
Don‘t you hate me?

~huuuge time skip~

-dynamite era (~2020)-

„And… Cut! Good job boys! You can rest for now", the director told them.

Immediately Taehyungs smile dropped.

When they were on camera they had to pretend to get along. Even though they had worked together for almost 7 years now Taehyung and Jungkook still hadn't really become friends yet their relationship was getting better.

Taehyung wasn't avoiding him all the time and sometimes even seeked his company when non of the other members would pay any attention to him.

Jungkook had found interest in Taehyung, he on the other hand hadn't really found anything he liked about the younger boy.

They still shared the same dorm as when they first debuted, except now namjoon also lived with them as he had complained all the time how hoseok and seokjin teased him.

When the time came for the announcement of their upcoming world tour, all of them were excited, even Taehyung didn't complain.

When they were first practicing for their tour Jungkook accidentally fell asleep in the dance practice room as he wasn't getting much sleep due to the busy schedule they had before their tour.

When he woke up around an hour later all the members had left except Taehyung who fell asleep beside him. To Jungkook shock the older boy had his arms wrapped around him.

When Taehyung noticed that he was moving he quickly released him from his grip allowing him to get up.

Jungkook still frozen in shock stared at him while he quickly got up grabbed his things and left the room.

Even a few days later this absurd situation was still stuck in Jungkooks head. He tried asking Taehyung about it a few times but he avoided him even more after that instance.

All of the boys were exhausted from the tight schedule of the tour. They had many photoshoots together with the long concerts they had little time for themselves. And the free time they had they mostly practiced.

Jungkook managed to ask Taehyung about the instance in the practice room but he never really got a clear answer. He always just mumbled something about being too exhausted to think and thinking he was someone else.

But Jungkook didn't really want an answer.

He really just wanted to feel his arms around himself one more time.

They were doing a photoshoot for a make up company when the photographer asked Jungkook and Taehyung to pose together.

Taehyung tried to argue but the director was set on the idea of them together on the cover of their advertisement.

Reluctantly Taehyung stepped towards Jungkook.

Jungkooks heart started beating faster as they waited for further instructions from the photographer.

They did as they were told but Taehyung only moved after being told to multiple times.

He reluctantly wrapped his arm around Jungkooks shoulders making the younger boys heart flutter.

Jungkook could feel the heat rising to his cheeks.

He never thought he would be this close to Taehyung ever again. And he enjoyed every moment that he felt Taehyungs arm around his shoulders.

When the photoshoot was done they could finally have some free time.

Jungkook and the rest of the boys decided to explore the city a bit. Taehyung ob the other hand just left without telling any of them where he went.

Jungkook tried calling him multiple times but he wouldn't pick up the phone.