billboard infront of it...

"Is this...it?" -Simon asked curiously

"...Yes, with that much sir... This is the best we could give y-"

"I LOVE IT!" -Simon interuped the man who became shocked after his reaction

"O-oh? Uh yes well... That's uh... Great! So would you like to make the purchase?"

"Yes! I'm excited for this! I've been wanting my own Guild house for so long..." -Simon

"Alright then, sir... Follow me back to the bank then you'll have to pay, sign some documents and the place is yours!"

"...Aww that sounds boring...but fine. If that's what it takes..." -Simon said who then began following the man back to the bank.

A few hours pass afterwards Simon comes out of the bank completely drained off energy with the documents under his arm.

"Gah- that was so boring..." Simon held the documents in his hands "Atleast now I have these! Gahahaha!"-Simon was excited to have his own Guild house, be it that it might not be the best. It was still something he could call his. To him, that's all that mattered. Simon went inside the buidling... He went to the sleeping quarters which had around 4 beds all of which were full of dust and messy... For now Simon rolled out his bedroll which he took from his hometown... Before finally laying down to rest Simon went out and wrote on a paper 

"Adventurer's Wanted!

 New guild opened up on the West side of the town. Our guild's name is yet to be decided.

Hope to see you there! -Simon"

He ran over to the village square and pinned the note onto the main notice board. Finally he went back to his Guild house. It was getting quite a bit dark, so as Simon went in he decided he should rest for now. It's been a long day... He layed down on his bedroll and yawned before falling asleep in the matter of minutes... 

Tomorrow is another day...

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