
Acheron in Tensura

Rain poured down, mingling with the blood that soaked the ground. Death and loss surrounded a girl clutching a long katana. Her black hair framed two long red horns protruding from her head—she was an Oni, a rare evolution of the ogre species. She stared at the monster that had destroyed everything—her friends, her family, her home. It resembled a dragon but was something else entirely, its form shifting between liquid and solid blackness. Disclaimer: I do not own any anime or the characters in them.

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23 Chs

19. Horny jail

 (Day One)

Some time had passed, and once again, Milim was departing on another adventure. She waved enthusiastically to both of her aunties, her eyes sparkling with excitement. With a final cheerful shout, she launched herself into the air, flying away like a superhero.

Acheron and Luminous stood side by side, watching Milim's form grow smaller against the sky. When she was finally out of sight, they turned back toward the palace, a new sense of purpose in their steps. Today marked the beginning of Luminous's training with Acheron.

In the palace courtyard, Luminous waited with a sword in her arms. It was a classic knight's sword, slightly thinner than usual. Acheron approached her, her eyes critical.

"This is not good," Acheron remarked, her tone blunt but honest.

Luminous's spirit sank at the comment. She had hoped to make a good impression. "We need to choose a different sword for you," Acheron continued. "Something lighter."

After some searching and several trials, Luminous found herself holding a rapier. It felt right in her hand, light and balanced. Acheron nodded approvingly. 

"Much better," she said, with her stoic face. "Now, let me see your posture."

Luminous straightened up, gripping the rapier and positioning herself as best as she could remember. Acheron stepped closer, inspecting her stance. She began adjusting Luminous's posture, her hands firm and precise as she corrected each detail.

Luminous could feel her cheeks growing warm as Acheron's hands moved along her arms and shoulders, correcting her stance. The closeness, the touches, they all made her heart race. She blushed deeper, struggling to maintain her focus.

"Now, it's not the time for that. Focus, focus," Luminous chided herself silently, trying to push aside the distracting thoughts.

Acheron continued to instruct her, demonstrating the best ways to attack with the rapier. She moved gracefully, her expertise clear with every motion. Luminous tried to mirror her movements, feeling clumsy at first but gradually growing more confident under Acheron's guidance.

"Watch closely," Acheron said, positioning herself in front of Luminous. "The rapier is about precision and speed. Unlike a broadsword, which relies on brute strength, the rapier requires finesse."

Acheron demonstrated a series of thrusts and parries, each movement swift and precise. Luminous watched in awe, captivated by the fluidity and control in Acheron's technique.

"Now, you try," Acheron instructed, stepping back to give Luminous space.

Luminous took a deep breath and mimicked Acheron's movements. Her thrusts were awkward at first, her parries hesitant. Acheron moved beside her, gently correcting her form.

"Keep your wrist loose, but controlled," Acheron advised, her hands guiding Luminous's. "And remember, always aim for the openings."

They repeated the exercises over and over, with Acheron providing constant feedback. Gradually, Luminous's movements became more fluid, her confidence growing with each successful thrust.

"Good," Acheron said, nodding in approval. "Now, let's practice your footwork. The rapier demands agility. You need to be light on your feet."

Acheron demonstrated a series of steps and lunges, her feet barely making a sound on the ground. Luminous followed suit, her steps initially heavy but growing lighter with practice. Acheron continued to adjust her posture, her hands firm and reassuring.

As the training session came to an end, Luminous was exhausted. She made her way back to her room, her breaths coming hard and fast. Collapsing onto her bed, she couldn't help but think about the touches, the way Acheron had been so close. Her mind wandered, imagining how Acheron's lips might taste, how her touch might feel in a different context.

"Wait, am I really that down bad for Acheron?" she thought, a mix of embarrassment and longing filling her.

Luminous lay back on her bed, her fantasies taking over as she imagined scenarios where Acheron's touch was far more intimate. Her heart pounded as she let herself get lost in the thoughts, the intensity of her feelings surprising her. She realized that her feelings for Acheron went far beyond admiration; they were rooted in a deep, almost desperate desire.

(Day Two)

The next morning, Luminous woke up with a renewed determination. She headed to the courtyard, finding Acheron already waiting, her stance relaxed but attentive.

"Ready for another day of training?" Acheron asked, her eyes assessing Luminous with a hint of approval.

"Absolutely," Luminous replied, gripping her rapier with a newfound confidence.

Acheron observed Luminous's grip and stance as they began the day's training. "You've grasped the basics quickly," she remarked. "I see you're comparing the movements to dance."

Luminous nodded. "Yes, it helps me understand the flow and grace needed for the rapier."

"Good," Acheron said. "Today, we'll move on to sparring."

Acheron drew her own weapon but kept it sheathed, using the scabbard for their practice. "This will help you learn without risking injury," she explained.

They began sparring, Acheron's movements swift and controlled. She used her scabbard to tap against Luminous's rapier, testing her defenses and forcing her to react quickly.

"Focus on your footwork," Acheron instructed, her strikes coming from unexpected angles. "Keep your movements fluid and stay light on your feet."

Luminous concentrated on her steps, trying to anticipate Acheron's attacks. The sparring session was intense, each clash of their weapons resonating in the courtyard. Despite the difficulty, Luminous found herself improving, her reactions becoming quicker and more precise.

"Good," Acheron praised, her tone encouraging. "Remember, the rapier is an extension of your body. Feel its movements and let it guide you."

As the session continued, Luminous began to lose herself in the rhythm of their sparring. She felt a sense of exhilaration, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Acheron's presence, so close and commanding, only heightened her focus.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Acheron called for a break. "Well done. You're making excellent progress."

Luminous nodded, feeling a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment. She made her way back to her room, her mind racing with thoughts of the training session. Acheron's guidance, her touch, the way she moved—it all filled Luminous with a confusing blend of desires.

Collapsing onto her bed once again, Luminous couldn't help but replay the day's events in her mind. The way Acheron had corrected her stance, the closeness during their sparring, it all made her heart race. Her thoughts grew more intense, imagining scenarios where Acheron's touch went beyond training, where it became something more intimate.

"Am I really that desperate for her?" Luminous thought, a blush spreading across her cheeks. She lay back, her fantasies taking over as she imagined what it would be like to be with Acheron in a more personal, passionate way. Her hand slowly sliding down and started to touch herself. She put soundproof barrier on the room.

(End of a chapter)