
Advent Of Shadow Monarch

Short version: A weeb dies and reincarnates in Tensura with the powers of Shadow Monarch. Long Version: This is a thrilling tale of a man who finds himself thrown into the dangerous and chaotic world of Tensura, where powerful beings capable of destroying entire planets roam free. Will our protagonist rise to the challenge and become the strongest among them? Or will he choose to hide and live a quiet life in this unpredictable realm? Follow his journey and discover whether he can overcome the odds and claim his place as the ultimate Being? One thing is for certain, you won't want to miss this exciting adventure! ——————- This work of fiction is not intended to infringe upon any existing copyrights or trademarks, nor is it intended to challenge the ownership or rights to the characters, settings, or plot lines of any established intellectual property. All characters and elements are the property of their respective creators and owners. This work is a creative interpretation of existing works and is not meant to be a representation of the original work, but rather a transformative work of fiction. Any similarities to existing works or characters are purely coincidental. This is for entertainment purposes only. Support me on my patreon and read 12+ advanced chapters :- patreon.com/ColdNoodles My discord server link: https://discord.gg/DvAQxSVy

Cold_Noodles · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Fighting Lizard boss.

Damien continued making his way towards the dungeon boss room as he skimmed through the floors that held him back from reaching his goal before the dungeon expelled him.




As he continued to fight, he grew stronger, and his shadow soldiers also grew stronger, aiding Damien. Damien was on the 30th floor, the final floor before he reached the dungeon boss. His mana had been significantly depleted by the continuous battles he fought. With a swift slash of his dagger, he sliced off the head of the last remaining Alpha lizardman. Now, only one remained, his final objective before being expelled from this dungeon.

Damien stood amidst dozens of lifeless bodies of lizardmen, his eyes glowing in a purple hue, and his bloodied dagger stained with dripping blood on the rocky terrain. Damien surveyed his surroundings while his shadows awaited his further command. He was exhausted, having battled for an entire day. The dungeon monsters proved to be more numerous than he initially thought.

"Shadows, enter my shadow and rest before we slay the dungeon boss," Damien commanded. The shadow army obeyed, bowing their heads in unison and slipping into his shadow. Damien found a rock slab and made his way towards it to take a quick break and replenish his mana before the final fight in the dungeon.

"Hmmm, I've made faster progress than I anticipated," Damien smiled with satisfaction, pleased by his swift advancement. Damien rested for half an hour and fully restored his depleted mana. Pushing himself up from the stone slab, he took a deep breath and steadied his nerves for the upcoming battle. He glanced at his shadow, where he could see multiple purple eyes staring at him with dedication and unwavering loyalty. He grinned and nodded towards them. "Let's do this."

Damien began to approach the massive door of the dungeon boss, his senses heightened for any signs of danger or traps. The dungeon door appeared identical to the door of Khalf, the goblin king's dungeon.

As he neared the door, Damien felt a sudden surge of adrenaline. This was it—the moment he had been waiting for. Gripping both holders firmly, he pushed with an exhilarated grin on his face, his abyssal daggers tightly clutched by the hilt.

As soon as Damien opened the door, a tremendous amount of mana surged out from the room, creating a suffocating sensation. Damien clenched his teeth and shook off the oppressive mana by channeling his own. Stepping forward, he was confronted by a colossal shadow looming over him. Damien raised his head, his black hair fluttering in the air. Before him stood a massive reptilian-like creature, covered in tough white scales with four fish-like fins adorning its back. It wielded two enormous tridents with golden-tipped, sharp edges. Saliva dripped from its razor-sharp teeth, and its elongated tongue slithered out from its mouth. Instead of legs, it possessed a massive tail that supported its towering figure. The boss peered down at Damien, emitting an ear-piercing roar, and charged forward with one of its tridents, ready to engage him head-on.

Damien activated his mana manipulation, deftly encasing his daggers in black mana, and met the boss's attack with precision. The two clashed, causing ripples of mana to radiate upon collision. Their weapons clashed and slid against each other as they battled for supremacy.


Damien was pushed back slightly, indicating the reptile possessed greater physical strength. As the boss intensified its attack, Damien was forcefully propelled into a pillar. However, he didn't relent. Momentum carried him backward, crashing into the wall. He groaned, feeling the pain surge through his entire body. Yet, a grin formed on his face as a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins. This was what he had been waiting for—the thrill of battle, facing stronger opponents.

With a swift movement, Damien pulled himself out of the wall, distancing himself slightly from the reptilian monster. His tattered clothes regenerated as he utilized his skill, 'appraisal.'

[Skill activated: Appraisal]

Name: Zumba

Level: 41

Race: Hybrid of Naga and Lizardmen

Title: King of Lizards and Nagas - This title grants a complete monopoly over lizards and nagas.

Description: Zumba is a hybrid of the Lizard and Naga races. As a proud king, he wields enormous dual tridents, showcasing his formidable strength.


Enhanced Strength: Possesses superhuman strength, enabling him to effortlessly lift objects many times his own weight.

Size Manipulation: Can change size using mana, becoming either smaller or larger.

Regeneration: Able to regenerate lost limbs as long as Zumba has spare mana. Regeneration is not possible after decapitation or when stabbed in the heart.]

Damien examined the appraisal screen with a grim expression. While he didn't possess many skills, the ones Zumba possessed were troublesome. Nevertheless, Damien wasn't one to shy away from a good fight. He brushed off the dust from his clothes and ran his hand through his slick black hair, clearing away the accumulated grime. Suddenly, a quest notification appeared.

[Notice: Quest Issued]

Objective: Kill the Dungeon Boss

Rewards: 100 stats points and Skill [Berserk]:- this skill can be triggered through intense emotions like:- Fear, grief or Anger can result in the Host temporarily losing control of their action and gain a huge power up]

Damien grinned, preparing himself. He knew the monster before him was formidable, stronger than any opponent he had faced thus far. If he wanted to survive, he had to give it his all.

Standing firm, daggers held loosely in his hands, Damien spoke softly but with enough volume to resonate in the room, "Come forth, soldiers." As the words left his mouth, dozens of blackish-purple monsters emerged from his shadows. Goblins, Hob-Goblins, and Alpha Lizards stood behind their liege, while a massive goblin-like creature positioned itself in front of the other monsters, showing respect to their king.

Zumba was slightly taken aback, his eyes reflecting a mix of confusion and curiosity as he witnessed the emergence of the black army from nowhere. He acknowledged the presence of the enormous goblin and the human who seemed to be their leader. A grin formed on his face, as he considered them strong but not strong enough to defeat him.


Zumba roared, exposing his menacing, saliva-drenched teeth. Charging towards Damien and his shadow army, he brandished both tridents, emanating a raw blue mana. Gripping his immense trident, he hurled it with full force at the shadow army.


The trident soared through the air, tearing through anything in its path. Damien watched as the incoming trident aimed directly at him. With a grin, he swiftly drew both daggers. "System, allocate 300 points to strength and 200 to endurance," Damien commanded. He upgraded his stats, intending to withstand and fight the boss on equal footing. Gripping his daggers tightly, he lunged forward, meeting the oncoming trident head-on.

"UGHH, GET THE FUCK OFF!" The clash of their weapons generated sparks, and Damien, refusing to yield, was pushed back slightly in the air. He exerted all his strength, redirecting the trident's trajectory, causing it to crash into the crumbling wall.


The entire dungeon trembled as the trident struck the room's wall. Damien, after the clash, observed the boss trying to comprehend what had just happened. He knew he possessed greater power than Damien and had thrown the trident with maximum force, intending to annihilate them in one strike.

Not missing a beat, Damien lunged toward the boss, aiming for his heart. However, his pupils contracted as he witnessed the monster's trident intercepting his attack. Damien's instincts screamed at him to retreat, and without wasting a moment, he swiftly evaded the monster's strike. As he blurred away from the monster's chest, a colossal claw slammed down on the spot Damien had occupied mere seconds ago.


The collision unleashed a shockwave, a testament to the tremendous power behind the attack. Damien whistled, looking at the boss. "That could've been bad," he remarked.

"KRGH," the boss responded with a snicker, baring its teeth.

Damien had reached his limit, aware that time was running out before the dungeon would collapse. He sighed, once again standing firm with his daggers in hand, and commanded, "Attack, shadow soldiers!" Obeying their liege's order, the soldiers charged fearlessly towards the colossal boss. Their eyes showed dedication and unwavering loyalty to their liege.

Led by Khalf, the soldiers engaged in battle, while Damien joined the fray, launching an all-out attack on Zumba.

The battle raged on for what seemed like an eternity, with Zumba relentlessly destroying Damien's shadow soldiers as they tirelessly regenerated. Exhaustion weighed heavily on Damien, knowing that the longer the fight dragged on, the more mana he would require to sustain his army. He channelled all his skill and power into the battle, evading and manoeuvring around the boss while his shadow soldiers served as distractions. Whenever an opportunity arose, Damien swiftly struck with his dagger. However, Zumba's regeneration capabilities rendered all his efforts futile, as he healed within seconds.

Realising that his current abilities were insufficient, Damien decided to make a final push to end the battle. "System, allocate 100 points to each stat," he commanded, seeking to augment his overall strength.

[Notice:- using 100 points in every stat, affirmative.


Name: Damien

Powers: Shadow Monarch (First Awakening)

Level: 35→ 38

Job: none.

Title: The Goblin Slayer, Champion of Eternal Darkness

HP: 10,000 (Regenerates 1000 per 5 seconds)

Mana: 20,000 (Regenerates 1000 per second)

Strength: 2500-> 2600

Vitality: 2000-> 2100

Agility: 2500-> 2600

Intelligence: 150-> 160

Sense: 120-> 130

Unallocated stat points: 100

Total stat points: 7,590


[Shadow Manipulation: Shadows are the true trait of an assassin. The host can control shadows to some extent, allowing them to move freely without being noticed.

Mana Manipulation: The host can manipulate and use mana more prominently. As the host of Shadow Monarch powers, the host will have a huge mana reserve.

Formless Dual Daggers: Daggers are the blade of assassination and the weapon of shadows:-

Activating this skill grants the host more movement speed, agility, and strength by 1.5% for 30 seconds. The effects are stackable each time the host hits an opponent, increasing the attack by 3.2%. The maximum stackable effect is 12. This skill doesn't have any form as it is formless, so the host can evolve it and make their own

Shadow extraction:-The most powerful ability of the Shadow monarch, which lets him Extract his defeated opponents' shadows and make them integrated into his army with loyalty. The shadows will last as long as the host has mana to keep them up. They are immortal beings

Shadow exchange:- it is a teleportation ability which lets hosts switch places with the shadow. Distances don't matter as long as they are alive, the host can even teleport to different realms.]

Damien could feel an immense surge of power coursing through his veins, causing his muscles to bulge slightly. Grinning, he savored the newfound strength.

Without hesitation, Damien lunged forward, his telepathic voice reaching Khalf's mind, instructing him to create a distraction while Damien planned to deliver the finishing blow. Activating his Formless dual daggers, which further enhanced his strength and speed, Damien swiftly maneuvered through the ranks of his shadow army.

Upon receiving Damien's order, Khalf pondered his options, growling in frustration. Suddenly, a mischievous grin spread across his face as he punched the lizard's lower half and tightly grasped its tail, squeezing with all his might.

"KUNGHHHHHHHH!" Zumba bellowed, feeling the excruciating pain of his twisted and squeezed tail. He thrashed his body from side to side, desperately trying to dislodge Khalf, but the goblin held on with unyielding determination, knowing that he couldn't be killed.

Seizing the opportunity, Damien dashed forward at his maximum speed, his blurred figure appearing next to Zumba's heart. His daggers, infused with dark mana, were poised to strike. However, Damien quickly realised that the boss's scales were too resilient. "Shit! SYSTEM, allocate 100 points to Strength!"

In response, the system confirmed the addition of 100 points to Damien's strength attribute, fueling him with even greater power.

ROAAAAARRRRRRRR! Zumba's furious roar echoed as his eyes turned blood-red, his rage focused solely on Damien. With both hands, he lunged toward his right chest, aiming to crush Damien like a pesky mosquito. But it was too late. Grinning confidently, Damien felt an influx of power surging through him. He continued pushing his daggers deeper and deeper into Zumba's chest. In a split second, the daggers finally pierced the boss's heart. Yet, Damien didn't stop there. He poured his own mana into the wound, attempting to halt any further regeneration.

KURGHHH! With a final screech, Zumba collapsed to the ground. His massive body lay motionless, his tongue dangling from his mouth, and the light in his eyes extinguished. It seemed to be the end of Zumba.

Standing atop Zumba's lifeless form, Damien panted heavily, his body drenched in a mixture of his own blood, sweat, and Zumba's blood. He had achieved victory, defeating Zumba in the epic battle. Grinning triumphantly, he acknowledged Khalf's instrumental role in their triumph. Without the assistance of his loyal soldiers, Damien knew he couldn't have emerged victorious. Exhausted and nearly depleted of mana, Damien's body throbbed with pain.

Damien let out a deep breath, feeling the weight of the battle slowly lifting off his shoulders. He found a spot to sit on Zumba's massive corpse, taking a moment to rest and recover. Grateful for the assistance of Khalf and his loyal shadow soldiers.

"Khalf and shadow soldier, thank you very much".

He thanked Khalf and the shadow soldier, they bowed their heads and cheered happily, and Khalf burst into tears "Hick- it's my duty, my lord hick" Damien just smiled at his behaviour.


How did y'all like the chapter? I tried my best to write a good fight scene, hope you guys enjoyed it.

Thank you guys for reading the chapter and if you are enjoying this Fic add it to your library and throw some Powaahhh stones, anyways, cya chads tomorrow, take care.

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