

Entering my new school and class I was so nervous, I thought I would easily become popular as I was in my previous school but it was the opposite. This school was the most interesting school I have ever seen. My classmates were fun and also funny but at the same time really serious with their studies. They actually influenced me in a good way. There I found a close friend named Justin. He was a boy. In high school people had a mentality that if a boy and a girl are close that means they like each other but, we were just close friends and nothing more. Well let's leave that story for another time.

My class really challenged me that I started reading my books again. In my first term things were really tough especially now I entered grade 10. I had to cope with all the new subject like chemistry, physics etc. it was really tough and I got really bad grades in all of them.

Growing up I always wanted to become a doctor but the more I grew the more I became confused. Many things were going on in my mind . I really wanted to become a singer or an actress but in my country before you succeed in the entertainment world it's by luck. I actually discovered my love for art and finally decided to study law but I heard that lawyer are literally bookworms so I had to challenge myself.

One day our English teacher was teaching when all of a sudden she started giving us advice and telling us that we should dream big and not limit our dreams and work towards it. she said ' You can dream to be a doctor abroad but what will stop that dream from coming true is when you tell yourself you cannot do it and you will see yourself not doing it. But when you accept it and say YES! I can do it then you will make the impossible, possible. You have the power to determine your future ' And that was the speech that inspired me to think big. At times when I'm in the bathroom I always imagined graduating and having me own law firm abroad. When I told my parents my Mum supported me but my dad said I couldn't do it. He belittled and insulted me until I couldn't take it anymore I ran to my room and cried myself to sleep.

I was actually surprised when I saw my results because I actually improved a lot.

During my holiday there was a big problem in my family. It was falling apart and so I had to pray for two things. and that is the restoration of my family and the fulfillment of my dreams. The hardships we were facing was really a struggle for I and my brother. My mum was so sad. we always tried to lighten up her mood but for some reason she always seems to get angry. And back then the quads weren't born r

yet. Every night I always hear my mum pray to God and cry herself to sleep. This was because my dad was cheating on my mum and has started talking of divorcing her. I always ask God one question and that is when will things be alright